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How To Lose Weight By Eating More And Exercising Less

A lot of health and dietary advice out there will tell you to “eat less and exercise more”. And today, I’m going to suggest something pretty bold to you…Eat more, and exercise less.

This advice is founded in my years of research about what I call your body’s FAT Programs, which are your body’s survival programs that cause you to gain weight. Understanding how to work with your body’s survival programs (rather than fighting them) will allow you to lose weight in a much more sustainable way.

So let’s look deeper into my advice to eat more and exercise less. Let’s explore that first part…


eat more
When I say eat more, I’m really talking about eating more healthy foods. That is, getting more nutrition into your body. Many of us are nutritionally starved. This type of starvation can cause chronic junk food cravings.

Also, modern day processed foods cause inflammation and digestive issues, both of which activate your FAT programs. By adding more healthy foods, you will be nourishing your body, reducing inflammation and healing your digestion.

The focus for us is always on adding. Over time, you’ll experience less junk food cravings and you’ll become more efficient at burning fat. At the Gabriel Method, we always suggest to eat more nutritious, wholesome foods and focus on what I call the Gabriel Method Big 3:

  • Live Foods Like – Green leafy veggies, fermented veggies, sprouts and cruciferous veggies.
  • Omega 3’s: Found in sources like chia seeds and oil, cold water fish, hemp oil, and flax oil.
  • Protein: Grass fed, organically farmed meats, eggs and wild caught fish.

Eating less without adding healthy foods puts your body into fat storage mode because there is a perceived danger of starving. This is the opposite of what we want to communicate to our bodies for weight loss. So start by eating more, and focusing on adding in the Big 3 food items. You may not lose weight overnight by following this approach, but over time, you will have less hunger and junk food cravings and once you do start losing weight it will be very sustainable.

Now let’s look at the second piece of advice…


Most people get really stressed with the concept of eating less, and exercising more. For many of us, we don’t enjoy exercise, because it’s been ingrained in our minds that we have to exercise for 1 hour at least 6-7 times a week for any changes to be made.

This type of over exercising can lead to a phenomenon called ‘overtraining’. And overtraining causes your cortisol levels to be elevated, which causes junk food cravings and leptin and insulin resistance – all leading to an activation of your FAT programs.

At The Gabriel Method, we use exercise to transform your body from the inside out, working on a hormonal level, not a caloric level. So the first hormone we need to address is the cortisol that is being dumped in your body from stress and overtraining. By exercising less, but exercising right, you can lower stress levels and turn off the FAT programs. Remember, it’s not about burning more calories, it’s about creating a hormonal response that is conducive to weight loss.

When you exercise the right way you can activate what I call the “Get Thin or Get Eaten” response. This is a genetic adaptation that forces our bodies to be lean and fit, in order to escape from predators. It’s a survival response that you can tap into. And when you tap into it right, your body works with you to actually help you lose weight. Think about it – 10,000 years ago, being light, agile, and fast was necessary for your survival so you could escape predators, hunt and stay alive.

When you activate this response, you are communicating to your body that being thin is not only important, but imperative to your survival.

What I’ve discovered, is that activating this “Get Thin or Get Eaten” response before a workout helps me maximize my results, in a fraction of the time. You can use visualization and guided imagery to help activate this response, even before your workout starts. Your survival brain doesn’t know the difference between a real or an imagined experience, so you can use visualization in a very targeted way.

You can use the “Get Thin or Get Eaten” visualization further down on this page. I’ve also made it available for download, so you can put it on your phone and take it with you where ever, whenever.

I activate this favorable hormonal response, by using visualization…

Before I go for a run on the beach or go out for a bike ride, I love to listen to this visualization to get my mind in a peak-playful-intensity place where that wonderful biochemical change can take place.

Working with your body and enjoying the process of change is what The Gabriel Method is all about.

Now I realize that this approach flies directly in the face of the pop health dietary advice that tells us we should simply “eat less and exercise more.” But when you move away from the traditional paradigm toward a more holistic, mind-body approach, you quickly realize that this pop health advice isn’t working for anyone.

