
  • Why veggie juice?
  • All about nourishing, not starving!
  • Choosing between various methods of juicing
  • Tasty add-on’s

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117 comments on “Day 3: Juicing 101
  1. Linda says:

    This is the link I was sent when I signed up for Detox 2014

  2. Phyllis Goble says:

    Linda, as far as I know, this is an archived webinar. Have you signed up for something new? There is a program called “Detox Program 2014”. Maybe that’s the one you’re looking for?

  3. Linda says:

    I’m going crazy – there is a juicing 101 already here possibly from last class 2013 – am I just too early – will there be a new class – it’s 7pm EST on Oct 7, 2014?

  4. Ken Iverson says:

    Hi Jon and Nadia,

    I am wondering if during the detox period it would be OK, perhaps even beneficial, to consume bone broth as well as the veggie broth. We often make a bone broth in our crock pot, with bones from grass fed animals, and we sometimes put a few veggies into the broth but we consume only the broth, not the solids.
    Thank you,

  5. Kakedick@hotmail.com says:

    Hi Jon,

    I am having trouble keeping up. I plan to do an extra week of pre-cleanse and then start the detox a week after the group. (International travel and kids with disabilities.)

    How long will all this information be available here in this site and how long will I be able to log in for?

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Kakedick,
      As you have purchased this program you will be able to access it any time you need.
      So glad that you have decided to join us! Please keep us posted as to how you go.
      Best Regards
      Den – The GM Team

  6. Joyce Yaskowich says:

    I started the pre-cleanse and started to feel panicked. It is that part of me that uses food to soothe yet is so frightened of being denied (from years of dieting). I started to eat more. I’m thinking I need a week to work my way up to the pre-cleanse. Will I still be able to access all the classes and materials after the 23rd?

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Joyce, the Detox Program is yours to keep, all the classes and materials will be available to you, there is no end date. Definitely feel free to go at your own pace – prepping for and staying in the pre-cleanse period for as long as you need, until you feel ready to try a cleanse. Hope that helps! Best, GM Team

  7. Marion Caldwell-hardie says:

    when doing the pre clense visulisation when you are visulising white light at your naval is there a dirrection ie clockwise or anti clockwise that is more benificial to visulise?

  8. Bridget LaMonica says:

    I think this great!
    How much coconut oil do you need to add to your morning tea during the cleanse? I’m not crazy about the taste of any of the oils such as coconut, flax, or chia, do we need to have it daily? During the cleanse? Can we grind the flax seed and sprinkle a tablespoon into the broth instead of using the oils?

    • Jon Gabriel says:

      Hi Bridget,

      You don’t have to have any oils no. You can have chia drinks. We’re just loading a new video into the “how to videos” section on how to make chia drinks. Please check back in a few hours.



  9. Miriam Connor says:

    Same as Connie. It would be much easier if I could have the classes on mp3. Thanks x

  10. Connie Drost says:

    Would it be possible to get the replays as a mp3 file for download, so that I fx could listen to it when I’m driving to work?

  11. Marion Caldwell-hardie says:

    how about blending quarter of an avocado with a juice?

  12. Nandan Cox says:

    I had some trouble with my thyroid levels this year. I was drinking a lot of dark green juice – like kale and lemon which I really liked. However, I found out that leafy greens have gitrogens in them, which can block the uptake of thyroid. So I stopped leafy greens. However on the next blood test the thyroid levels had not changed. So I took sugar out of my diet. I also avoided the leafy greens. My thyroid and insulin levels are not back to normal. But now I don’t know if the leafy greens will impact my thyroid. Can you comment on this – as they are something I really like having and would like to include them in the detox phase next week.

    • Susan M says:

      Nadan, hopefully you will get a GM answer some time, but in the mean time, it is not all leafy greens that are goitrogens. It is the brassica family that needs cooking to remove goitrogens. Brassicas include kale, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower… just google goitrogens for more.
      There is no problem with celery, cucumber, parsley.
      Increasing iodine can help thyroid problems.

