Understanding Digestive Health with Jon Gabriel

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What you’ll learn:

  • How digestion works
  • Modern day digestion complications
  • Friendly vs. unfriendly bacteria
  • Eating for good digestive health

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90 comments on “Understanding Digestive Health
  1. Mary Alice O'Connor says:

    Do cooked greens like chard, kale and/or parsley substitute for a green shake that is made with a green powder rather than with fresh vegetables. i do not have a great juicer although the food processor could work.

  2. Kelley says:

    and another questionโ€ฆJon used to recommend Xylitol but now seems to lean towards Stevia, why is that?

    • Janine says:

      Hi Kelley,

      “Stevia is always a better sweetener, from a health perspective. Xylitol has gotten a lot of bad publicity these days because of how processed it is, so I usually mix Stevia with coconut palm sugar. Between the two, you can get a sweetener that doesn’t have a bitter aftertaste and doesn’t elevate your blood sugar too much, and it’s easy on the digestion and it’s not too processed. -Jon”

      The Gabriel Method Team

  3. Kelley says:

    The recommended dose of digestive enzymes seems to vary between brands. The one I bought says to take one with meals. Should I still take two as recommended by Jon?

  4. judith.koy@novartis.com says:

    I am a vegetarian and have a following questions with regards to the ERecipe Book:
    I do not see many pulses and not much mention to Tofu or Protein replacements. I would appreciate guidance on uncomplicated vegetarian options which I can add to salads etc to fill me up, since I am also not a great cook either.
    Many thanks in advance.

    • Jon Gabriel says:

      I would avoid tofu, soy milk and other soy products, except fermented soy, such as tempeh, miso and tamari. Tempeh is great to add to salads, so are sprouted beans and legumes, high in protein and easy to digest, but they must be sprouted. Add chia seeds and sesame seeds for protein too. Have a protein smoothy once or twice a day with a raw vegetarian protein suppliment. You can add it to water, coconut water, nut milk or coconut yoghurt, with berries and or spinach.

  5. Deborah Hutchings says:

    Yep me too. – need the audio pls

  6. Julie Walton says:

    Can I please down load this as a audio as I find it much easier to find the time to listen to it. Thanks Julie

  7. Beata Jostmeier says:

    I am looking for Chia bran but cannot find any that says organic, even the same brands that sell certified organic chia seed? Any thoughts?

  8. Beata Jostmeier says:

    During the cleanse Jon mentioned grape seed oil as a possible cooking alternative, yet his cook book does not seem to mention it among the healthy oils. Can Jon shed light on this? Thanks

  9. Molo says:

    I had a couple questions posted yesterday at the end of class and got distracted by a knock at the door and having to then leave after four, Alaska time, to go pick up my son. I asked that they be answered I writing but didn’t think about when the webinar was over I would not be able to see any of it anymore. Can someone respond on here to my questions please? Also what does Jon think about raw honey and real maple syrup?

  10. Annah Winheld says:

    Are we able to down load the core classes?

  11. Crystal Stivers says:

    woohoo! it works !!

  12. Crystal Stivers says:

    why do I keep getting week #1

  13. Angela Anderson says:

    I believe the link to Core Class: Digestion is incorrect. It is replaying the Core Class from the first week.

  14. Sandra Neill says:

    The core class digestion recording seems to me the first core class and not from last night. Thanks

  15. Erica Liebenberg says:

    hi, I am a diabetic and my doctor prescribes metformin in the form of Glucophage. I have suspected for a while that this could not be so happy for my digestion and gut. I will not discontinue any meds without speaking to my doctor, but please can you help me with this

  16. Rose Dallal says:

    Hi Den,
    Writing while listening to Jon earlier, I didn’t actually phrase a question.
    I’m eating pretty good and listening to visualizations. But an H. pylori gut infection has been draining my energy for several months. How do I heal my gut?

  17. BRIDGET DURHAM says:

    I’m finding the erectile book quite cumbersome between downloading and the using it…is the available in paperback for purchase?

  18. BRIDGET DURHAM says:

    Did anyone catch the names of the two doctors that were menopause experts….? Is this info posted somewhere?