Try This Way of Exercise:
15 minutes of Visualization + 15 Minutes of Movement

So give it a try yourself. One day this week set aside 30 minutes; 15 minutes to listen to this meditation, and then 15 minute to do some sort of body movement. That could be going for a walk, going for a jog, doing some yoga at home, running after your kids, or perhaps a bike ride.

Also when you exercise have a few brief moments of intense movement. Maybe sprint for 20-30 seconds 3 or 4 times during the workout and rest at least 48 hours before your next exercise session.

Then come back here and let me know what you think of the visualization. Many of our coaching clients love this new perspective towards movement and exercise, and consequently are able to start shedding the weight much easier -AND MOST IMPORTANTLY – they are able to keep it off. I hope you enjoy it as well, and start achieving the permanent, sustained weight loss you desire.

Workout Visulization

Download Visualization

get thin or get eatern

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12 Years After Losing 200 Pounds & How I’ve Kept The Weight Off

This is my take on Sustainable Weight Loss…

Back in the 90’s I went through a period of time where my weight was completely out of control. No matter what I did to lose weight, I just kept gaining. I tried every diet I could. I worked face to face with the late Dr. Atkins himself. I went to the Pritkin Institute, I met with doctors, nutritionists, acupuncturists, fitness trainers, naturopaths and homeopaths. No matter what I did, I just kept gaining.

Sure I’d lose a little weight with whatever diet I was on at the time, but then the weight loss would stop. Eventually I couldn’t take the restriction anymore and I’d have a big binge and all the weight I lost would come back with a vengeance. By 2001 I was over 400 pounds.

In 2002 I had given up. I stopped trying to lose weight and instead I started trying to heal my life, my mind and my body. Paradoxically, by not focusing on losing weight anymore and instead focusing on healing, the weight started to melt off of me.

Over a 2 year period from 2002-2004 I lost over 220 pounds and I’ve been the same weight since. I don’t diet in restrictive sense. There’s nothing I ‘can’t’ have and I don’t measure quantities or count calories. I eat whatever I want, whenever I want and as much as I want. But because I’ve focused so much on healing my mind and body, I simply never crave junk food anymore and my body now desires extremely healthy foods.


For me weight loss has now been completely sustainable for over 12 years….

There’s a lot of talk these days in the news about how impossible it is to lose weight and keep it off in the long term. In particular, one New York Times article revisited some of the success stories from the Biggest Loser a few years later and virtually all of them have gained their weight back and more.

Many doctors are now saying that dieting doesn’t work and some of them are going as far as to say that you can’t lose weight and keep it off in the long term.

What I’ve learned is that when a doctor says that you can’t do something, what they really mean is that the methods that they use do not work. It doesn’t mean you can’t do it, it just means that their methods are not effective. So I’d like to offer an alternative version of what it takes to create lasting, sustainable weight loss.

In a nutshell, sustainable weight loss comes when you address the real issues that are causing your body to hold onto weight.

Sure, eating junk food and not exercising enough will cause you to gain weight. But what causes you to crave junk food, or be too tired to exercise? You might say it’s all just weakness, laziness, lethargy and indifference, but there’s actually a lot more to it.

Having lived through the experience of having a body that just wanted to gain and gain, to now being in a body that’s effortless thin, I can tell you that weakness and laziness have very little to do with it.

There’s a certain hormonal condition that can happen in our bodies that can put us into fat storage mode. I call this set of hormonal changes “The FAT Programs” because they are part of a genetic program we inherited from our ancestors, designed to help us gain weight for survival reasons. When these FAT Programs are activated, our cells stop responding to two very key fat regulating hormones, leptin and insulin.

You may be familiar with the terms ‘leptin resistance’ and ‘insulin resistance’. Both are extremely common in people who suffer from weight issues. When we have leptin and insulin resistance, our bodies get transformed into human fat storage machines. We can become insatiably hungry and crave junk food constantly. Also, our metabolism slows down, so we’re chronically exhausted. We become very efficient at making fat and we lose the ability to burn fat.

When you combine these hormonal changes together in a world of all you can eat empty calorie junk food you have a recipe for disaster. This is what causes morbid obesity. I lived through this and unfortunately millions are living through it as we speak.