      • Nandan Cox says:

        Actually this I already know. My specific question is leafy greens such as kale, spinach and chard contain goitrogens, which can block thyroid. I wanted a comment on reintroducing them back into juicing given that my thryroid levels have now returned to normal.

    • Jon Gabriel says:

      Hi Susan,

      Perfect answer!



  13. Marion Caldwell-hardie says:

    I am enjoying herbal tea with coconut oil, is there a limit to how much coconut oil taken in a day?

  14. Diana Block says:

    Are we eating fiber during the cleanse week or not? And if so, why not just do vegetable smoothies (instead of psyllium plus juice)?

  15. Donna Ernewein says:

    I use the Athletic Greens as a superfood. Is this ok?

  16. Elizabeth Conway says:

    Can we use the “Green Me Up Jonny” as one of our juices?

  17. Leslie Williams says:

    For some reason i no longer have access to the visualizations.


    Hi, just to say so far no side effects except a little emotional blip yesterday. Not hungry at all, in fact making myself eat.
    This is just the final tweak I needed.

    Have not lost weight for 5 years, (though have lost dress sizes) despite cleaning up my diet. I know you said this detox was not about losing weight. However I have lost four pounds in the last two weeks, and feeling fab.

    I had organically drifted to this way of eating three weeks ago, have listened daily to the 21 day visualisations – over and over. This is despite not having managed to get ALL the recommended ingredients yet.
    Amazing!!! Thanks a million.

  19. Elizabeth DiCandilo says:

    Where can I find the juice recipes written down? I don’t want to watch a series of videos.

  20. Stuart Drayton says:

    I suffer from IBS and was recently diagnosed with a B12 deficiency which was recently corrected with injections and now maintained with B12 vitamin tabs. Is the detox suitable? My diet primarily reflects the pre-cleans anyway and can I continue with the B12 supps.

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Stuart,

      You can always try the detox and see how you feel however we always recommend you first consult your doctor. Listen to your body and let it guide you if you choose to try the detox.

      Best Regards
      The GM Team

  21. Deborah Freisinger says:

    Nadia discussed soaking almonds, should you also soak walnuts?

  22. Manon Leboeuf says:

    How many times do we cleanse in a year?

    • Nadia says:

      The idea is to move towards a detoxifying lifestyle – continually making healthier diet and lifestyle choices. Along with that I usually do a week long cleanse once or twice a year.

  23. Tessa Du Toit says:

    Will this detox eliminate heavy metals ( mercury)

    • Nadia says:

      Your body will release things at the rate that it is ready to release. Trust the wisdom of your body. Provide the right environment for your body (like you are doing during this cleanse) and your body will release what it is ready to. For some, this may be heavy metals.

  24. Sheryl Betancourt says:

    Jon recc bentonite clay…..is that everyday during cleanse? He also just said, not to add extra supplements because it will be hard on digestion….but he recc the clay, msm, milk thistle etc…….

  25. cwalker@svcable.net says:

    I sometimes have trouble sleeping if I am hungry. I’m not predicting this will happen on the cleanse, but what if I’m hungry/can’t sleep in the night’?

    • Denaleigh B says:

      Hi cwalker,
      If you do have problems sleeping, the night time visualisation will come in handy to help you to sleep. Also, maybe try having one of the detox teas to help warm you up and make you sleepy. Jon also recommends a very warm shower right before bed. You will probably only feel hungry for the first 48 hours or so though.
      Hope this helps.
      Best Regards
      The GM Team

  26. najla2627@aol.com says:

    Jon speaks about Supergreens, and I believe the Jon’s supergreens are supposed to be a part of this program. Are you going to send them before the cleanse starts?

    • Denaleigh B says:

      Hi Najla,
      You will receive some Green Me Up Jonny as part of the sign up for this program. However, if these greens do not arrive in time before the cleanse that is okay. Your detox will still be effective without them. You can just use the Greens afterwards.
      Best Regards
      The GM Team

  27. Lucia Camara says:

    Tomorrow is still pre cleansing..? I’m confused when the pre cleanse ends. I thought the cleansing would start tomorrow..

