ABOUT THESE PRACTICES – To bring Support Group Members together, I host monthly, visualization practices around a specific theme. Scroll through the list below, and I’m sure you’ll find a visualization that speaks to you. You can download these so you can play them anywhere, anytime.
Thanks for fixing!!!
Please help….I can only access Vibrant Energy visualisation, not others are no listed below and I normally use these on a daily basis. I have emailed today and also a couple of days ago but as yet have heard nothing back. Your urgent help would be greatly appreciated Natalie
Hi Natalie, sorry about that. We have received your email and my colleague has replied to you. Rest assured our technical team is working to fix this the soonest. Kindly bear with us. Thank you.
Great, thanks Neshama!
I just sent an email to the GM team. Some tech glitch must have taken place.
Hi Neshama, we have received your email and one of our colleagues will get back to you. Thanks for your patience!
I only see one visualization. The rest are missing!
I can no longer see the list of visualizations. Only the “vibrant energy” vis. Just the comments.
Sorry for the confusion. Our technical team is currently fixing this issue. Please bear with us.
-Jong- GM Team
Thanks Jong!
Hi Ivy,
You should be able to download each visualizations by clicking on the download icon (the one with arrow pointing down). The download icon can be found on the right side of the title for each visualization. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to send us an email to help@thegabrielmethod.com
– Nadine, GM Team
Hi I’m new to this support group. I’ve read Jon’s book and used the evening visualisation and also took part in the 21 day meditation by Jon but wondering the best way to use these amazing visualisations. There’s so many to choose from…I feel a bit overwhelmed. Is it best to do the same one every night or a different one each night? A new one each week? Would love some guidance thanks so much! 🙂
Welcome to the community, Kristy! With tons of visualizations available, I understand that it can be overwhelming, however you can focus on a specific visualization that resonates with your goal. You can either do one of the visualizations every morning or night, or repeat the same visualization daily, it’s up to you. Jon usually recommends you do it at the same time of the day, or the moment you wake up, whichever works for you. – Jenn, GM Team
Hi. I love these visualizations. I have been looking for a program using body-mind connection and visualizations for a long time. I had been looking in cds/dvds and nothing and then Jon Gabriel popped up in books. I knew immediately that my search was over. I have been aware that my weight gain had nothing to do with food and more to do with stress, emotions and negative experiences. Jon Gabriel and his team is a gift to me because you all fit into my holistic outlook. I just wanted to say thank you times 1000! I love innovative new pathways that feel natural on all levels. Again, thank you so much.
That’s great to know Janet. Enjoy the visualizations! – Nadine, GM Team
Wow! This is an awesome base of resource. Thank you so much. What an impressive data base.
Glad you liked it! – Nadine, GM Team
Healing your Body is an amazing visualization. I was feeling really stressed, with heart palpatations, and felt too stressed to meditate on my own, so i listened to this visualization and in a few minutes, I felt so much calmer, healthier and I also felt spiritually connected- which is so important for me. These visualizations are fantastic!
Hi Gayle,
Fantastic job! Keep up the good work, we believe in you!
Kelly, The GM Team
Thanks for the wonderful feedback Gayle! We are glad you liked it. – Nadine, GM Team
These are the best guided visualizations on the planet! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Hi Sparrow,
You are most welcome! Enjoy! – Kelly, The GM Team
In your visualizations, you say things I feel i have been longing all my life to hear….needed to hear….like you knew just what i needed to hear! thank you so much! Your visualizations are amazingly healing, and profound! I am so grateful to have found them,
Thank you for the healing you are sharing !
Hi everybody! So excited to now be a member of the GM Support Group. Was wondering if Jon might ever consider doing a visualization to deal with self-sabotage? Thanks!
Hi Jane,
Thanks for the great suggestion!
I can’t listen to any of the group visualizations.
Hi Maggie,
Please try clearing your cookies and cache and see if this fixes the problem. If not please email our team at help@thegabrielmethod.com for assistance.
HI! I’m new here today. But I read your visualization book and just loved it- I ordered and have been using your flat earphones with your visualizations that came with it and just love them. I switched from another self hypnosis ones I’d been using. I just listened to the tight Skin one ( very hard to believe for a 64 yr woman that’s yoyo’d for 40 years. I want to download some from above like it says you can-but can’t figure how to do that. I always have access to mw MP3 but not always the computer. Please explain how to download them. Thank You
Well. DUH! I just figured it out. Thanks anyway.
