Gabriel Method Detoxification – Grocery List
Grocery shopping for your cleanse is an adventure, so have fun with it! You can buy your cleansing ingredients most anywhere, but if you have access to local farmers markets, coops or community supported agriculture programs, those are always great places to shop. Quantities below are estimates, you might need more or less based on the volume of juice you take each day, but it’s a very good “base supply” for your cleanse. The ingredients for Week 2, Cleanse Week, should be purchased within a day of beginning the cleanse, so that they are fresh.
Juicing Vegetables
Celery x 10 heads
Cucumbers x 30 pieces
Spinach x 5 heads
Chard x 5 heads
Kale x 5 heads
Parsley x 5 bundles
Mint x 1 bundle
Coriander x 1 bundle
Fresh ginger (large piece)
Fresh turmeric (finger-sized chunk)
Juicing Fruits
Beetroot x 5
Apple x 5
Carrot x 2lb bag
Lemons x 20
Pear x 5
Spices & Add-Ins
Sea salt (any type of minimally processed salt is great)
Apple cider vinegar (raw is ideal)
Cayenne pepper
Black pepper
Detox Veggie Broth Ingredients
You can use any or all of these veggies in your broth.
Sweet potato
Silver beet
Any other green leafy vegetables that are in season.
Cleansing Fats
Coconut oil 1 liter
Chia seeds and/or Flax Seeds 1lbs
MCT oil (optional) 500ml
Young coconut (optional) x 10
Just reviewing our old haunts.. With the focus on fitness and getting regular meditation in, trying to get a sleep rhythm….. my food routine is suffering… I know Jon says to focus on the super greens and protein but do you think doing the pre cleanse and the cleanse for a few weeks could be a way to get grounded in the food mentality of the program…. I’m not stressing but just not finding the balance… fitness, spirituality, food….. I know I am close to being steady but not there yet….
If anyone is looking at these pages, would love to hear an opinion but not necessary if you are doing your good work elsewhere… I’ll figure it out, but help is always appreciated….. GM Rocks… Sharon
Hi Sharon,
The best thing to help get you back on track would be to follow the Pre-cleanse. It is still a bit too soon to be doing another Cleanse. But the Pre-cleanse would be an excellent way to get yourself back on track. I would definitely suggest checking out Nadia’s website too for inspiration. Here is the link:
I do not know when this Detox Program started, so I am not sure you will be answering these questions that I may have. My first question is how do I make juices to drink if I do not have a juicer. I have a Bullet that can get a juice from any vegetable but It is not the same – I don’t think – as a juicer. Can you help with this?
Hi Maylin,
You can strain the juices you make with your Bullet using mesh cloth.
The Gabriel Method Team
is this shopping list for both weeks or for just week two?
Hi Geralee,
The ingredients are mostly for week 2 but you can start to use some of them in your pre-cleanse as well.
Best regards
Den – GM Team
Hi Jon you and Nadia talked about ‘backup foods’ tonight, being on this site, but i don’t see anything named ‘backup foods’… just a bit confused about that, can you specify. Sorry I didn’t get it. :o)
Here ya go…It’s actually pretty basic, but we’ll talk some more about ideal foods to break the cleanse with tomorrow.
I also have a query about the recipes. The link under Audio Resources for “how to videos” and “juice recipes” takes you to the same place. Yes, seeing the videos is a BIG help, but is it possible to have the recipes in a PDF format? Even approx quantities would be very helpful.
It is time consuming looking through each video to get the ingredients.
Many thanks for your ongoing support 🙂
Hi Lyndall,
I just sent a message to customer service asking them to check if they can get it done. Will come back shortly.
Thanks Jon
Hi Lyndall, you’ll see the juice recipes added, look for the Download Recipe button below the juice videos. Hope that helps! Best, Sherri, GM Team
Hi! I’m not seeing the recipes for what you’ve mentioned we’ll be ingesting during the cleanse. Are they in the recipe book? And do I pick any juice in there as long as it’s on the veggie side of things, with little sugar? Thank you for any help you can give me! Ann
Hi Ann,
On the right hand side of this page, under “Audio and Video Resources’ you will find Juice Recipes. These are a series of short videos Jon has done showing some suggested Juices. He has given an indication of ingredients but quantities will always depend on the size of the vegetable etc. The recipes are suggestions, which you can alter to suit your own tastes and what is in season, available to you. The aim is to have as many green leafy vegetables, and occasionally small amounts of fruit for taste. I hope this helps.
Best Regards
Den – The GM Team
My coconut oil is solid but it looks like you are using a liquid one. Is there a difference?
Ps I know it does liquefy in summer but how do I use it while still hard?
