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- The Nature of Energetic Sensitivity
- Traits of the Empathic Person
- Learning to Set Boundaries for Better Emotional Health
Who is
Melinda Jacobs

Melinda Jacobs has been working professionally in the healing arts for over 25 years. She is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, an Intuitive and an Empath. Trained in Hypnotherapy, Bodywork, Consciousness Theory and Metaphysics, Melinda’s practice specializes in teaching people how to develop their natural awareness of the energetic and metaphysical world and how it interplays with one’s physical body, thoughts, emotions and behavior. While working with the participants of The Gabriel Method as an Emotional Release Specialist for the past two years, Melinda has helped many people through the clearing of trauma on all levels – mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Melinda holds Certifications in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Massage, Cellular Release Therapy, Regression Therapy, and has done specialty training in addiction counseling. She is a member of the Colorado Association of Psychotherapists and Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals.
This was a very interesting topic. It shows that around the world there are so many tools and strategies for sensitivities. I have learned tools myself from different modalities and it is wonderful to see that this subject is being more exposured to the global community. Thank you, this was a very enjoyable talk. Yes I learned new tools from this, thank you again.
Hi Rosemary,
Thanks for the great feedback – we are glad you learned new tools from this interview!
A great interview. Wow, the information from both of you is profound, and it’s given me wonderful new tools and ideas to use. I will be listening to this interview again to fine tune what I’ve just heard. Thank you very much for this, I really appreciate it. Someday I will be able to attend the retreats and also join the UCE. 🙂
Hi Bette,
Glad to hear that you got so much from this interview.
Thank you so much to Jon and Melinda for putting this out there! It is such an under-acknowledged issue. In my own little world I’ve come to appreciate that energetic sensitivity may be the most significant challenge I face when it comes to achieving a healthy weight, and as I’ve noticed this in myself I’ve become increasingly aware of many others that seem to follow the same pattern. It’s difficult to imagine that for many a real “healing” in the area of weight loss and healthy lifestyle could occur without addressing this. The last time I was anywhere close to thin (4 years ago) I started getting all sorts of energy experiences, but along with this I found myself so sensitive to the energies around me that going to a shopping mall would make me physically ill. Following that experience I put on 70 pounds and the sensitivities seemed to go away. That was clearly the wrong answer to the problem. Jon’s email this morning about this video is the 4th little reminder I’ve received in the past week about empaths and energy sensitivity, so it’s time to put some focus on this. Thanks again SO MUCH!
Thank you for sharing Glenn and I appreciate your experiences of having trouble going into public. If I may offer you (and anyone else reading this) a small change of perspective – maybe it wasn’t the ‘wrong’ move to gain the weight. Maybe it was the only option you had at the time and now with the introduction of some new perspectives and tools, you can help your body in a way that doesn’t demand such an expensive strategy to keep you safe. Just a thought . . .
….and a great thought. It’s a really important reminder to me (and probably others) that the weight wasn’t the enemy when it showed up – but rather the best I could each do at some type of survival strategy given where I was…But time to move on too 🙂
Thank you Jon and Melinda this is just wonderful and informative. Helped me understand what I am feeling and experiencing. I will definately be following more.
Hi Jill,
We are happy that this interview resonated with you.
WOW WOW WOW. This is the most powerful interview I’ve ever seen you give, Jon!! And that is saying something because all of them I’ve seen have been enlightening and stunning. And I don’t think it is just because Melinda performed my cellular release sessions!! Although, to hear her tell her story was profound for me because of course she is all about ME when she does her sessions! I cannot imagine what this may provide in my life and with my life with my partner – cause he is a powerful empath and has protected himself just like I have with layers of flesh since a child when he was abused by his brother and children in the neighborhood (not to mention his mother). I grew up in an alcoholic household and began to gain weight at puberty, altho I was a bit chubby prior to that. I was sexually abused at 5 yo with my lifelong girlfriend. What I also identified with is that I am one that has shut off all feeling to deal with my empathic nature. WOW – there are no words for the gratitude I feel to hear this because I suspect this will have an incalculable affect on my life. Now I HAVE to go to Omega.
Katherine – you and your partner are so dear to me and it has been such an honor to know you both. Thank you for the words of praise! Big hugs and I do hope to see you in New York!
You can count on it!! And I’ll do everything in my power to get Phil there as well. We need to do this together.
This has been so eye opening and amazing. It’s like I finally found a label for who I am and what I have been experiencing with other people’s energies. I’m very excited that Melinda will be at Omega this August and look forward to meeting her in person.
Hi Rachel – I’m delighted you found the information useful and on point for your personal experience. I remember the moment I realized that most everything I was feeling wasn’t me – I cried with relief!! I look forward to meeting you in August and please feel free to send me any questions!
Jon this has completely blown me away.. almost swamped by the plethora of emotions I am now feeling. I am going to re-watch and practice Melinda’s techniques…
I hadn’t really thought about my overdeveloped sensitivities… I was just aware that it was so and that it kept myself & my child safe in the presence of domestic violence. It also became glaringly obvious to me that my 2-5kg weight gain after each extreme incidence of violence was no coincidence. He used to scream at me “why are you getting so f***ing fat”.. it was obvious to me… to protect myself.
Never understood how my weight could yo-yo without me changing anything anything in my daily intake.. when I was happy my weight shifted.. when I was traumatised the same…
How do I convince my body that it is now safe & I don’t need the weight to protect me? Wish I could join you in August.
Hello R C – I work with a lot of people in your position. There is a progression of healing that occurs over time and each step is profound and builds inner strength and resources. My suggestion is you start with doing clearing work of past traumas – Emotional Release Therapy is wonderful for this. Once the charge of past events starts to leave the body – then you begin an integration process of different ‘parts’ of self. It’s at this point that you work with the fragmented parts of you to help them feel safe again. Once you begin to protect them and your body and the body feels you getting on board in defending it – it will start to drop excess weight that is being used for protection. I hope this helps!
Melinda and Jon, What a great interview…. it is so essential in life to be able to but your hand up and say “No. that is not me”… I didn’t have that, and I have not practice that as a skill….. What a great skill…. I work in Mental Health so I am always around chaos… and although my life is rich in many ways, I have people, like Jon’s old business partner, regularly asserting their beliefs in loud ways…….. Maybe, probably, this is a tool that will help me shift from a consciousness of buffering to one of grounding and processing through……. Thank you guys….
PS.. Melinda we have a session Friday….hey… Sharon
Thank you Sharon! I’m glad you enjoyed it and I look forward to catching up with you soon!!
I really enjoyed this interview. Thank you
Thank you for tuning in Marion. Please let me know if you have any questions!
When I was little I loved “I’m rubber and your glue anything bounces off me and sticks on to you”… and I would add….. “except for the good things.” Maybe I was trying to protect myself and didn’t even recognize the skillfulness…. ooooo that smart little girl…
How to get on to the event is on know
Hi Miriam – you can use this link to see the interview. Enjoy!
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Kind regards
Fascinating and helpful!
Thank you Valorie – please let me know if you need any clarification.
Looking forward to hearing the recording (event not in my timezone!)
Hi Joanna,
This recording should be available to you. If not please contact our team at help@thegabrielmethod.com.