While it’s true that cutting out all junk food will help, since both leptin and insulin resistance causes junk food cravings in the first place, it becomes very difficult to be sustainable. It’s a vicious cycle. So what do you do?

Stress can be caused by mental, emotional and physical issues, so you have to take a mind-body approach to healing.

stress releasing meditation

The way I lost weight and the way I continued to stay thin is by addressing the stresses in my life that can cause leptin and insulin resistance, and you can do that in the following ways:

1. Nourish your body

Many of us are chronically malnourished and that causes our cells to not function properly. So add lots of superfoods and real foods, like live salad greens, green juices, super greens, spirulina, chlorella, sprouts. The key is to add these foods for medicinal purposes. Don’t think of them as food, think of them as medicine. You’re eating them to heal.

2. Heal your digestion

There’s a lot of studies out now that show having unfriendly bacteria in your intestines or having leaky gut can cause chronic low-grade inflammation. So add lots of fermented foods, like sauerkraut, kimchi, nutritional yeast, probiotics, coconut kefir, coconut yoghurts and nut cheeses. Also add bone broths as they have collagen that helps heal the intestines. Again, the focus is always on adding for medicinal purposes. I usually have a couple of tablespoons of fermented veggies before each meal for example.

3. Get lots of sleep

Not having enough sleep elevates cortisol levels, which causes leptin and insulin resistance. So get lots of sleep. Also take a nap in the afternoon if you can. Again, for medicinal reasons 😉

4. Reduce mental stress

Mental stress, just like any other type of stress causes hormonal changes in your body. For some of us, it causes the hormonal changes that activate The FAT Programs. So develop daily mind-body practices to heal mental stress, such as meditation, visualization, yoga and chi kung.

5. Work through emotional issues

Emotional issues can cause an elevation of stress hormones and emotional trauma can cause weight gain. So address any emotional trauma’s you’ve had in your life.

6. Develop a detoxification lifestyle

Toxicity is a chronic stress that can causes weight gain. So for starters, drink lots of water to help flush out toxins. When possible add organic produce. If you eat meat, try to make sure it’s organic and grass fed/free range or wild caught. By having more organic produce and following the other suggestions above, which will also help detoxify your body, you can develop a ‘detoxification lifestyle’. A detoxification lifestyle is when you’re passively eliminating toxins in a gentle way, day by day, so that each day you are cleaner and healthier.

7. Address life issues

Sometimes your life is the problem. When you ignore the issue in your life that are not ideal, such as being in the wrong career, relationship or location, it causes chronic stress, which can cause your body to gain weight. Be willing to make some changes if need be. Use visualization and affirmations to help you make the life changes that are necessary. When meditating ask for help from your intuition, higher self, invisible guides, guardian angels or God. However you conceive the invisible support in your life, connect with it and ask it for help. Then when the time comes and the opportunity presents itself, allow yourself to take a chance if it feels right, even if it’s a bit scary.

Those are the real keys to sustainable weight loss.

They’ve worked for me and they’ve worked for thousands of people that have followed The Gabriel Method over the years.

You may not lose weight instantly by focusing on the real issues, but you will be steadily transforming your body from the inside out.

By eliminating the root causes in this way, you will disempower the hormonal dynamic that has you addicted to junk and spiraling out of control. The most common ‘complaint’ I get when working with clients this way is that after a while they say they are just ‘not that hungry’.

My response is that that’s exactly what’s supposed to happen when your body wants to let go of weight. When you work with your body this way as opposed to fighting cravings night and day, weight loss is so much easier because you’re not at war with your body anymore.

Your body wants to be thin when you address the real issues. Losing weight and keeping it off then becomes totally natural, normal and sustainable.

Let me know your thoughts below. Also if you’d like to know which issues affect your weight most, you can take our FREE Fat Trigger Quiz here and we’ll send you a full report about your Fat Program Stresses and how to address them.

fat trigger quiz banner

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Getting Started With The Gabriel Method

Thank you for joining our Gabriel Method Community. We are so excited to have you be a part of this growing community of over 400,000 people all over the world.

