Hi Sheryl,
This is the 2013 Detox program – please access the 2014 Detox program – if you are still having problems watching the videos please contact help@thegabrielmethod.com and they will be able to help fix this for you.
Hi Annas,
Please note that this is the 2013 Detox program – to ensure that you are listening to the most recent shows – please access the 2014 Detox program.
I’m only now starting the cleanse. I couldn’t join at the time you all started but this is an ideal time for me. I did however listen to the videos and on one of them you talked about a breakfast recipe that included nuts and seeds and said you would put the recipe on the site. Does this sound familiar? Is it on the site somewhere. I would like to use it during my pre-cleanse phase. I know this is vague but if you can help that would be great.
Hi Adrienne,
Jon would have been talking about the Gabriel Method Breakfast Muesli – which is in his recipe book.
Recipe for GM Breakfast Muesli:
1 1/2 cups almonds
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
3/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup sesame seeds
3/4 cup desiccated coconut
1 cup flax seeds
1/4 cup almond butter
1/3 cup tahini
1/4 cup coconut palm sugar
1/4 cup water
Put all ingredients in food processor and process until mixture begins to stick together. For breakfast serve with fresh fruit and nut milk. Store remaining muesli in an airtight container in the fridge.
What is your opinion of ozonated water?
Is it OK to use tap water, ozonate it and then drink it, wash vegetables with it to remove pesticides? Is this a good alternative to buying organic vegetables?
Thank you.
Sorry if this question has already been asked- Im wondering if Miso soup is okay or good during this cleanse? I dont have a grinder to grind up chia seeds, can I chuck them in whole? I do have ground flaxseed. Also, I noticed in the background of one of the videos some Cacao, I added to my tea today and it was pretty delicious. Is this okay?
Miso is great pre and post cleanse. A bit too heavy for the actual cleanse. As far as the chia seeds go, you can add them to whatever liquid you’re using whole and let them sit for 10-20 minutes and it should be fine.
Cacao is not recommended for the cleanse but a little in you tea sounds ok.
I’m loving the detox cleanse and feel well except for constipation (which I’ll address with psyllium). My challenge is that 2 days post cleanse my employer is hosting our annual Christmas dinner at a restaurant – turkey with all the trimmings. What might I be able to order at a restaurant that would be suitable instead? I’m very motivated and don’t want to ruin the progress I’ve made.
Why is it I cannot access some if the videos ie making detox tea and variations of chia tea?
I have asked several questions prior to this one and have not had answers?
Also, I’ve been using garlic in some of my juices. I’ve not heard you mention that – are there any pros or cons I should be aware of? Thanks again,
Hi GM team – day 4 of the cleanse for me and my urine has gone from yellow the last three days to now a medium brown. Is this all the toxins coming out? 🙂 Seriously, is this something I need to be concerned about? I have followed the cleanse precisely. Yesterday I had 2 blood cleanse juices so I’m guessing maybe it’s the beet root turning my urine colors. Thank you for any advice you can give. Other than that, I’m doing extremely well and am very grateful for all this – and especially the written recipes – thanks so much! Ann
It is common for the urine to turn slightly red/pink/brown if a lot of beets are ingested. This sounds like what could be happening here. Keep an eye on it and if you take the beets out of your juice that should put the colour back to normal.
When and which time can I listning Detox visualizations:
Prepare for Change
Live Vital Energy, Entering my Body
Letting Go
Changing Patterns
Releasing Toxins
Thank you for your answer.
I have a lot of pain and crippling arthritis in my hips. I would like to drink the anti-inflammatory juice as much as possible. Is that going to minimise the effect on my insulin resistance? Hard to know which health issue to put 1st.
I regularly drink carrot/celery/green apple (most days) and did so over the precleanse because I enjoy it so much.
It’s the turmeric that’s the key ingredient in the anti inflammatory juice. Just try adding that to your juices from now on. Also the less carrot and apple the better for insulin resistance.
