Inside Out Weight Loss: Understanding Your Fat Hormones
with Jon Gabriel and Dr. Ron Rosedale
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What you’ll learn:
- The important hormone affecting weight: leptin
- What leptin resistance is, and how to reverse it
- All about insulin and glucose
- Integrating healthy fats & proteins into your diet
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I am wondering if you can be leptin resistant without high blood glucose levels. I always test in the normal range for blood glucose whenever I have been tested (which admittedly is not that often) but I do have around 100lbs to lose and therefore obese, and from the class, what would seem to be leptin resistant.
Hi Susan,
Yes, you can be leptin resistant without high blood glucose levels.
Still struggling with this. Listened to the interview with Dr Liebowitz, I think I need to integrate all 3 tals and maybe. Is ther a simple way to think of th play of leptin/insulin/cortisol. I haven’t been able to hold that idea in my thinking what is the sequence of their interaction? Concurrently, were is the point of interaction where our conscious,minfulness, step could alter the trap these three present?
Hi Sharon,
All you really need to understand is that chronic, low grade stress, whether it’s from the wrong foods, digestive problems, toxins, medications or mental and emotional stress basically sets up a chemical condition in your body that forces you to gain weight.
I’m reviewing this information and it’s so much to absorb, it’s going to take time. The one thing I don’t get at all is what is. Cortisol and how it plays into our body mechanics. It doesn’t seem to be the hot topic in diet infomercials any longer… gencoba (sp???)…. but it seemed to be a hot topic that was discussed a lot a while back.
Still struggling with this. Listened to the interview with Dr Liebowitz, I think I need to integrate all 3 tals and maybe. Is ther a simple way to think of th play of leptin/insulin/cortisol. I haven’t been able to hold that idea in my thinking what is the sequence of their interaction? Concurrently, were is the point of interaction where our conscious,minfulness, step could alter the trap these three present?
Hi Sharon,
Cortisol is a stress hormone. It gets released into the body as a result of stress. It tells the body to become less sensitive to insulin and leptin. So stress causes cortisol, cortisol causes leptin and insulin resistance.
I am not quite sure what you mean when you say “where is the point of interaction where our conscious,minfulness, step could alter the trap these three present?”
Is it possible to get to listen to dr. Rosedales talk now/ after his session?
I also have trouble with down loading the night visualisation
net connection is not always available.
How can you make sure that the Stevia you bye are healthy and not full of chemicals?
Hi Bente,
The interview with Dr Rosedale is recorded so you can access it whenever you want. Try downloading the night visualisation onto your computer and using that downloaded version to listen to each night. If you are still having problems please contact our team at and they will sort this out for you.
To ensure the Stevia you are purchasing is not full of chemicals read the ingredients list. Make sure that Stevia is the first ingredient listed and that additives like rebiana, dextrose and maltodextrin are not included. Hope this helps.
Den – GM Team
When Dr. Rosedale explained, “Thyroid levels go up when leptin goes up” I so wanted him to keep going and address how exactly hormonal balance impacts hypothyroidism.
If increased leptin cause high thyroid levels then is HYPOthyroidism an effect of low leptin levels because they might equally lower thyroid levels? I am not sure all this makes sense to me, but would love to understand!
Jon, might you be able to explain the direct impact leptin levels have on Hashimoto’s?
and conversely what may need to happen in the body/hormonal relationships in order to reverse Hashimoto’s (as was explained with reversing Type II diabetes)
Perhaps this has not been found yet scientifically, but it’s piqued my curiosity, so hope these questions are okay!
As someone who has personally reversed Hashimoto’s and overcome Adrenal Fatigue in this process of mind-body healing, I found it most helpful to remember to first things first: eating well is very important. Eating plenty of fresh vegetables and some healthy fruits (not too many). And, you want to avoid pro-inflammatory foods, which pretty much includes all fried foods, all refined foods and any foods cooked at high temperatures. Eating meat is fine, but eating a lot of meat can be pro-inflammatory due to the formation of arachidonic acid, so don’t overdo it here. Also, nightshade vegetables can cause inflammatory problems with some people, including tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and potatoes. Most research shows great anti-inflammatory effects of omega 3 fatty acids. You can also add turmeric to your foods as well. Also, get in the sun because Vitamin D is great for reducing inflammation as well. 🙂 However, I am sue your are pretty much doing all of thee things already since you are following the GM method, which I personally think is awesome. 🙂
Great advice Erica. And congratulations on your amazing health accomplishments!