If you have struggled with your weight, and are ready to stop calorie counting once and for all AND lose your excess weight… You are in the right place. We are here to support you.

Back in 2002, I weighed 409 lbs, and over a two and a ½ year period of time, I lost 220 lbs, and have kept that weight off ever since without dieting or restrictive eating.

I discovered the answer to a really important question that not many people talk about when it comes to weight loss: WHY is your body holding onto the fat?

I’ve now made it my life’s mission to share my discoveries and techniques of a diet free approach with as many people as possible. Every week we are updating our resources with cutting-edge information and our community is growing in leaps and bounds.

So whether you came here wanting to lose 20 pounds, or 200 pounds the tools and insights I’m going to share with you will help totally transform your body and your life.

No matter what stage you are in your weight loss journey, or inspired health path, you’ll find resources and inspiration to support your “inside out” transformation. I call it “inside out weight loss” because first we have to identify what’s happening on the inside – from digestion to emotional challenges, to trauma – and then we can start transforming the outside.

Over the coming weeks, we’ll talk more about these concepts as well as the Gabriel Method FAT Programs, and how to identify which of the 10 Triggers are causing you to hold onto excess weight.

You can look forward to hearing from us on a regular basis with…

Here’s a few tips you’ll find helpful to get started…

1. Connect With Us On Social

Take a moment to join the Gabriel Method Facebook page, as this will be our primary method of communication outside of email updates and so you won’t want to miss a thing.

the gabriel method facebook page

2. Try A Gabriel Method Weight Loss Visualization

As part of the Gabriel Method approach, we use visualization as a powerful tool to assist with weight loss.

Our most popular visualization is the Evening Visualization. You can use this before going to bed at night, to relax, relieve stress and lose weight while you sleep.

You can use the player below to listen to this visualization on the page, or you can click the arrow to download.

I want to give you this visualization as a gift to help you get started on your journey. This is one of the most effective ways to start seeing tangible results in a short amount of time. My clients who achieve the most dramatic weight loss results largely credit their success to using my visualizations every day. So give it a try, and let me know what you think.

evening visualization

Download Visualization

3. Connect With Us On Live Chat Support

You may notice a little pop-up on the bottom right of your screen. That right there is someone waiting and ready to assist you with any and every enquiry about The Gabriel Method that you may have. Got gut health issues? We can help. Need some extra support during this journey? We’ve got you covered. Jump on to be connected to a real person who truly cares about helping you reach your health goals, 24/7.

connect with us on live chat banner

4. Try The Gabriel Method Support Group

If you know right now that you need an extra level of support and don’t want to tackle this journey on your own – you don’t have to! We offer many levels of personalized coaching, but the Support Group is our most popular group. It is an exclusive community of thousands of members who support and uplift each other. This is also a place where you and I can connect directly, and you can get weekly coaching sessions with our Gabriel Method Certified Coaches. As a new member, I’d love if you tried the Support Group for 30 days, completely free. This is a genuine gift, as I personally know how challenging weight loss can be, and I’d like for you to experience an extra level of support and success. We are here for you during this path. To claim your 30 days free, you can head on over to this page to get all the details.

GM Support Group Banner

If we can help support you in any other way, please leave us a comment below, and we’ll be sure to answer your questions and direct you in the best way possible.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Why Eating Fermented Foods Will Help You Lose Weight

Eating fermented foods has been making a huge comeback among people in-the-know these days. Most of these foods have a sour and savory flavor, and although sour is not a taste we’re accustomed to in our modern diet, these foods are in fact delicious and extremely good for your body. The reason is simple. Fermenting anything, especially vegetables, creates healthy probiotic bacteria that are essential to a healthy and functioning digestive tract.

Sustainable Weight Loss Depends on Healthy Digestion

You can be eating all the healthy foods in the world, but if the digestive tract isn’t working right, your body isn’t going to see a dime’s worth of benefit. This is why probiotics are thought to be even more important than vitamins.