Phyllis it is the wrong video.. can’t remember which one it is. If you click on the recipe link you will find that he uses
1/2 lemon
1″ piece of ginger
1/2 cucumber
1 green apple
1 carrot
1 beet
1-2 sticks celery
Unfortunately, I was not able to begin the cleanse. I am staying on the precleanse for a little while longer and then I’ll do the cleanse with the help of the calls, bonuses, videos, etc. Will I have unlimited access to the all the materials and video for the detox cleanse indefinitely as the other purchases I have made? Also, on a previous call a question was asked about transcripts being available on the site. Please direct me. Thank you.
Hello, is there anyway to get a print out instructions for all the juices and recipes, I only see one for the basic juice. It is getting cumbersome having to look at the videos and find them over and over 🙁 thanks!
I just tried the Detox Tea and I’m not a fan. My coconut oil is solid and I noticed in the video that yours was a liquid do I have the wrong kind. Any other suggestions for this? Thanks, Michele
the coconut oil is solid in colder weather, oil in warmer weather. so if you warm it up slightly it will be liquid. best wishes on the cleanse
Thank you, RC. GM team – I found the omega 3 shake “recipe” – it only says to add water to 15 g of chia. Is that really all there is to it? And, actually, it took me a bit of searching to find that detox food list – it’s actually under a link called “backup food.” Navigation and recipes could definitely be a bit more user friendly. Thanks! Ann
Is it possible to ‘over-soak’ the chia.. I found it really enjoyable with the coconut water and a pinch of salt. Cinnamon wouldn’t stir through because the chia had become quite gelatinous.. soaked for over an hour.
Jon and GM team – thanks so much for answering my questions and everyone else’s. Although I am feeling what’s to be expected on the second day, I’m very proud that I’m able to follow the cleanse to the letter because I know I’m doing my body so much good. Thank you especially to Jon and Nadia! Ann
Sorry if this has been asked… I am wondering how far ahead a chia drink can be made. Can I make it in the morning to take to work, or would it be better to take a jar of water and add chia ten minutes before drinking?
Thanks x
Found the Omega-3 shake..its on the Detox Food list
I have more spare time than most but find navigation time consuming and could be tightened.
I too would like recipes that we can read.. the videos are good but a quick glance at a recipe would be VERY helpful to refresh what you’ve seen to save re watching multiple times.
Otherwise it is all good.
What is the Omega-3 shake?
When you mention Omega-3 shake on the schedule are you simply meaning the variations in the latest video on the Chia drink or int the Chia & Flax video.
My juicer manual (Breville Juice Fountain Crush) says citrus fruit has to be peeled. Does this mean I can’t just cut up a lemon and run it through; I’m wondering if you have experience with this machine, I think I saw it in one of Jon’s juicing photos. Since all the juices use lemon, peeling lemons all day seems rather labor intensive. Any advice would be helpful! Thanks! Megan
it is listed as a video under the “how to videos” on the right hand side of this page, he has one plain recipe video, then at the bottom of the videos is one on variations that can be made to the Omega 3 shake.
The videos and audios in this program are wonderful.
I am on this page of the program: https://members.thegabrielmethod.com/detox-program/how-to-videos/
And I cannot open the smaller videos only the main video at the top of the page. Can you advise if these videos are available? I am using an ipad. Thanks.
When you touch the smaller videos it will appear in top video so you can see that the smaller video are like a list with picture and name.as soon as you touch them or point them they will be activated on top video
hope this is helpful
I read all of the responses but can’t find an answer to the possibility of printing out the recipes. I too don’t have time to watch all of the videos before starting.
Thank you for the Variations of the Chia Drink. Flavored water makes it much nicer… I also ground the Chia the first time, it was not nearly as pleasant.
I found the recipes and I’m with Jillian – I don’t have time to watch videos and would prefer to have the written recipes. Is there a way to get them from the website? Thank you! Ann
I am all ready to start the detox cleanse and during the prep week I started a mild bladder invection and I had to start a course of 5 days on an antibiotic. I really want to continue with the detox to reduce my sugar cravings and burn fat. Can I safely start the detox when on antibiotics?