I thought the same thing Marisol..I would have thought HIGH leptin would cause HYPOthyroidism and LOW leptin would cause HYPERthyroidism..maybe its confused logic?!?
In regards to the health of your thyroid, leptin resistance might actually increase the risk of developing an autoimmune thyroid condition. For those who already have an autoimmune thyroid condition, the primary goal should be to address the inflammatory process, to help suppress the autoimmune component of the condition first thus usually addressing the leptin. If you want to read more, you can check out this study as well as others.
That’s correct Erica,
Leptin resistance does increase the risk of developing thyroid problems, because leptin the brain to send a message to the thyroid to produce t4 hormone. When we have leptin resistance, the brain doesn’t send that message to the thyroid, so you t4 production is decreased. I’m pretty sure leptin resistance interferes with t4 being converted to t3 as well.
Erica this is beyond helpful, thank you SO much! Congrats on all of your incredible successes and all of your wonderful working knowledge on this topic – you are a wealth of information! I would love to connect with you offline to hear more of your story as I am on the same path to trying to reverse my Hashimoto’s 🙂
agreed! doc wants to put me on thyroid meds because my T4/T3 are very low…
Does GM back up not giving cows milk to children and just using other sources of calcium for their growing bones?
If so, I would greatly appreciate a list of other natural calcium sources that you recommend, thank you!
Sorry, to clarify, I mean substitute recommendations that are NOT dairy based.
(for dairy recos I am good as I will just look for raw milk cheeses, raw kefirs, etc.)
Hi Marisol,
There’s lots of great sources of calcium. Chia seeds, sesame seeds, seaweeds like Wakame and Nori. They’re excellent sources of calcium and are actually much more easily assimilated than the calcium that’s in pasteurized dairy.
Just finished listening to the interview with Dr. Rosedale – a wealth of information, loved it, thank you!
We have been hearing for some time now from many integrative nutritionists that milk is something we might want to reconsider giving our children after they wean off breast milk (we are the only mammal that feeds our young the milk of another animal after the first year of life!), but the information from Dr. Rosedale on how calcium can interrupt cellular communication is upsetting to say the least given all we have been told all our life about calcium = strong bones!
So my question is: Am I to then extend this information beyond milk and reconsider how much calcium my body or my children’s bodies need in order to not interrupt cellular communication?
If so, how much is recommended for adults? for children?
I so want to use all this knowledge to set my kids up with the proper nutritional habits so they don’t have to face any of these weight or chronic disease issues as adults.
I am with you, this information is sooo important. Looking forward to the responce
great question..
Most people believe that cow’s milk is one of the the sole sources of calcium, good marketing on the part of the Dairy Council. As a matter of fact, a Yale study that analyzed 34 published studies from 16 countries found that the countries with people who consumed the highest levels of dairy and animal-based products had the highest levels of osteoporosis.
Simply put, consuming more calcium does not directly correlate with stronger bones. Calcium absorption is a crucial second step. When one cup of milk is consumed, approximately 32% of the calcium is absorbed. Compare this to the calcium absorption from leafy green vegetables, such as bok choy, that produce up to a 70% absorption rate.
The final aspect of calcium metabolism that has been largely ignored is excretion or losses. Excessive dietary protein and sodium will increase calcium losses in the urine. Also, medications such as antacids containing aluminum have been shown to increase calcium excretion.
Sources of well-absorbed calcium include chia seeds, collard greens, bok choy, broccoli, chinese cabbage, kale, mustard greens, tempeh, tahini, almonds, almond butter and okra. Oxalic acid, which is found in spinach, rhubarb, chard and beet greens binds with the calcium in those foods and reduces its absorption and thus are not readily considered good sources of calcium. Calcium in other green vegetables is well absorbed. When you realize that there is as much or more calcium in 3/4 cup of collard greens as there is in one cup of cow’s milk, it is easy to see why groups of people who do not drink cow’s milk still have strong bones and teeth.
Thanks Erica!