By promoting friendly intestinal bacteria, fermented foods help…

  • Aid digestion
  • Support immune function
  • Increase B vitamins (even Vitamin B12)
  • Facilitate omega-3 fatty acids,
  • Produce digestive enzymes, lactase and lactic acid
  • Fight off harmful bacteria and even cancer cells
  • Expel toxins and heavy metals from cell tissue.

Gut Health

How does this help with Weight loss?

All of the health benefits listed above help reduce the overall inflammation of our body, which is is particularly important when it comes to weight loss.

You may have heard of the conditions called ‘leptin resistance’ and ‘insulin resistance’. One of the factors that causes these fat-gaining conditions is inflammation. Inflammation, more specifically ‘proinflammatory cytokines’ which are the hormones that cause inflammation, activate your body’s FAT triggers. These inflammatory hormones cause the cells of your body to become resistant to ‘leptin’ and ‘insulin’, the two most important fat regulating hormones. Anything that can reduce chronic inflammation helps address one of main causes of obesity.

Studies are coming out all the time now linking unfriendly gut bacteria with obesity. It’s no surprise then that more and more physicians are using probiotic therapy to treat obesity, diabetes, depression, and heart disease as well as a host of other conditions.

What Are Fermented Foods?

Fermented foods are foods that have been through a process of fermentation in which natural bacteria feed on the sugar and starch in the food. This process has been used for centuries to preserve food, and we now know that it also creates beneficial enzymes and various strains of probiotics. When most people think of fermented foods, things like pickles, marinated peppers, mushrooms, cucumbers, artichokes, and even cheese might come to mind. While these foods were traditionally fermented and incur some form of fermentation, they are not the type of beneficial fermented foods that assist in digestive health and weight loss.

Warning! Not All Fermented Foods are Created Equal

Most canned or jarred foods in the supermarket (and even cheese) are processed for mass consumption through a process called pasteurization. Pasteurization is a heating process that kills bacteria. This is useful when prolonging the shelf life of a product but not useful when trying to preserve the healthy bacteria that is so essential for your digestive health.


The Best Fermented Foods For Weight Loss

Pickled Vegetables: Raw Sauerkraut, Kimchi, and raw pickles

Pickled vegetables are a delicious way to add probiotics to almost any savory meal. Eating these live foods adds zest and health to every bite. While they are all easy to make at home with a little fermentation patience, they can also be easily sourced from most health food stores and come in many flavors. These foods are so beneficial that even a few bites a day can be taken like a medicine for your digestive health.

Pickled Vegetables Raw Sauerkraut, Kimchi, and raw pickles

Fermented Soy

Fermented soy products like tempeh, miso, and tamari are great options for vegans and non-vegans alike. Soy, when it is processed, becomes very inflammatory in the body; however, when organic non-gmo soy is fermented it is great for the gut and for the waistline.

Fermented Soy


Sprouts also have friendly bacteria in it, because it’s actually the probiotic bacteria that cause the seed to open up and sprout. When you’re eating sprouts, you’re getting a good dose of the friendlies!


Kefirs and Kombucha

The best kefirs and kombucha are non-diary and are not sweet to the taste. Sweet drinks, even kombucha, can have an adverse effect on your insulin levels and are not advisable for weight loss.

Kefirs and Kombucha

Milk & Cheese

Milk is usually pasteurized, and the pasteurization process kills the healthy bacteria and means the dairy has a more inflammatory response in your body. The same goes for cheese. Raw milk has lots of healthy bacteria, but unfortunately raw milk is not sold at all grocery stores or always easily accessible. The same goes for cheese. If it’s raw, and especially if it’s aged raw cheese, it’s going to beneficial to your digestive health.

Milk & Cheese

Other Fun Recipes Fermented Foods

Basically, you can take any type of vegetable and pickle it, but there are other interesting choices…

For instance, there is a simple way to make ketchup which if done right, has friendly bacteria and provides a perfect way to get gut-friendly bacteria into the foods kids are eating. It’s just a matter of combining the list of ingredients including organic tomato paste, raw honey, fresh whey, apple cider vinegar, unrefined sea salt, allspice, and some cloves. Let it sit out on the counter for five days, and you’ll have ketchup with friendly bacteria and that kids will love.