When you use lemons in the juices, do you peel them? In one video it looked like you did and in another it looked like the peel was left on. Thank you!
In the Juicing 101 webinar today, you mentioned to chop up the garlic and onions real fine to get more flavor and nutrients from them when making the broth. What do you think about me running ALL the veggies through a food processor’s shredding blade to get more of the flavor and nutrients out of the veggies when I simmer them?
Hello! Can you drink the “Green me up Jonny” as your morning juice? Or is there another optimal time to drink it? Sorry if this is a silly question.
I found the list with the grocery shopping but as i was asking before, is there a list available with “the recipes” of the “How to videos” so i can print them out? Otherwise i have to watch the videos if want inspiration. A handout print is much more easier to have in my kitchen. Thanks a lot!
Wonderful information but I also am unable to load or play the juicing videos and would also appreciate written juice recipes. Also I cannot download the notes or the entire program on my iPad or computer
Many thanks
During the Detox it is best to avoid milk as it can be inflammatory. Jon recommends instead using a form of saturated fat known as Medium Chain Fats found in Ghee, Butter and coconut oil.
Best regards
The GM Team
can we have the tea without the saturated fat? The only option I would have here in Italy is butter but not easy to find grass fed, just organic…
Any advice? Thanks
Hi Ludmilla,
It would be fine to have the tea without the saturated fat. However, Organic butter is okay to use if you are wanting to try.
Best Regards
The GM Team
Hi Carol,
If you will enjoy drinking your juices chilled then it is fine to add ice. Just ensure that the ice is made from the same water you are using during your detox. Hope this helps.
Kind regards
The GM Team
That’s ok as long as you don’t get cold. While detoxing, it’s really important to stay warm, especially if you’re living in a cold climate. If you feel yourself starting to get cold, then drink more warm liquids, like teas, broth or warm water with lemon.
If you add the oils to the hot tea water, doesn’t it destroy or change the oils? I could see the oils that have a high flash point – cocoanut/butter — but aren’t the flax and chia seed oils affected by the high temperatures? Wouldn’t it be better to wait until the tea cools to add it to the tea if you are using chia or flax oil? I do not drink “hot” beverages — warm or room temperature, but not hot.
Hi pammddd,
Jon recommends using just the saturated fats such as Ghee, Butter, Coconut oil or MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides – found in health food stores) in your tea.
Best regards
The GM Team
I have same issue as Annas Asam. I have watched a few in predetox, but now I am unable to watch
I can’t listen to some of the videos. Is there a reason?
Hi Sheryl,
This is the 2013 Detox program – please access the 2014 Detox program – if you are still having problems watching the videos please contact help@thegabrielmethod.com and they will be able to help fix this for you.
Hi Im unable to view the videos. It stated ‘Cannot read property replacement of undefined’. Hope you can resolved this.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Anna,
Usually changing the browser solves the issue. Please email us at help@thegabrielmethod.com if you switch browsers and you are still having issues.
The Gabriel Method Team
Hi Annas,
Please note that this is the 2013 Detox program – to ensure that you are listening to the most recent shows – please access the 2014 Detox program.
This was what I needed. I wrote a note yesterday about detoxing and never noticed this site. Thank you for this comprehensive way to detox.
Hi Maylin,
We are happy that you have a guide to do a detox safely!
The Gabriel Method Team
Hi Jon,
Where can I buy this Green me up Jonny powder that you’re using in one of your video. Thanks!
Hi Jenny,
You can purchase the Green Me Up Jonny via this link:
Hope this helps.
Best regards
Den – The GM Team
Omega-3 drinks ?? Its says to have this with the detox broth.
What are these drinks and are there examples of the Omega drinks?
Hi Jacqueline,
Please see “variations on chia drinks” video on this page.
Hi Jon,
I’m only now starting the cleanse. I couldn’t join at the time you all started but this is an ideal time for me. I did however listen to the videos and on one of them you talked about a breakfast recipe that included nuts and seeds and said you would put the recipe on the site. Does this sound familiar? Is it on the site somewhere. I would like to use it during my pre-cleanse phase. I know this is vague but if you can help that would be great.
