Initial Session

A TTCE Session runs for 30 minutes.
The client is aware of this and is expecting this length of time spent.

Keeping to the below structure for an Initial TTCE Session allows time to successfully begin a strong coach/client relationship, set expectations of program, begin diagnosis and prescription of Action Steps for transformation.

  1. Greeting : 5 minutes

    • Welcome to TTCE

      Spend a short period of time in light and personal conversation with client.
      Focus of this period is the client not you, however an introduction of who you are and experience, etc is valuable for the client to know.
      Make notes of personal detail they offer about themselves (work, family, friends, hobbies, etc). Other details on client can be gathered from their Application Form (birth date, where they live, etc)

      Using these details in conversation will strengthen coach/client relationship, build trust and provide a better coaching experience for the client as they feel connected and listened to.

    • Explain format of TTCE

      Quickly explain to client how their TTCE works. What they receive, the structure of the sessions, follow up notes, etc. For more details on TTCE format see here

    • Set expectations of GM
      TTCE is not a ‘lose all your weight in 6 months’ program. It is a transformational program, where the client is a student of The Gabriel Method and we are here to support and teach you the actions required to turn off your FAT Program, not just for 6 months but the rest of your life.

  2. Diagnosis : 10 minutes

    The Initial Session is the beginning of a client’s path to transformation. It is therefore not necessary or desirable to load them or overwhelm them with Action Steps.

    Begin to collect information here to allow you to determine the initial number of Core Action Steps best suited to your client.

    This information is gathered from their Application Form, FAT Trigger Quiz (if they have done it) and through Coach/Client Q&A.

    Examples of Questions you may ask here are:

    • Tell me how did you come across GM? And what parts of it have you been able to add to your life?
    • Often a person’s FAT Program is one due to a lack of something, could be water, sleep, nutrition but even a lack of time, love, connection can be a real reason your FAT Program is on. Do you think this applies to you?
    • Sometimes the FAT Program is on to insulate you from an external environment. It is keeping you safe. Do you feel now or in the past, your environment of where you lived, who you lived with, socialised with, worked with was a trigger for your FAT Program?
    • On that same 1-10 scale, how “in control” do you feel of your emotions right now? 1 is completely in control and a 10 would be crying, nervous, anxious or any of those strong emotions that sometimes feel like they control us.
    • If you can rate your stress for me with 1 being no stress and 5 being totally stressed out. What is your current level of stress?
    • This past week, how did you feel about your food choices? Tell me on a 1 to 10 scale, with 1 being terrible and 10 being perfect.
    • How many days this past week were you able to do something physical inside or outside, such as playing in the park, taking a walk, going to the gym or anything like that?
  3. Prescribe : 10 minutes

    • Assign Core Action Steps

      From the initial diagnosis of your client’s present circumstance allocate which of the Core Action Steps to prescribe in this Initial Session.

      If your client is experienced with GM it may be appropriate to prescribe a number of specific FAT Trigger Action Steps. This would be rare.

    • Connect Core Action Steps to client diagnosis

      Communicate individually each Action Step and work with the client, to add them into their life. Ensure they understand why and how to successfully add each one.

      Use resources available within The Gabriel Method to further educate and implement these Action Steps.

  4. Conclude : 5 minutes

    • Coach led visualisation

      Lead a quick, simple visualization with client to imagine the coming 2 weeks. Specifically, have client visualise succeeding with their prescribed Action Steps and associating them a positive experience.

    • Thank and conclude

      Always thank the client for their time and their participation in the session.
      To ensure they understand what their TTCE looks like for the next 2 weeks ask questions similar to:

      ‘are you satisfied with the session today?’
      ‘is there anything you’d like me to clarify or missed you’d like answered?’
      ‘are you clear with what to add this month?’

      Conclude the TTCE Session with confirming you will send Follow Up notes asap.

    Important: remind client to book their next session with your booking link provided at bottom of Follow Up notes.

    Smile, look at camera and end call