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Bridget,
      Dr Liebowitz is an expert on menopause, and Jon has also interviewed Marcelle Pick and Dr Sara Gottfried for our Support Group GM Show interviews – if you are a Support Group member you can access these interviews in the GM Show archives. All of these three experts have websites if you are wanting more information.
      Hope this helps
      Den – GM Team

  19. BRIDGET DURHAM says:

    What is Gabriel greens from action steps this week?

  20. Audrey White says:

    Does Kefir go bad? I bought some but have been a wimp to try it for a few weeks so I haven’t opened it yet.

  21. Erica Sanchez says:

    I have noticed that the recommended sugar, is coconut sugar which is a blend of glucose and fructose. I understand the Low-GI aspect of this as only glucose registers on the glycemic index and nearly every cell in your body can metabolize glucose. However, only your liver, can metabolize fructose. So, fructose doesnโ€™t raise your blood sugar: it goes straight to your liver to metabolize. The problem is that your liver doesnโ€™t do a very good job metabolizing fructose and inflammation often results. Is there a good reason to overlook the inflammatory issues in dealing with Coconut Sugar?

    • Annah Winheld says:

      HI, This isn’t an official response, just my understanding. Coconut sugar is a whole food with if I recall 16 nutrients, plus low GI. The body uses it as a whole food. In small amounts the result is more nutrition being aware of the fructose and eventually reducing it to I believe a total of about 15gms/day so the liver does not over work.
      Part of the transition to whole foods and less cravings. Hope this is useful and will be corrected if not accurate. Cheers

      • Erica Sanchez says:

        No problem, thank you Annah. I appreciate your response. I will not use it as an additive still. Fructose is possibly the most metabolically damaging sugar on the planet. Fructose contributes to insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Your liver eventually repackages that fructose as triglycerides. Simply put: whether you want fast fat loss or to avoid metabolic syndrome, fructose should be extremely limited in your diet. The one exception is fruit, which contains fructose but also comes packaged with fiber, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Even then, I would limit fruit. I find it odd, that GM recommends against agave, another low-glycemic sweetener thatโ€™s incredibly high in fructose; and while not quite as high in fructose as agave, coconut sugar contains nearly as much fructose and calories as table sugar. And, like honey, the high fructose content overshadows the few nutrients it provides. Coconut sugar is also known to increase cravings and make a sugar habit difficult to overcome. Thank you for your response either way, I have reversed an “incurable” autoimmune disease, Overcome adrenal fatigue and have freed myself of 149 pounds of toxic overload and protection since I embraced a mind-body approach to wellness and I am anxious to pull it all together to free myself of this last 38 pounds. So, thank you again. Much love. ๐Ÿ™‚

        • Jon Gabriel says:

          Hi Erica,

          Congratulations on your success so far. Yes coconut palm sugar has some fructose. No sugar is perfect. I prefer it because it’s less processed and easier to digest than table sugar and therefore less inflammatory. It actually has less fructose than table sugar and lower on the GI. I like to mix it with stevia to lower the amount of sugar required.

  22. Rose Dallal says:

    I have difficulty healing from a Helicobacter pylori infection.
    The duodenal ulcer I had has healed, but the bacteria is still there, causing several health issues.

  23. William Fell says:

    I am 45 and have been asthmatic all of my life. I know I am allergic to almonds, walnuts, etc. etc. I am also pretty sure I am allergic to chia and flax. Is this something I can build resistance to? I would love to know my options. By allergic I mean my throat swells up.

    • Nadia Harper says:

      Hi William,

      I believe our body can always change, adapt and heal. While your body doesn’t want these things you need to listen to that.

      Hemp seeds are really nutrient dense, maybe you can try these.

  24. Sharon H says:

    If you are eating fermented food several times a day(3 to4x), do you still need to take them in pill form?

  25. Mary Alice O'Connor says:

    Hi Den,

    I can’t see the slides either. I had them a minute ago…it must be in another view.

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Mary,
      I hope you were able to find the slides again! If not, the replay will be available in about 24 hours – and you will be able to see them then – if this helps.
      Den – GM Team

  26. Janell Roberts says:

    Hi Den, I can hear Jon but cant see him or any powerpoint slides. This is the first live class I have been able to attend. Am I doing something wrong?
    Could you please help?

  27. Marisol Rocha says:

    Also from article:
    “Nuts- Most types of nuts are a good source of protein and healthy fats and can be eaten in moderation without problem. Nuts also contain phytic acid, so consuming them in excess can be problematic for tooth and bone health.”