Thanks so much,
Hi Adrienne,
Jon would have been talking about the Gabriel Method Breakfast Muesli – which is in his recipe book.
Recipe for GM Breakfast Muesli:
1 1/2 cups almonds
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
3/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup sesame seeds
3/4 cup desiccated coconut
1 cup flax seeds
1/4 cup almond butter
1/3 cup tahini
1/4 cup coconut palm sugar
1/4 cup water
Put all ingredients in food processor and process until mixture begins to stick together. For breakfast serve with fresh fruit and nut milk. Store remaining muesli in an airtight container in the fridge.
Best regards
Den – The GM Team
What is your opinion of ozonated water?
Is it OK to use tap water, ozonate it and then drink it, wash vegetables with it to remove pesticides? Is this a good alternative to buying organic vegetables?
Thank you.
Sure I think it’s great. As long as it’s filtered too.
Sorry if this question has already been asked- Im wondering if Miso soup is okay or good during this cleanse? I dont have a grinder to grind up chia seeds, can I chuck them in whole? I do have ground flaxseed. Also, I noticed in the background of one of the videos some Cacao, I added to my tea today and it was pretty delicious. Is this okay?
Hi Amrita,
Miso is great pre and post cleanse. A bit too heavy for the actual cleanse. As far as the chia seeds go, you can add them to whatever liquid you’re using whole and let them sit for 10-20 minutes and it should be fine.
Cacao is not recommended for the cleanse but a little in you tea sounds ok.
How do you grind chia seeds or do you buy ground chia seeds.
You can grind them in a coffee grinder.
I’m loving the detox cleanse and feel well except for constipation (which I’ll address with psyllium). My challenge is that 2 days post cleanse my employer is hosting our annual Christmas dinner at a restaurant – turkey with all the trimmings. What might I be able to order at a restaurant that would be suitable instead? I’m very motivated and don’t want to ruin the progress I’ve made.
Turkey and salad and veges are great. They should go down pretty easy 2 days after the cleanse and not cause any problems.
Why is it I cannot access some if the videos ie making detox tea and variations of chia tea?
I have asked several questions prior to this one and have not had answers?
Not sure, please email help@thegabrielmethod.com
Also, I’ve been using garlic in some of my juices. I’ve not heard you mention that – are there any pros or cons I should be aware of? Thanks again,
All pros from a health perspective. Maybe a few cons if you are going out on a date that night 😉
LOL! My kitchen is pretty darn fragrant, too!
Hi GM team – day 4 of the cleanse for me and my urine has gone from yellow the last three days to now a medium brown. Is this all the toxins coming out? 🙂 Seriously, is this something I need to be concerned about? I have followed the cleanse precisely. Yesterday I had 2 blood cleanse juices so I’m guessing maybe it’s the beet root turning my urine colors. Thank you for any advice you can give. Other than that, I’m doing extremely well and am very grateful for all this – and especially the written recipes – thanks so much! Ann
Hi Ann,
It is common for the urine to turn slightly red/pink/brown if a lot of beets are ingested. This sounds like what could be happening here. Keep an eye on it and if you take the beets out of your juice that should put the colour back to normal.
Thank you, Nadia! That’s exactly what has happened. I only juiced two beets but after I posted this question, my poo even turned purple!
Hi John
When and which time can I listning Detox visualizations:
Prepare for Change
Live Vital Energy, Entering my Body
Letting Go
Changing Patterns
Releasing Toxins
Thank you for your answer.
With best wishes
In order is best. But feel free to listen to any one that appeals to you.
None of these are linked to videos. The only thing I can look at are the download links. Help.
When you click on the smaller video it appears in the window of the big video at the top and then you can watch it there.
I have a lot of pain and crippling arthritis in my hips. I would like to drink the anti-inflammatory juice as much as possible. Is that going to minimise the effect on my insulin resistance? Hard to know which health issue to put 1st.