Den – GM Team
Wow Erica, thanks SO SO much for the breakdown in your explanations – so incredibly informative!
So, a totally random question (but amusing):
I went to see Lone Survivor with my husband against my better judgment as I really do not enjoy war movies (but I wanted to go and enjoy something with him that he had really been wanting to see for a few weeks) and it was SO graphic and violent that I could feel my Fight or Flight response totally kick in for a good part of the movie (heart racing, upset, muscles clenching, hands over eyes, etc.).
QUESTION: As I am consciously trying to eliminate low grade stressors, is it detrimental to go and watch sad, scary or emotionally jarring movies?
Or am I over thinking this and it will not inherently work against our GM efforts? I felt a bit frustrated afterwards, like I had “done” that to myself when I didn’t need to feel stress that evening.
Hope the question/concern makes sense!
Hi Marisol,
An important part of the process is to be gentle to yourself. Do not beat yourself up about these things and next time you can make a different choice.
The Gabriel Method Team
So how do you know when your not leptin resistant any more? After 11 months on GM I no longer crave anything, don’t feel hungry often, eat everything I should, am calm and happy, so feel these are signs that leptin must be ok now….but not seeing any significant weight loss. Your comments would be appreciated!
Hi Annabel,
Those are signs that both leptin and insulin resistance being reversed. Weight loss usually follows these signs, within a few months.
I have listened to Dr Rosedale’s webinar a few times and find this very interesting.
A friend of mine has recently lost 35kg counting calories and running.
She is below a healthy weight now. Her menstrual cycle has stopped. I just wanted to ask how this is affecting her leptin/metabolism/insulin and fat programs.
She believes she can maintain this if she continues to run 10km for 6 days a week which will maintain her metabolism.
She asked the OB about her cycle and he was not concerned but has recommended medication to prevent osteoporosis.
Would love to hear your thought on this Jon.
Hi Janine,
That’s usually a red flag when the menstral cycle has stopped. As far as leptin and insulin, her body seems to be functioning fine on that level. Although overexercising can become a chronic stress that can cause leptin and insulin resistance.
Fascinating lecture. I’d come to the conclusion after much reading, listening and thinking that a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet was the way to go but never understood exactly why…now I understand. I have also struggled to make the transition from burning sugar to burning fat and am very happy and excited that Jon can show us the way to do that.
Hi Susan,
Great to hear!
This is interesting but it’s kind of hard to accept that fat is the most important part of our diet. I don’t have a gall bladder, lost mine when I was 18 so I have trouble digesting fat, for example things fried in coconut butter or oil I get terrible indigestion. What do you suggest?
Please take digestive enzymes with hydrochloric acid or bile, with every meal.
An amazing body of information, I’m glad to have such easy stepping stones to understanding leptin resistance.
I’m shocked about the thoughts presented regarding calcium. I’ve been encouraged to take calcium all my life, for bone health. There must be some science that supports this idea. There has to be a signal for the body to use the calcium. That is clear and to much calcium contribute to leptin resistance OMG.
Should we ask our Doc. For a leptin level? Seems important, is there an A1c type test for leptin that defines your level over time?
Hi Sharon,
Leptin levels will not determine leptin resistance, so it’s not worth taking any test. Try to get your calcium from natural, bio-available sources, like seaweed, tahini, healhty salts and chia seeds.
OMG! Great interview. Everything was sooo right on. The most success I have had with weight loss in the past has been on high good fat, low carb, moderate protein diets. My trainer always tried having me on way to much protein. I would always end up eating about half what he suggested and did great. I have High bone density, and very large muscle mass. Fat as well, but very large bones and bulky muscles. I have never had a problem building muscle or strength for tha matter, but always struggled loosing fat. Anyways, what I an getting at is the all makes a bunch of sense to me and I want to thank you both for sharing if with me.
Glad that you enjoyed the interview!
I would like to hear more about how thyroid levels go up when leptin goes up…would u then have hyperthyroidism? What would the levels of leptin b if u had hypothyroidism?
Hi Leah,
What Dr. Rosedale is saying is that when leptin resistance goes away, the brain sends a message to the thyroid to produce more t4 hormone. This will help you lose weight, but it won’t cause your thyroid to become over active.
