Paul North

Listen to Paul’s Audio Message:
Paul is an Australian registered Psychologist and mindfulness meditation teacher with a diverse work history that covers the areas of disability, mental health, business and elite sport. Last year, Paul lost the use of his legs through a back injury and rapidly added another 4 kilos of weight to an already over weight body. One morning whilst attempting to stand and then collapsing in pain and frustration, he surrendered to the moment and inwardly called out for help. A few days later, an answer arrived in the form of Jon Gabriel’s book, The Gabriel Method, that his wife brought home from attending a Qigong retreat. As Paul will tell you “Everything about Jon’s story just made perfect sense. It was one of those light bulb moments – what you resist, persists. Fighting your body just doesn’t work, at least not in the long run.” With the help of a Osteopath and a Chiropractor, Paul’s back and legs began to recover. With the application of The Gabriel Method’s principles he went on the lose 12 Kilos (27 lb). Now he is as fit as ever and lives near Canberra, Australia with his wife and son.