Other Fun Recipes Fermented Foods

That’s just one example, and there are so many other fantastic healthy foods that are easy and fun to make. Get creative, have fun, dip your toe in the water, (or brine as the case may be) and start, healing your gut, your body, your mind, and solve your weight problems.

The key with all foods and the relationship to weight loss is to keep inflammation down in the body. Fermented foods are one of the best ways to ensure that your digestion is healthy and resilient. A resilient body is more able to respond to changes in your life, environment, or food choices and still help you sustain a healthy weight. Since food is the best way to assimilate nutrients, versus supplements, eat your fermented foods every day for healthy weight loss.

Healthy LACTO-FERMENTED Ketchup Recipe
Makes: 1 Pint


– mixing bowl,
– spoon,
– airtight jar for storage (where to find hermetically-sealed jars)


  • 2 C. tomato paste
  • 1/4 C. raw honey
  • 1 tsp. allspice
  • 1/4 C. plus 2 Tbsp. fresh whey drained from yogurt, kefir, or raw milk, or an alternative starter culture
  • 2 tbsp. raw apple cider vinegar, plus extra for thinning the ketchup, if desired
  • 1 tsp. unrefined sea salt (where to find real sea salt)
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cloves
  • Method

    • Mix tomato paste and honey in a mixing bowl.
    • Whisk in the whey (or other starter culture), vinegar, sea salt, allspice, and cloves until smooth.
    • Put the mixture into a glass container and put the remaining whey or starter culture on top.
    • Cover with a cheesecloth and let sit undisturbed at room temperature for 3 to 5 days.
    • After 3-5 days stir it thoroughly. Cover with an airtight lid and transfer to refrigerator for storage.

    You can use it immediately, and it will last for several months in your fridge.

    Science Daily

    Blog Archives

    How To Make Your Body Want To Be Thin

    Have you ever wondered why some people can eat anything they want and never gain an ounce and others just have to look at an ice cream to gain weight?

    The answer may not be about willpower or discipline at all. The answer lies in a tiny little hormone that we didn’t even know existed until 1994…

    Leptin is the master hormone that body weight and since its discovery it has revolutionized our understanding of weight gain.

    Early experiments proved that leptin is key in keeping our bodies thin…

    For example, mice bred to be incapable of producing leptin, would eat and eat, getting fatter, and fatter—and fatter. In fact, they would grow to three times their original body weight.

    But when scientists injected the mice with leptin, they stopped being hungry, their metabolism sped up, and they got thinner. And the more leptin they got, the thinner they became.

    You can imagine the excitement! They thought, “Wow! We’ve got the cure to obesity. All we have to do is give people leptin!”

    So they started treating overweight people with the hormone leptin and guess what happened? Nothing!

    The reason nothing happened was because overweight people already have a lot of leptin in their system. The actual problem is that their bodies are not listening to the leptin. Nearly all overweight people have a condition called ‘leptin resistance’.

    See, leptin is a hormone basically tells your brain how much fat you have on your body.

    If there’s too much leptin, your brain gets the message that you’re too fat and it makes certain subtle changes that will virtually ensure that you lose weight…

    You become less hungry, your metabolism speeds up, your tongue becomes very sensitive to sweets, you become very efficient and burning fat, your body resists storing fat and boom! You lose weight easily and effortlessly. It’s as if your body actually wants to lose weight and it all happens automatically.

    The problem is that sometimes the brain can become ‘leptin resistant’. Leptin resistant means that the brain actually stops ‘listening’ to leptin.

    When that happens you become like one of those mice that can’t produce leptin, you just get fatter and fatter…

    Having leptin resistance is the same as having no leptin in your body. Your brain gets ‘tricked’ into thinking that you have zero fat on your body and literally forces you to gain weight.

    So you become insatiably hungry, your metabolism slows down, your body resists burning fat and you become very efficient at storing fat. It’s as if your body has been transformed into a fat storage machine.

    Stress is the real culprit…

    Research shows that it’s stress—what they call the Chronic Stress Response Network, that causes leptin resistance.