Amazing talk and knowledge shared here. Completely turns what I have been doing & telling my children for years, on its head. Thank you Jon & Dr. Rosedale.
What an eye opener! Thanks for hosting this Jon!
I am a type 1 and 2 diabetic and I am insulin dependant, and this has completely turned everything I was ever taught upside down! Thank you 🙂
Type 1 is completely different disease process than type 2. You can probably cure the type 2 part, but will still need to treat the type 1 with insulin. I apologize for interjecting, I’m a doctor and concerned that as a type 1, you don’t suddenly stop your insulin. Good luck with this journey! 🙂
I know this 🙂 I have however managed to reverse it previously for a 3 year period, so its worth watching to see what happens.
Absolutely! I hope you have wonderful results!
Dr. Rosedale was terrific. learned a lot. His commentary on the client with peripheral neuropathy really perked up my ears. He seemed to imply that the guy went from “numb” to ‘severe pain” (which he saw as progress) and implied that would “go away soon.”
Having had PN for 4 years with no one ever telling me ‘it would go away soon’ my interest was peaked of course. I went to his website and saw his health/diet plan and it’s full of quite severe restrictions…big time!
Thus you see the confusion … your whole idea is ‘avoid restriction’ , but he is supposed to be the admired ‘metabolic guru’ of disease reversal and that’s clearly not his idea??.
Since I ‘am’ that client with the pain, etc….I’m not sure what to think?
Dr. Rosesale is fabulous. His program doesn’t take into consideration the subtle point that forced restriction can lead to dysfunctional eating relationships and activate a famine response. He just recommends his ideal diet as so many professionals and asks you to follow it. Also his diet is very high in dairy, which can cause inflammation and lead to leptin and insulin resistance.
That being said, his basic understand of the metabolic physiology of weight gain is excellent. There are so many pieces to the puzzle and the issue needs to be examined from a mind body perspective in order to fully address the real triggers. That’s what where doing in this program and Dr Rosedale offers a truly valuable contribution.
The real take home message of the talk is how important it is to address leptin and insulin resistance in order to solve weight problems. But no one diet is the answer as it’s focussing on food alone, which is just one part of the equation.
Makes perfect sense!
…Dr’s never factor in the mind body connection, and we are so complex.
The fact is I’ve been presented with similar to his diet before as ideal for me and couldn’t stay with it….failed!
Maybe once I address my own mind body connection here, the Kaleidoscope may turn slowly and I’ll have a different vision of it all….which may ultimately lend itself to allowing me to live ‘closer’ to the ideal without feeling so deprived and miserable.
I guess that’s why I’m here 🙂 (as if it were that simple 🙂 No one but you that I know of is addressing these key issues of the mind.
Impressive program content yet despite the quality of the facts presented by Dr Rosedale for me the key elements & applications remain unclear. Will look out for his book &
Hi Janelle,
For the practical applications of this webinar and all the information in this course, please stay focused on the weekly action steps. They incorporate everything into tangible steps that will help you address all the physical, mental and emotional triggers and lose weight easily and naturally.
What an amazing webinar. Thank you Jon and than you Dr Ron Rosendale.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Fascinating interview. I was wondering if taking statins (crestor) and other cholesterol lowering drugs might interfere with cellular communication while I’m introducing all of these good foods and fats into my system. Any thoughts there?
It’s possible. Certainly all drugs are stressful to the system in one form or another. But stay focused on mind body health and nourishing your body for now and then check back with your doctor in a few months to see if you still need the medication.
Thanks. Also, wondering why no mentions of Kombucha in any of your materials. It is a fermented drink and I do really enjoy it. Do you have any thoughts on it?
Would also like your thoughts on prepackaged coconut flour/meat wraps like the ones from Julien Bakery. Or almond/coconut milk from companies like Silk. Off limits?
Hi David,
Donna Gates talks about Kombucha in her lecture, and she’s not really happy about it because she says that it can actually cause Candida. Certain types of things when you ferment them can actually cause Candida, according to Donna Gates.
Coconut flour is a good flour to cook and bake with. If you’re eating a wrap made out of coconut flour, that’s a really good option. As long as the almond/coconut milk is not sweetened then it should be fine.
Hi – great information thank you. I understand the principles if cellular health an hotmail function you discussed what I would really like us to understand better how to put this into practical use.