  28. Madonna Scrase says:

    Hi. In the Omega 3 shake, you suggest using ground flax or chia seeds. I understand why you grind flax seeds, but is there a reason to grind chia seeds? Is it that because in their whole form they are more like a solid food? Thanks.

  29. Sheryl Betancourt says:

    Can we add soaked chia/and or superfood to out broth?

  30. Sheryl Betancourt says:

    I only have 1 cup of coffee a day…….I gave that up for the pre-cleanse along with dairy (which I don’t even have much of that either) also…Sugar and wheat!……I have never had such a bad headache EVER……is that normal even though I’m not a heavy coffee drinker?

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Sheryl,
      Your headache is not just a result of removing coffee, it is as a result of the removal of dairy, sugar and wheat and the fact that your body is removing toxins. While it is uncomfortable, it is actually quite normal. Jon and Nadia recommend resting as much as is possible and drinking plenty of water. Your headache should go very soon. Keep us posted.
      Best regards
      Den – The GM Team

  31. Spikey says:

    Jon what do you think of sumo salads? During pre cleanse and all the time? I know you live in Australia therefore the question

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Spikey,
      Sumo salads, whilst aren’t organic, are still a great option if you are out and need to eat. If at all possible though try to carry your own dressing using GM friendly Oil.
      Hope this helps.
      Den – GM Team

  32. Sheryl Betancourt says:

    I can’t hear anything…the mikes are going in and out

  33. Seema Agarwal says:

    Q: I have two questions –

    There are so many differrent visualizations. Which ones are for the morning and which ones are for the evening.

    The second question is when do we have dinner and lunch between all the juicing


    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Seema,
      There is an Evening Visualisation that you should use at night, and the other visualisations can be used during the day and as and when you need them.
      During the actual cleanse in week 2 you should try to just have the juices and or broth, with no solids. Therefore the juices or broth will be your dinner and lunch. However, during the pre-cleanse in week one, try to make your meals out of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and Organic unprocessed meats and avoid processed foods as much as you can. Nadia recommends not to have too many juices in the first week.
      Hope this helps.
      Den – The GM Team

  34. Farideh says:

    Hi there,
    Is dry fruit is ok in pre cleanse? what about Date?

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Farideh,

      Dates many times have preservatives and are full of natural sugars, but sugars the same. During this process it may be good to set them aside.

      Best Regards
      The GM Team

  35. Marisol Rocha says:

    I cannot be on the call tonight, but am excited to listen to the recording. Here is my juicing question if Jon can address it:

    I reviewed the pdf on selecting a juicer. I have a NutriBullet which is neither of the juicer options because whatever goes in is completely used in what you drink. It does an excellent job of breaking all the veggies and fruit down into liquified form and it feels like you are drinking a juice but you get the benefits of all the fiber and pulp of what you put in. Is this okay? The reason I am unsure is because of the note Jon made about using a cheesecloth for a blender on the last call – is it on purpose that you are not supposed to have the fiber and pulp during this detox? Thx!

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Marisol,
      Great question. During the detox it is best not to have the pulp. The aim of the detox is to give your digestive system a break and give your body as many nutrients as quickly and as easily as possible. The juices and broth are very easily digested.
      Best Regards
      Den – GM Team

  36. TroyLynne Perrault says:

    In the last webinar, you mentioned soaking nuts and seeds overnight. Please explain why this is important and confirm that this applies to all nuts and seeds.

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi TroyLynne,
      Nuts have a natural defense called Phytic Acid, which inhibits our digestive system’s ability to break the nuts down. Soaking the nuts deactivates the Phytic Acid and therefore the full nutritional content of the nuts can be digested.
      Best Regards
      Den – The GM Team

  37. InJoy says:

    if you could address–what is the amount of juice we drink for each of the 5 juices a day? 8oz, 16 oz, quart per juice?