Hi Lyndall, coconut oil, also known as coconut butter, is solid when it’s cool and liquifies at warmer temperatures or when warmed on the stovetop. Hope that helps! GM Team
Kiaora Jon mai i a Aotearoa
Literally translated means Greetings Jon from New Zealand
I have been spent weeks on and off on extra vegetables and fruit and nowadays I get a lot of flatulence sometimes its severe and sometimes diarrhea which means I cannot do some of the things I like to do like exercise classes for fear of an embarrassing moment. What can I do? I suspect that my body may be prediabetic although I have not been diagnosed as prediabetic. My sister who is diabetic has the same problem but more severe then mine.
Hi Edith,
Kiaora! You’re body is struggling to maintain a healthier digestive flora. This detox can be very beneficial for you in that regard.
MCT can cause severe stomach pains. I don’t know if there is a means of determining who has this reaction, before purchasing. I saw nothing about the possibility until after it affected me and went searching for the link, as that was the only addition to my raw diet.
Hi Sylvia,
Yes good point. Rare, but it can happen. Best to stay with coconut oil then.
I started pre cleanse today. what is detox tea w/coconut oil? I need the recipes for juice 1,2,3,4,5 and omega -3 shake
Hi Robert,
Please check out the Audio & Video resources on the Right hand side of this page, the recipes are all available there.
Best Regards
The GM Team
what is MCT oil ?
Hi Lorie, it stands for Medium Chain Trigyliceride oil, available from health food stores or online. Hope that helps! Best, Sherri, GM Team
do we need to use whole coconut or can coconut water be used instead
Hi Lorie,
Canned Coconut water is okay to use as long as the only ingredient is coconut water.
Best Regards
The GM Team
I am very excited about these next 12 days of detox!
Before I get started I would need to know if the on-line daily classes would be available to download them, as I won’t be able to attend them all live, because of the timing difference with Europe.
I would also love to know if we could get the measurements for the recipes in Kg and litres also?
Thank you!
Hi Loredana,
All of the webinars will be recorded so that you may listen to them at a convenient time. For measurements you can use this handy conversion chart:
We are excited you are on the Detox with us!
Best Regards
The GM Team
No mention of tomatoes does that mean ‘not allowed’?
Hi Susan, You can add in tomatoes if you like as well!
Best Regards
The GM Team
Is a head of celery the whole celery.
When you talk bundle in Australia it comes loose leaved how much would that be.
Hi Susan,
You can grab about 7-8 stalks and that should work.
Best Regards
The GM Team
I have a few questions:
1. Is there a replacement herb instead of corriander? It doesn’t agree with me.
2. You refer to 30 pieces of cucumber. How large is one piece?
3. The organic spinach I buy from the farm comes in bags. The chard and kale are individual leaves bunched together. Is there a specific weight we need to purchase for each of the heads?
Hi Jacqueline,
You can use any other herb of your choosing instead of coriander. For the cucumber medium to large is fine. For chard and kale you can grab a large bundle and that can count for 1 head.
Best Regards
The GM Team
Can we Have carbonated water? ( Seltzer ) ?
Hi Diana,
If you drink carbonated water make sure there are no extra ingredients such as salt, sugar, flavor etc. Vichy is a good brand that is free from this. I hope this helps.
Best Regards
The GM Team
Can you share what ‘Chard’ is??
Hi Heather,
Here is a link to find out more about chard:
I hope this helps!
Best Regards
The GM Team
Okay, so looking at the grocery list…. I can’t get a third of this stuff in the country I live in. How much of an impact is that going to have on my success with this?
Hi Michelle,
You can always see if there are other items that you can substitute or you can double the quantity of the items you do have. I hope this helps!
Best Regards
The GM Team
I am intolerant to cucumber. Can you suggest a replacement or just leave it out?
I’m interested in a reply to this as well. Thanks.
Hi Susan and Ann,
You can leave it out and add some more of the ingredients you can eat. I hope this helps!
Best Regards
The GM Team
Allergic to many herbs including coriander & parsley and have a reaction to many spices/flavourings including turmeric, mint and ginger and I also can’t stomach celery – that’s half of the juicing shopping list! I would like to know too if avocado is suitable to use. I love it in smoothies. All of the veggie broth ingredients are ok for me to use, except for the parsnips. Umm – sorry for being difficult!!
Hi Rose,
You can always add more of the ingredients you are able to eat and adjust to what your body needs. Avocado is difficult to juice but you may try it if you like. I hope this helps!
Best Regards
The GM Team
What about avocado? I love it in my smoothies/juices… would adding a quarter of that be ok?
Hi Susanne,
Avocado is more difficult to juice but you can add a bit if you like.
Best Regards
The GM Team