Gabriel Method Glossary

Gabriel Method Glossary

Doctor’s check-up: normal procedure before starting any diet or exercise program to see if there’s anything you can or cannot do

Shopping List: Digestive enzymes, Stevia, Probiotics, Organic grass-fed or free-range meat/chicken/fish, Flax seeds/linseeds, Locally grown organic produce, Fresh wheat grass juice, Unsweetened cocoa powder, Himalayan salt crystals, Chia seeds and Natural Sweeteners
(Stevia, Coconut Palm Sugar, Local Raw Honey, Maple Syrup are better options for if you are still fighting sugar cravings, but are not essential ingredients)

Probiotics: capsules and powders that are a combination of beneficial bacteria and digestive microbes. Probiotics can also turn off FAT Programs by decreasing the amount of pro¬inflammatory cytokines. Try to find a probiotic that has a large assortment of bacteria and digestive microbes and take them on an empty stomach upon rising

Frequent Water Consumption: Drink a glass of water before each meal and every hour in the evening or as frequently as you can throughout the day. Please keep in mind that our bodies do not always communicate when we’re thirsty. Sometime thirst is mistaken for hunger. So be very pro-active with your water consumption

The Big 3: live food, omega3s, and lean protein

Mind-Body Practice: find a yoga, meditation, tai chi or Qi Gong class (optional)

Qi Gong: Chinese practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness used to unblock energy channels

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