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi InJoy,
      Nadia recommends making this Detox your own, in that you should have as much as you think you need or would like for each of the 5 juices. Start off with one glass for each and see how you go.
      Best regards
      Den – The GM Team

  38. Robert Walsh says:

    I’ve been taking gluten-free fiber (metamucil knockoff) along with my juices–is this acceptable during cleanse? Not sure if fiber is considered processed food. Also, what is an acceptable amount of exercise? I do yoga and some elliptical work in mornings to loosen up. Is the GM workout routine that came with the detox okay to do during detox week? Thx!

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Robert,
      Jon and Nadia have said that the fiber should be okay to use during the cleanse – but you will probably find that you will not need to use it.
      Regarding exercise, Nadia recommends gentle exercises, and not too much cardio particularly during the detox week. You want to rest your body as much as possible during these two weeks. Gentle yoga and stretches will be okay for the Detox week.
      Hope this helps.
      Den – GM Team

  39. Elizabeth Perkins says:

    Guacamole ok for precleanse? it has only avocado, garlic, cilantro, lime, lemon.

    So if we have a set back, ie. last night I had two bowls of cereal and prunes with it..I just got right back on the track and today has been: grapefruit, pistachios[raw], kale, two eggs, and almond milk unsweetened, whey protein powder, almond butter.

    could you look at that above and critique please?

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Elizabeth,
      Your recipe for Guacamole sounds great for the precleanse!
      Don’t be too hard on yourself regarding the cereal, just keep going with the Pre-Cleanse as normal. Remember there is no way to fail at this detox! Your body will thank you for all this extra care it is receiving.
      Best Regards
      The GM Team

  40. Elizabeth Perkins says:

    what about almond butter such as Justin’s brand? (during pre cleanse only)

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Elizabeth,
      Not sure what is in Justin’s brand, but if it has just almonds in it – it will be perfect for the precleanse.
      Hope this helps.
      Best Regards
      The GM Team

  41. Helen Bradley says:

    Headache’s have started! Any suggestions?

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Helen,
      Nadia recommends resting as much as you can, and just generally taking it easy. Also drink plenty of water to help this cleansing.
      Best Regards
      Den – The GM Team

  42. Elizabeth Perkins says:

    What do you think of Daily Greens* brand which is a bottled juice made solely of Kale, Pineapple, Cucumber, Cilantro, Jalapeno, Celery and Lime? It has 11 g sugar per 8 oz. (I presume that is all natural from the pineapple) as I listed all ingredients above. Will that suffice for a juice during one of the cleanse days?

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Elizabeth,
      Both Jon and Nadia agree that this type of juice will suffice on one of the cleanse days. However, make sure it is as fresh as possible, and drink it slowly due to the natural sugar content.
      Best Regards
      Den – The GM Team

  43. Karyn De mol says:

    Final question for today I swear 🙂 – celery is the base of your juices – does celery have important detox properties ? I don’t hate celery but my partner does and he is going to attempt the detox with me so just wondering if I leave celery out of my juices too if I am missing something good for my body ? I was thinking more cucumber and spinach to make up the difference or is there something better that gives the same nutrients as celery?

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Karyn,
      Celery does have important detox properties. However, if your partner does not like it, you can leave it out and add more of other ingredients like cucumber and spinach. Your body will still benefit greatly and your detox will still be as effective.
      Best Regards
      The GM Team

  44. Karyn De mol says:

    When making the tea can you just stir in the coconut oil into the tea as it melts or is the putting it in a blender make it better some how ? I tried it last night by just stirring it in the cup and it was fine to taste so just wondering if blending activated anything extra?

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Karyn,
      The only reason Nadia and Jon blend the oil in their tea is to make a nice frothy texture. You can just add it in the cup and stir it in if this still tasted okay for you.
      Best Regards
      Den – The GM Team

  45. Karyn De mol says:

    On the first webinar you mentioned ok to use stevia or coconut palm sugar in your tea – I don’t need that but I gave the omega 3 shake a trial last evening and I used cinnamon and 1/2 tsp coconut palm sugar with the chia seeds soaking and it actually made it a nice treat a sago pudding feeling – would that be acceptable on the detox or better to leave that as a healthy treat until after the detox has finished ?