Hi Ginger,
Sorry we did not answer earlier – glad to hear you can access them.
Den 🙂
Hi there
I have just joined and love the visualizations however since this morning there isn’t any sound to any of them. Not sure what’s happening
Hi Wendy,
I just tried the first two and they worked fine. Can you maybe try clearing your browser and coming back into the site and seeing what happens?
HI Jon and the Gabriel team
Will you be doing any more visualizations ? they were a wonderful part of the monthly membership and I miss not having new ones to follow .. I especially loved the live visualizations that you used to do monthly. tuning in live with you and everyone on line was really powerful !
thank you
Hi Renee,
Thanks for the great feedback – we have passed this onto Jon.
Den – GM Team
thank you Denaleigh :)!
I agree. Maybe I misunderstood the membership but I thought there would be a new one added each month.
When are you going to put up a new visualization? It seems like there haven’t been any new ones for awhile. Thank you
Hi Tamara,
Thanks for the feedback!
Den 🙂
HI Gabriel Team
Yes I’d love to see some new visualizations as well an I truly really miss the live visualizations that Jon use to do originally. It was one of the events I loved attending as part of the group – it just felt so powerful to to be with everyone and Jon live on the call in .. Please bring them back :)!
Hi all.
I have been serial yo-yo dieter all my life and have probably done myself more damage than good. I am at the stage in my life where I need to make a change for my wife, for my children and for my own self worth. In a nut shell – I am tired of hating what I see in the mirror being tired all the time.
I have read both The Gabriel Method and Visualisation for weight loss and really enjoyed both books. I really want to do the 16 week visualisation program and was just wondering if there are pre recorded visualisations for all 16 weeks.
I have had a look in all the libraries and cannot see recordings for:
Week 1: Believe your body wants to be thin
Week 8: Activate get thin parameters with movement
Week 9: Reverse leptin and insulin resistance
Can anybody let me know recordings for these are available?
Hi Richard, I would go to the Visualization Audio Library (not the group one). There is Genetically Thin & Balance Blood Sugar (I believe this one is for leptin & insulin resistance). – Johanne
Hi Richard,
The 16 week program is not complete yet but week one relates to the generic morning visualisation that we have called Burn Fat Now. Week 8 is the same as the Get Thin or Get Eaten visualisation and week 9 we’ve recorded in a few places, but as Johanne says, it’s roughly similar to the blood sugar balancing one.
I hope this helps.
I have only been doing the one evening visualization… though I know people have done it and say it works…but its still hard to believe that visualization can help you do so much change with your body.
Not wanting to be… but still a bit of a skeptic.
I can relate, Zahra. Even though for most of my adult life I have used visualization very successfully and swiftly for homes I have lived in, cars I have had, and material objects I have needed and know deep down how, without a doubt, amazingly well it works, I have had trouble getting my head around how it could work for my body and daily health and life. Having used it now for several months, still confused and somewhat still doubting, I am finally
FEELING it work. Even though I’ve only lost a tad of weight, my
food choices, my health, my body tone, and my daily commitment
to new routine have improved radically. I continually receive compliments on how much weight I have lost (I have nearly 100 pounds to lose and have lost 10) and on my healthy glow and positive attitude. I know now for a fact that it’s because it’s the way I see myself now through being consistent with the visualizations. It surprises me in the most wonderful way that others are seeing it, too. Jon’s new book is the best, by far, on anything I have ever read on visualization. It will certainly help me deepen my practice. I highly recommend getting his book. It will
give you some great incentive! 🙂
Another person, an older and very wise woman whose name is Belleruth Naparstek has some incredibly powerful information on
how visualization works, also. Google her on you tube for PTSD. Watch the first 2 (very short) videos of 4 and it will be tremendously helpful as well. Her work has given me much more clarity on how it can turn things around for people who use it. Amazing! Good luck to you!
Hi Zahra,
Its okay and perfectly normal to be sceptical at first. As Jon says though, just turn up – in other words just try to make it a daily habit to listen to the visualisations – don’t worry if you feel like you aren’t really taking it in. Eventually these will become part of your routine and you will start to notice the positive effects they have.
Keep us posted!
Den 🙂
I am new to this group and hope I am not bothering you with a question that perhaps I have missed in an FAQ somewhere.
Is it advised to set up multiple visualizations on my device and just let them all play throughout the night while I am sleeping?
I love the visualizations and that most of them are short enough so that I can actually take a break at work and do them.
Thanks so much!