I regularly drink carrot/celery/green apple (most days) and did so over the precleanse because I enjoy it so much.
It’s the turmeric that’s the key ingredient in the anti inflammatory juice. Just try adding that to your juices from now on. Also the less carrot and apple the better for insulin resistance.
FYI: In the video entitled “A Beet-Root Sweet Recipe” Jon used no beet-root.
Phyllis it is the wrong video.. can’t remember which one it is. If you click on the recipe link you will find that he uses
1/2 lemon
1″ piece of ginger
1/2 cucumber
1 green apple
1 carrot
1 beet
1-2 sticks celery
Unfortunately, I was not able to begin the cleanse. I am staying on the precleanse for a little while longer and then I’ll do the cleanse with the help of the calls, bonuses, videos, etc. Will I have unlimited access to the all the materials and video for the detox cleanse indefinitely as the other purchases I have made? Also, on a previous call a question was asked about transcripts being available on the site. Please direct me. Thank you.
Yes you’ll have access to this site after the cleanse is over. We are working on the transcripts.
Has anybody else been able to download any of the recipes?
When I click on download Recipe nothing happenings.
Have found that it works on another computer..
Go figure.. everything else has downloaded ok on the other machine..
Ok, happy it’s working now 🙂
Hi, where is the recipe for the omega shake?
Thanks, Joanne
Hi Joanne, It’s under the “Chia & Flax Oils” video and “Variations of the Chia Drink” video.
Hello, is there anyway to get a print out instructions for all the juices and recipes, I only see one for the basic juice. It is getting cumbersome having to look at the videos and find them over and over 🙁 thanks!
Nevermind, they just all of a sudden came up LOL 🙂
Does flax oil work in the detox tea?
Hi Carole, Nadia & Jon said no. Flax oil must only be used in cool or room temperature drinks and never in hot drinks.
I just tried the Detox Tea and I’m not a fan. My coconut oil is solid and I noticed in the video that yours was a liquid do I have the wrong kind. Any other suggestions for this? Thanks, Michele
the coconut oil is solid in colder weather, oil in warmer weather. so if you warm it up slightly it will be liquid. best wishes on the cleanse
Our just leave it our of the fridge 🙂
Don’t worry about the tea if you don’t enjoy it.
Thank you, RC. GM team – I found the omega 3 shake “recipe” – it only says to add water to 15 g of chia. Is that really all there is to it? And, actually, it took me a bit of searching to find that detox food list – it’s actually under a link called “backup food.” Navigation and recipes could definitely be a bit more user friendly. Thanks! Ann
Hi Ann,
Thanks for the feedback. There’s also a video on this page with variation to the chia drink. Hope that helps.
Is it possible to ‘over-soak’ the chia.. I found it really enjoyable with the coconut water and a pinch of salt. Cinnamon wouldn’t stir through because the chia had become quite gelatinous.. soaked for over an hour.
Jon and GM team – thanks so much for answering my questions and everyone else’s. Although I am feeling what’s to be expected on the second day, I’m very proud that I’m able to follow the cleanse to the letter because I know I’m doing my body so much good. Thank you especially to Jon and Nadia! Ann
Sorry if this has been asked… I am wondering how far ahead a chia drink can be made. Can I make it in the morning to take to work, or would it be better to take a jar of water and add chia ten minutes before drinking?
Thanks x
That’s fine to make it in the morning and take it to work. The chia seeds will coagulate so make sure you stir them well before you drink it.
Found the Omega-3 shake..its on the Detox Food list
I have more spare time than most but find navigation time consuming and could be tightened.
I too would like recipes that we can read.. the videos are good but a quick glance at a recipe would be VERY helpful to refresh what you’ve seen to save re watching multiple times.
Otherwise it is all good.
Hi RC, thank you for the feedback. We’ve added a bunch of written juice recipes, see Download Recipe links above! Best, GM Team
Thank you for the link but it doesn’t seem to be working…
Is the problem this end or your end? Everything else seems to be working.