1. What fats can you cook with aside from coconut oil?
2. Are there particular fats to eat and when? Does timing have any impact ie before activity?
3. How do you access your fat storage better? Again a timing or combination of foods perhaps?
4. What type of oil is sesame oil and is it better to be avoided?
Thank you very much for all the super information.
Kind regards
1. I also cook in Red Palm oil (Nutiva) and add it to smoothies and everything else! It has all the Vit E components (the 4 tocopheryls and 4 tocotrienols).
A little olive oil for very low fat cooking is maybe OK.
Pasture butter is an excellent fat, and like raw milk, promotes good teeth (Ramiel Nagel).
4. My understanding is that all the seed oils are PUFA’s (polyunsaturated fatty acids) and to be avoided. I guess that includes sesame oil – which is great for the skin and hair and oil-pulling, however!
Hi charlotte and Shira,
I don’t agree that polyunsaturated fats should be avoided, you just shouldn’t cook with them. But all omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated. They are truly essential for weight loss. You can get them from chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds and other seeds and nuts. You can also get them from cold water fish and greens.
Sesame seeds are a combination of omega 6 and omega 3’s. the oil is fine, but again don’t cook with it. I don’t recommend you cook with olive oil either.
Other good cooking oils are ghee, or clarified butter, avocado oil and cold pressed grape seed oil.
You access you fat stores by reversing leptin and insulin resistance, which can be done by following the action steps in this course.
Isn’t the best source of omega 3 grass fed beef? Animal sources of omega 3 can be even more available than the (also great) plant sources like Chia and flax. Also organic eggs and walnuts are good omega 3 sources.
Hi Kjersti,
Yes, those are good sources of omega-3s, and yes, animal sources can be better. They’re just tough because they get corrupted when you cook them. The omega-3s get corrupted. So technically it’s a better type of fat, but it’s very hard to get it uncorrupted. The best is from cold water fish.
Hi. Great program so far, especially the recipes. Is Dr. Rosedale familiar with the diet from Dr Simeon in the 1950’s that used the hormone hcg to pull the fat from the stored area of the body using a very low 500 calorie per day diet? There is not hunger doing the diet. How does that work with the liptin levels?
Hi Dorothy,
I am very strongly against the HCG diet. The diet typically has a rebound affect that can last for up to a year. I’ve worked hundreds of people who have suffered from this rebound.
Yes, this was a jammed-pack webinar! Wonderful!!
Happy you liked it!
That was a phenomenal webinar and I am really eager to incorporate more of the healthy fats into my diet. 2 questions – where does goats cheese/yogurt sit in terms of saturated fats? The other questions is I have bad skin and am prone to break outs. I used to think this was made worse by increasing fish oils in my diet. But is it in fact the bad oils being eliminated through my skin? And if this is the case over time will my skin heal itself?
Hi Nandan,
Often our body will push toxins out through our skin and will appear in the form of breakouts. Drink plenty of water to help your body to hydrate and flush and continue to add in high nutrient food. Rebounding/Yoga/Movement are great things to add in as they help your body to eliminate toxins through other channels thereby not having to rely on the skin. If your body is detoxing through your skin, it sometimes gets worse before it gets better but as long as you continue moving in a healthy direction this should balance out over time. Avoiding chemical body care products is a big part of this as well.
I hope this helps,
Then why would we all need to call in at the same time??
Hi Cheryl,
This is scheduled to fit in with the program and objectives for this week. The class has been intentionally made available after Jon’s class to tie in and add to what has been discussed so far and to ensure there isn’t an information overload all at once.
Hope this helps.
Den – GM Team
Absolutely fascinating!
Will need to re listen.. so much information in here.
Glad you enjoyed the interview!
That was an amazing and fascinating class! I’m going to have to watch it again because there was so much new information – contrary to what you are often told. And yet, it makes much more sense. Thank you Jon and Dr. Rosedale!
Dr Rosedale does not seem to recommend the amounts of veg and fruit that John does. Additionally, he eats a lot of nuts, which are more omega 6, yes? How does the Gabriel method address this?
Hi Jason,
Yes Dr. Rosedale’s diet is slightly different than what I would consider the ideal diet. Nonetheless his information is truly valuable.