Hi Teresa, Welcome… you have found the best place in the world to be at this time in your life… 😉
I have found that listening to the night visualizations is so impacting, but like some others I do find the change from one to the next sometimes disrupts sleep, so I have to unwind the earplugs and turn it off. If for some reason I wake in the night and can’t sleep I will put them on again and will feel almost euphoric in the morning from listening…
The impact and affect on my attitude in the day is amazing from listening…
Thanks for your lovely feedback Sherry.
Teresa, Sherry is right, as long as it doesn’t disrupt your sleep you can listen to visualisations over night.
I have started the 21 days again, and am so thankful for where this journey has taken me. I am so grateful to you Jon for sharing your life and this path of wisdom and grace.
Sherry (Harms) Funk
Hi, Jon, I love your visualizations. I have 21 Guided Meditations and went through them, one at a time daily, six consecutive times, finally copying on paper, by hand, all 21. Months later I am still using them, repeating all 21 every day by tapping them in using the eft points. (I know, it sounds like it takes hours, but it only takes about 5 minutes). I see here in the archives that there are several more I can hardly wait to incorporate. I will make time for that soon! As always, in Gratitude, Catherine
I do every morning one of the visualizations to start my day tuned into my goals for the day. In the evening the deep sleep and evening visualizations have helped me to sleep really sound!!! Thanks a lot
Hi Margarita,
Thanks for sharing – so glad you are getting so much from the Visualisations!
Den 🙂
The Vibrant Energy (31) kept stopping and then resuming?
Hi Joy,
Please contact the team at help@thegabrielmethod.com and they will be able to get to the bottom of this for you.
The 11 item doesn’t work. Apear this message:
Access Denied
Hi Cynthia,
Sorry about that, we’ve fixed that link now. Can you please try downloading it again:
Thanks for your patience!
The GM Team 🙂
I’m having a hard time downloading these visualizations, which might be because of the security settings I have to have on my computer for work. Is there any way that I could get them e-mailed to me?
Thanks so much,
Hi Gabrielle,
Please email our team at help@thegabrielmethod.com and they might be able to sort something out for you.
Kind regards
These are just awesome – thanks so so much!!
Having a problem with
It won’t download – comes back with Failed – Server problem.
Hi Anita,
Can you please email help@thegabrielmethod.com?
Thanks so so much Jon – will do.
Jon and GM Team thank you for these wonderful visualizations. They are very much appreciated.
Hi Lely,
So glad to hear that you are enjoying these!
Den 🙂
These are amazing. I keep them on my IPod so I can choose to listen to what is resonating most at the time. I would love to see one hear about movement (physical). Thanks Jon!
My pleasure Neshima! 🙂
Thank you so much for safe family visualization – It’s a long story and my kids are okay today but this just meant so much to me tonight and I do believe they were protected through these last weeks of exposure to violence and trauma that they are not accustomed to. Thank you for your sensitivity to the spirit through these visualizations
Hi Sherry,
I am so sorry that you and your family have suffered so tremendously. I hope that things are easier now?
Very happy to hear that the visualisations were of some comfort.
Your visualizations have helped me to visualize, no joke, I couldn’t and now I can!!!
Thanks a lot
Hi Margarita,
That’s great to hear! And the more you practice the better and more organic it will become for you.
Keep us posted.
Hi. It would be great if you could also add the ones Jon did for kids. People were asking about accessing them on the facebook group page. Thanks Jacqueline
Hi Jacqueline,
Thanks for the suggestion – I have forwarded this on.
This is great and so is the format! There are a couple that don’t execute correctly, meaning they only open in a web browser to listen I cannot download them to put them on my device. They are the following:
11 Follow your Heart
12 Fighting your cravings
20 Everyday is a new day
25 Gratitude
Hi Kaye,
Thanks for letting us know.
This looks great! Any chance you can do one that relates to what you and Melinda Jacobs were talking about in the interview? 🙂 and another evening one would be wonderful at some stage!
Hi Annabel,
Thanks for the suggestions – I will let Jon know.
So much easier to access and see what is available. Numbers 5 and 6 are reversed. Thank you!
Hi Marilyn,
Thanks for the feedback. I have passed this on.
Denn 🙂
Thank you so much I love all of your visualizations. They are like none i have experienced before I can feel these visualizations. Just as you say it in each one I can literally feel all the sensations you speak. I am so filled with joy to have this new start in my life!
Hi Sharie,
That is so wonderful to hear!
Thank you for sharing.
Den 🙂