Where is this link ?? Im Looking for the broth recipe my videos too not working
What is the Omega-3 shake?
When you mention Omega-3 shake on the schedule are you simply meaning the variations in the latest video on the Chia drink or int the Chia & Flax video.
Yea it any on of the variation on the latest video entitled “variations on the chia drink”.
My juicer manual (Breville Juice Fountain Crush) says citrus fruit has to be peeled. Does this mean I can’t just cut up a lemon and run it through; I’m wondering if you have experience with this machine, I think I saw it in one of Jon’s juicing photos. Since all the juices use lemon, peeling lemons all day seems rather labor intensive. Any advice would be helpful! Thanks! Megan
I used to have breville juicer and used lemon or lime with the skin and no problem. just cut them in 4 pieces.
Good luck
I’ve used lemon in a Breville too without much problem. If it doesn’t juice, just cut back on the lemon.
I have not been able to find fresh turmeric, is it okay to use ground?
Hi – can anyone point me to the Omega-3 shake recipe? I’m not finding it on the video recipes page. Thanks! Ann
it is listed as a video under the “how to videos” on the right hand side of this page, he has one plain recipe video, then at the bottom of the videos is one on variations that can be made to the Omega 3 shake.
The videos and audios in this program are wonderful.
I am on this page of the program:
And I cannot open the smaller videos only the main video at the top of the page. Can you advise if these videos are available? I am using an ipad. Thanks.
Im having the same problem on my Galaxy Tablet, can only watch the water video. All the videos below will not load.
I’ve got the same issue, also on iPad. I’ve been able to access the other audio visual materials, just not these videos.
I can only watch them on my laptop not my iPad wish they were in a format for the iPad.
When you touch the smaller videos it will appear in top video so you can see that the smaller video are like a list with picture and name.as soon as you touch them or point them they will be activated on top video
hope this is helpful
Yes exactly, touching the smaller screen brings the video to the top.
I read all of the responses but can’t find an answer to the possibility of printing out the recipes. I too don’t have time to watch all of the videos before starting.
Hi Patricia, you’ll see the written recipes added to the juice videos, just look for the red Download Recipe links above! Best, GM Team
Thank you for the Variations of the Chia Drink. Flavored water makes it much nicer… I also ground the Chia the first time, it was not nearly as pleasant.
Your detox is almost over soo Bon Appetit.
Hi Sharon,
Yes ground chia seeds have a bitter after taste. Best just to soak them. Still going strong on my detox. Hoping to break it with all of you together.
I found the recipes and I’m with Jillian – I don’t have time to watch videos and would prefer to have the written recipes. Is there a way to get them from the website? Thank you! Ann
Do you have the recipes in written form so I could print and follow it as I go rather then watching the videos?
Hi Jillian, they have been added, just check out the red Download Recipe links above! Best, GM Team
I am all ready to start the detox cleanse and during the prep week I started a mild bladder invection and I had to start a course of 5 days on an antibiotic. I really want to continue with the detox to reduce my sugar cravings and burn fat. Can I safely start the detox when on antibiotics?
I would wait till after you are finished your course of antibiotics. Make sure you take lots of probiotics during and after the cleanse.
When you use lemons in the juices, do you peel them? In one video it looked like you did and in another it looked like the peel was left on. Thank you!
No I don’t peel them. No need to as the juice from the peel is quite healthy. Full of anti oxidants.
Hi Jon
Can I add to chia drink stevia?
With best wishes
I asked Nadia this on the last conference and she said yes stevia can be used
Sure as long as it’s pure stevia.
I know you say simmer the vegetables, why can’t you do the broth in a steam-pot? It is so much faster.
You can try it, but it’s probably not going to have as much flavor. If you do try it, let me know how it goes.
I used a stock pot for my second batch. This worked great and the broth is more tasty. Used less energy too.
Hi Jon
Unsweetened cacao with almond milk drink is allowed during the cleanse Phase or not.
With best wishes
Hi Samira,
Many times almond milk is highly processed. If you make your own almond milk it would be a safer choice.