    I eat almonds and walnuts daily without reservation or consideration for “how much” Should I be concerned to limit it to a certain amount to keep it “in moderation?” Would love GM position on this.

    • Nadia Harper says:

      Hi Marisol,

      Obtain raw organic nuts and soak them before ingesting them.

      Be sure that you are eating live food in your diet as well. Things like dark green leafy vegetables will compensate for anything that may be weakening your teeth and bones.

  28. Marisol Rocha says:

    Thank so much Den for posting the link to the article on vegetable oils. My only confusion is that I know GM promotes flaxseed and chiaseed oils as wonderful omega 3 options and to not worry about portion but to just listen to body.

    However, it just sunk in (from Dr. Rosedale talk and this article) that these are PolyUnsaturated Fats. In this article it says that we should really limit that type of fat as our body is only 3% composed of it.

    How does Jon address the following statement from the article? (I am wondering if I should be concerned about making flaxseed oil my go to salad dressing oil which I use liberally multiple times per day (in daily green me up Johnny, 2 salads/day, etc):

    From Article:
    “Flaxseed Oil- Though it contains a good amount of Omega-3s, it also has a lot of Omega-6s and its high Polyunsaturated fat content makes it prone to oxidation if heated. Fish oil is a much better source of Omega-3s, and in general, I donโ€™t recommend flax oil, though it certainly is not the worst option.”

    • Nadia Harper says:

      Hi Marisol,

      I believe it is good to have variety in our diet and to use different things. So use flax sometimes and perhaps use chia seed oil sometimes.

      • Marisol Rocha says:

        Unfortunately I cannot find Chia Seed oil…have been to 3 different health food stores (all selling flaxseed and fish oils)…but I get what you are saying, so I will be sure to alternate with Olive oil for my dressings, thanks!

  29. Line Malmskov says:

    Hi Jon,
    I have a question regarding the warm water with lemon or apple cider vinegar in the morning. I cannot have that much acids because of a very sensitive stomach due to the use of NSAID medication for 4 1/2 years (trying to get out if it). Would it be ok to drink a cup of warm water with organic green tea or organic fresh ginger?
    Thank you, Line – and thank you for sharing you amazing insights

    • Denaleigh B says:

      Hi Line,
      If you are not able to have the lemon or apple cider vinegar with your warm water in the morning – don’t worry, just have the warm water on its own or with a small amount of fresh ginger. Green tea has caffeine in it, so it is not a good option for your first morning cleanse drink.
      Best regards
      Den – GM Team

  30. Deborah Hutchings says:

    HI Jon (and course students),

    Without wanting to start an ‘un savory’ conversation with too much detail – I notice that Week 2 we are talking digestion and I cannot attend the live classes due to work commitments. However, can i ask that the subject of ‘changes in bowel movements’ be discussed as we move through the new eating pattern?

    The reason(s) I ask – I was diagnosed some 15 years ago with ulcerative colitis – its OK, working with eastern style modalities, eating/drinking changes and natural supplements I can happily say I haven’t had (and don’t intend to ever) an attack in 10years+. I don’t carry the label even though western medicine does as once diagnosed then they always have it on your record and LOOK for symptons. That said I am very much in tune with my bowel movements (a significant learning from those early diagnosis days) and notice the change since being back on food types with Gabriel method.

    I take herbal supplements diagnosed by Dr Marcelle Pick for adrenal balancing, I have for over 10years taken Flax Oil (in the form of capsules). I was wondering with the increase in probiotic, digestive enzymes, my healthy eating introducing Maca everyday, as well as spirulina and chia, lemon water, cider vinegar – would you recommend I come off the herbal supplements for my adrenals or ‘slowdown’ on any of the above? Whilst movement has increased (not a bad thing) every 3/4 days I get ‘too fast’ type of need/movement.

    I also have a problem using public toilets, which includes toilets at the office (I’m sure your going to have an ‘ah ha’ moment on emotional element with the this statement), and suffer lower abdomen pain on work days when I refuse to ‘go’!!!

    Again apologies to all those students who may not want to go into this subject – but I need to get the most out of this program to make it ‘stay with me’ and not deviate as I did a year ago.