I am a physician and have recommended all people, especially overweight or diabetics, to cut out the simple carbs. Of course, in practice it is difficult to do. I hadn’t heard the leptin information or calcium information before. I can see the value in all he says, but having experienced ketogenic diets (I really felt wonderful) at some point willpower waned and I was craving fruit. It felt weird to deny myself something so natural and delicious. I love how the Gabriel Method is sustainable and focuses on listening to your body rather than denying it. Do you have a particular opinion on vitamin D?
Hi Kjersti,
Yes I also don’t believe it forced restriction because it’s not sustainable. As I’m sure you know I believe in adding as much healthy foods as possible and addressing the other triggers and letting the body self regulate. I personally don’t take or recommend vitamin d supplements. I try to get my vit D from lots of sunlight and real foods.
maybe it’s supposed to be this way – the second class of the week is a recorded class….
Hi Nancy,
Yes the second class each week is pre-recorded. We have to do it this way because of scheduling challenges. Our team of experts are extremely busy and we can only interview them when they’re schedule permits.
its saying the actual event is over I only have an audio tape. is this the class?
Laurie Mazzone
Hi Laurie,
This is a recorded interview. The audio you hear is the class.
Best regards
Den – GM Team
Unfortunately, can’t seem to get on the webinar… will see it rerun…. will check again a little later…. make lemonade.. or maybe green juice… teh hee Sharon
Hi Sharon,
Its not a live event – so you haven’t missed the class. It is a recorded interview between Jon and Ron.
Hope you enjoyed your green juice…..:)
Den – GM Team
which endocrine gland secrects leptin ?
Hi Farideh,
Jason is correct, your fat cells secret leptin.
Den – GM Team
Its recorded class??
Are we all in recorded class?
Hi Helika,
Yes this is a recorded interview.
Den – GM Team
Seems like there’s been a snafu technically. Maybe the live session will start as soon as it’s been worked out…
Hi Ann,
This isn’t a live event. If you have any questions – please add them here in the comments section and we will answer them for you.
Den – GM Team
me too – just able to access a recording I’ve already listened to
Hi Nancy,
This isn’t a live event, it is a recorded interview with Ron. Hope this helps.
Den – GM Team
How do I get on here for this class. The link I see is not taking me there
Hi Molo,
There isn’t a live class – this is an audio recording only. If you have any questions please ask them here and we will answer them for you.
Den – GM Team
So I can’t get past the recording…anyone else?
Hi Karen,
This is a recording – there isn’t a live class to attend. If you have any questions please add them here in this section.
Den – GM Team
Is this a live class or a recording?
I believe it’s a live class but I can’t get gotomeeting to download on my macbook.
and a recording comes up automatically
ahhh so frustrating!
poop ,I can’t get in to the program
Hi Sharon and Jayne,
The audio should start straight away. This isn’t a live event.
Den – GM Team
Hi Nandan,
This is a recording.
Den – GM Team
As I think about Toxicity as one of my low grade stressors, I wanted to ask Nadia a question if that’s okay?
Since the Detox I have stayed with a handful of changes from our Detoxifying your home/skin segment (so happy with the natural cleaning products, the Weleda substitute for aluminum based deoderants, etc.)
However, as I switched to Coconut Oil as my daily moisturizer, I have noticed that with all the winter heating it just isn’t doing the trick for me. My skin is really dry and I have reverted to once in awhile using CeraVe or Aveeno moisturizers, but along with using them now I feel a bit of anxiety that I am doing something wrong knowingly 🙁 What would you suggest given this explanation?
Thank you so much for your insight!
Hi Marisol,
You are doing great with all the changes you are making. If coconut oil isn’t doing it for you, it is certainly okay to use something store bought – just make the best choice possible, buy the one that is the most natural. You may also want to try olive oil, sesame oil or almond oil as I have found these to be good topical moisturizers as well.
Hope this helps,
I am using (in addition to coconut oil) Dr. BenKim’s JONAH lotion for dry skin. I checked all the ingredients and they are basically good and non-toxic. He developed it for his 2 sons because the air is so dry in the winter in Canada and they had the same issue as you.
thank you so much Nadia and Shira for the recommendations, will look into them 🙂