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Karyn,
      Both Jon and Nadia thought this sounded wonderful and agreed that this mix would be great for both the pre-cleanse and the actual cleanse. They really liked your idea by the way!
      Best regards
      Den – The GM Team

  46. Cheryl Apostolopoulos says:

    Hi Jon and Nadia,
    After watching the videos with juice recipes I have noticed that cucumber is very predominant in the juices for the detox. Being that it is a summer veg and here we are now approaching winter, can we substitute something else? I am afraid that cucumber now will be greenhouse grown and sprayed with pesticides, thus defeating the purpose of the detox.

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Cheryl,
      This is a great question! If Cucumber is out of season in your area, Nadia has said it is fine to substitute, preferably with a green vegetable.
      Hope this helps.
      Den – The GM Team

  47. Phyllis Goble says:

    Is there a way to access the replays using Youtube? I’d like to listen at work, but since I’m behind a firewall, the replay won’t work from this website. (Currently, I’m referencing the “Day 1: Prepare for Change” replay.)

  48. lberman@iinet.net.au says:

    Hi, I have just started taking a supplement that has green tea extract as one of its ingredients. I checked with my doctor and she said it was ok for me to take, but that the green tea extract would have caffeine in it. Does that mean I should lower or cut out this suppplement for the cleanse?

  49. Robert Walsh says:

    As someone with high blood sugar, I’m always interested in the best options. Is coconut palm sugar better than say, Stevia, in this regard? Is anything better than Stevia (raw) as a sweetener? Thx.

  50. Robert Walsh says:

    Two trains traveling on parallel tracks are going toward each other from a distance of 960 kilometers. if one train moving at 100 kilometers per hour and the other is moving at 140 kilometers per hour, after how many hours will the trains pass each other?

  51. Robert Walsh says:

    Does no milk mean no dairy? Are there other milks that are allowed? Also, does no wheat mean no flour at all? Thanks–I love getting to ask picky questions (it means you’ve already covered most of my questions).

  52. Merilyn's Green says:

    Under “Audio and Visual Resources”, when I click onto “Juice Recipes” the video about what type of water to drink is shown; the juice video does not appear.

    • gabrielmethod says:

      Hi Merilyn,
      The water video is only the first of a few videos, look further down the page, and you will see all of the other video blogs. Hope this helps.
      Best Regards
      The GM Team

  53. Tara Nolan says:

    Good morning. Thank you for answering my question during the webinar yesterday about grains and legumes for vegans during the detox. I also would like to know (1) how long it is advisable to keep soaked nuts in the fridge after draining before they go bad. And (2) a general question, as well, I know that heat ruins enzymes in food but what about freezing? I have heard mixed things about this. Some say frozen berries, for example, are still full of nutrition and enzymes, some say no…
    Thanks, Tara

  54. Ellen says:

    Hi! I was not available last night and need to watch the video this morning so I apologize if my question was answered. However, I own a Vitamix “blender” that I normally use to create “juices” even though they are actually extremely blended fruits and vegetables, not technically juice. Will this work for the program? I haven’t the time or money to buy another juicer before next week.

    Thank you!

    • Jon Gabriel says:

      Yes it will work. For the first week, it’s fine, for the cleanse phase, strain the juice through a colander or a cheese cloth, so it’s just juice and no pulp. This is just for those 5 days when we’re trying to give our digestion a break.

  55. Manon Muijres says:


    I’m a little bit confused where to focus on at the website.

    Today it’s day 2, but if i look at the PRE-CLEANSE (week1) on the right of the website i don’t see a DAY 2.

    Do i still have to look at day 1 (prepare for change)
    Or do i have to look at day 3 (juicing 101)?

    Am i right that in the first 5 days of the pre-cleanse i’m not allowed to drink juices?

    Thanks you for helping!!!

    Manon for Belgium