    • Marisol Rocha says:

      Good for you Deborah – ask away!! It is so important that we feel informed and good about the process as we go through it. Thanks for asking your question ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Nadia Harper says:

      It is important to listen to our bodies, and this includes that when our body is telling us it is time to eliminate that we do so. Try to find a way to be able to do this when your body is ready.

      Talk to your doctor that prescribed them about adjusting the herbs you are taking.

      Paying attention to bowel movements is a very important part of digestion and overall health. Watch what comes out of you every day to better get to know your body.

  31. Marisol Rocha says:

    I understand Jon recommends eating raw milk cheeses if you are going to have any cheeses. But after sitting with all the great information from last week, can you please clarify if raw milk cheeses are inflammatory or does the “raw” take that away to a level that won’t be harmful?

    I guess my overall question is: How do raw milk cheeses impact leptin, insulin and inflammation?

    • Nadia Harper says:

      Dairy can be inflammatory and allergenic. Having it raw certainly makes it better and if it is raw and well sourced it can be a great source of nutrients.

      And, also there are nut and seed milks and cheeses that are also great.

  32. Marisol Rocha says:

    I took a metabolic typing test early last year and it recommended that if you have Hashimoto’s that you stay away from “night shade’ vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage, kale, etc.

    This was very upsetting news to me as I love vegetables, especially the ones on that list.

    I would love Jon’s thoughts on whether he agrees with this recommendation or if he has heard of these veggies exacerbating hypothyroidism?

    • Nadia Harper says:

      If you love these and your body also loves them (ie. your body is not letting you know in any way to avoid), then let yourself have them here and there.

      And also know that there are so many other vegetables that you can try. Good time to try some new things and develop some new favourites.

  33. Marisol Rocha says:

    Have been looking into better ingredient filled snacks/cookies for the kids and myself and found these gluten-free, vegan organic almond cookies. After looking at the ingredients (made with coconut palm sugar – yay!) I just was not sure if I should be concerned with the following ingredients:

    sorghum flour
    potato starch
    vanilla extract,
    baking soda,
    baking powder

    Please let me know if any of these mess with insulin or leptin – thanks!

  34. Marisol Rocha says:

    My kids and I are loving eating more seaweed. We are eating it naturally, but another favorite replacement to potato chips are Sea Snax (NonGMO Project Verified) which are sheet of “premium roasted seaweed” that are prepared only with Olive Oil, Nori and Sea Salt.

    How do you feel about these crispy roasted seaweed snacks? Anything to be concerned about here with what I describe?

    • Erica Sanchez says:

      @Marisol, yum I love SeaSnax. They are delicious. And with no added sugar, no soy, no preservatives and no vegetable oils I believe these are the healthiest seaweed snacks on the market to date.

    • Nadia Harper says:

      I am not familiar with them but they sound nice. Have you tried dulse? – it is my current favourite seaweed.

  35. Marisol Rocha says:

    I understand that it is better to pre-soak nuts to activate them for digestion before eating.

    I eat walnuts daily in all my salads and have been not been soaking them the night before (also just worried that the texture won’t be the same; don’t have a dehydrator).

    QUESTION: besides better absorption into the body, does soaking them also prevent the fats going rancid or some undesirable chemical reaction?

    I love eating them raw without any prep, but don’t want to be doing anything detrimental by following my textural preference. I know I can do it in the oven, but the length of time it takes to prep them that way feels overwhelming.

    QUESTION: Please let me know if it is critical to our GM efforts to soak walnuts.

    thank you!

    • Nadia Harper says:

      Hi Marisol,

      It is good to soak nuts to release their enzyme inhibitors thereby making them more digestable. If you are not soaking them then try to chew them as much as you can.

  36. Marisol Rocha says:

    Do probiotic and digestive enzymes need to be taken separately? If so, how far apart?

    From Jon’s answer on last Tuesday’s call, I am confidently taking my probiotic at home with my breakfast (much happier eating breakfast when I am hungry!), but started wondering if taking the digestive enzyme with breakfast plus probiotic all in the same go interfered somehow with the absorption of either element.


    • Nadia Harper says:

      Hi Marisol,

      I would suggest taking the digestive enzyme right before you begin your meal. Take the probiotic either a few minutes before you start eating or directly after.