Best Regards
The GM Team
Hi Samira,
That would not be ideal during the cleanse week, but would be perfect for both the pre and post cleanse period.
Thank you for your answer.
But if I make my self own almond milk?
That calms my nerves, because I can not drink coffee?
Thank you for your answer.
With best wishes
are you peeling the lemon for the juice…leaving the pithe?
Is quinoa ok for pre cleanse?
In the Juicing 101 webinar today, you mentioned to chop up the garlic and onions real fine to get more flavor and nutrients from them when making the broth. What do you think about me running ALL the veggies through a food processor’s shredding blade to get more of the flavor and nutrients out of the veggies when I simmer them?
Hello! Can you drink the “Green me up Jonny” as your morning juice? Or is there another optimal time to drink it? Sorry if this is a silly question.
Hi Ann,
Great question. Absolutely you can drink Green Me Up Jonny as your morning drink, or any other time during the day.
Is almond milk allowed during the cleanse phase? Unsweetened, unflavored of course.
Hi Ellen,
Unsweetened, unflavoured almond milk is allowed during the cleanse phase.
Best regards
The GM Team
Hi Samira,
That would not be ideal during the cleanse week, but would be perfect for both the pre and post cleanse period.
Jon, this is the reply you gave previously. So is unsweetened, unflavoured almonk milk OK or not during the cleanse.
Hello Ellen – Sorry to send out conflicting information, but I just read that Jon responded to someone with this same question stating:
“[Almond milk] would not be ideal during the cleanse week, but would be perfect for both the pre and post cleanse period.”
Sorry, just saw your post. I have the same question.
Hi, is there also a list available with all the recipes that i can print out, or are they only available on videos? Thanks
Hi Manon,
There is a list of ingredients available on the right hand side of this page under Grocery Shopping List.
Best Regards
The GM Team
I found the list with the grocery shopping but as i was asking before, is there a list available with “the recipes” of the “How to videos” so i can print them out? Otherwise i have to watch the videos if want inspiration. A handout print is much more easier to have in my kitchen. Thanks a lot!
Wonderful information but I also am unable to load or play the juicing videos and would also appreciate written juice recipes. Also I cannot download the notes or the entire program on my iPad or computer
Many thanks
can you use organic cream in your tea. It has 40% butterfat in it.
During the Detox it is best to avoid milk as it can be inflammatory. Jon recommends instead using a form of saturated fat known as Medium Chain Fats found in Ghee, Butter and coconut oil.
Best regards
The GM Team
can we have the tea without the saturated fat? The only option I would have here in Italy is butter but not easy to find grass fed, just organic…
Any advice? Thanks
Hi Ludmilla,
It would be fine to have the tea without the saturated fat. However, Organic butter is okay to use if you are wanting to try.
Best Regards
The GM Team
Can we add ice cubes to the juices or is it best to drink them at room temperature?
Thank so much!
Hi Carol,
If you will enjoy drinking your juices chilled then it is fine to add ice. Just ensure that the ice is made from the same water you are using during your detox. Hope this helps.
Kind regards
The GM Team
Hi Carol,
That’s ok as long as you don’t get cold. While detoxing, it’s really important to stay warm, especially if you’re living in a cold climate. If you feel yourself starting to get cold, then drink more warm liquids, like teas, broth or warm water with lemon.
If you are allergic to lemon can you use lime in the water
Hi Deborah,
It is fine to substitute with lime if you are allergic to lemon.
Best regards
The GM Team
If you add the oils to the hot tea water, doesn’t it destroy or change the oils? I could see the oils that have a high flash point – cocoanut/butter — but aren’t the flax and chia seed oils affected by the high temperatures? Wouldn’t it be better to wait until the tea cools to add it to the tea if you are using chia or flax oil? I do not drink “hot” beverages — warm or room temperature, but not hot.
Hi pammddd,
Jon recommends using just the saturated fats such as Ghee, Butter, Coconut oil or MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides – found in health food stores) in your tea.
Best regards
The GM Team