    It doesn’t matter whether it’s the stress of famine, or cold weather, or just the day in, day out kind of stress of making ends meet, hating your job, or other stresses, like intestinal dysbiosis, leaky gut, toxins, sleep disorders, inflammatory foods, nutritional starvation.

    Any and all chronic stress can make your body stop listening to leptin.

    If you reverse the stress triggers your brain starts ‘listening’ to the master hormone again.

    So you can fight 24/7 with willpower and discipline but in the end, it’s not about that—it’s about leptin.

    The key to getting your body to want to be thin, and losing weight easily and keeping it off forever is reversing leptin resistance…

    If you’d like to understand better what types of chronic stresses are causing leptin resistance in your body and activating your FAT programs, you can take our FREE FAT TRIGGER Quiz here.


    Blog Archives

    How to Lose Weight & Burn Fat While You Sleep

    Those of you who are familiar with The Gabriel Method will be aware that one of the things we’re always talking about is hormones. Your body’s hormonal environment is crucial to how your body uses the food you eat.

    It’s the hormonal influence on fat storage that makes all the difference. If more people understood the role of hormones in fat, we’d finally be able to kill the myth that losing weight is a “simple” matter of calories in vs. calories out.

    The body just doesn’t work like a bank account where if you put in fewer calorie “dollars” and spend more calorie “dollars” you’ll end up with less in your “fat account.” If it were that simple, then diets, especially calorie restriction diets, would work, and as we say again and again they just don’t.

    When you eat, your body has a choice. “What will I do with these calories? Will I use them up by making myself more alert and mentally and physically active, or will I store them for a rainy day in the form of fat?”

    Your hormonal environment will dictate whether your body stores fat.

    So while we’re talking hormones, let’s talk insulin. Insulin is a major fat storage hormone. If your insulin levels are chronically elevated, then that’s a pretty good sign that your F.A.T. programs are on.

    Chronically elevated insulin levels will ensure that your body will store the food you eat as fat, AND also keep you chronically hungry for junk food. It’s a vicious cycle!

    Fortunately, there is a way of taking control that’s relatively easy.

    It’s all about timing…

    According to The International Journal of Obesity, a recent study in Spain shows 400 different adults trying to lose weight. They’re all doing basically the same thing— eating about the same and exercising about the same. The only difference is that half of them ate their main meal before three o’clock; the other group after. The group eating before three o’clock lost 25 percent more weight than the the other group.

    Why this makes perfect sense

    It’s about the insulin levels in your body when you go to sleep. Insulin is (as we said) the fat-making hormone, and it has to be lowered long enough before your body can start to burn fat. This makes sleeping the perfect time to do this–that is if you haven’t eaten too much before you go to sleep.

    If you eat too much before you go to sleep, your insulin levels elevate, your digestion slows down, and your body goes into fat-storage mode. In other words, you’re gaining weight while you sleep.

    Luckily, the reverse is also true. If, your insulin levels are low enough when you go to bed, you’re going to burn fat—while you sleep!

    You can actually eat the same amounts, but simply by eating it earlier you’re going to be losing instead of gaining weight. It’s not about the calories in, and the calories out. It’s about the effect of the hormones on the foods you’re digesting and the timing of when you eat.

    Co-operate with your body so it can cooperate with you!

    Once you understand the biochemistry of the situation, it’s a simple matter of shifting your hunger habits.

    The best strategy is to eat more during the early part of the day, progressively eating less until you’re eating relatively little at night. Make sure you eat lots of nourishing foods, like big salads with fermented foods, healthy fats and quality proteins. Things we talk about in The Gabriel Method all the time as “The Big 3.”

    This means eating your bigger meals in the late mornings and early afternoons and a lighter, earlier dinner.

    It’s not about calories, you can eat the same number of calories, just eat them earlier. What will happen is your insulin levels get low enough during the night that you will end up burning fat all night as opposed to making fat all night. That’s because you’ve changed the hormonal environment of your body before you sleep to one that favors weight loss.

    If you eat mostly at night, especially starchy, sugary foods, you’ll be elevating your insulin levels and then your body goes into fat making mode all night. In a lot of ways it’s as much about timing as anything.

    By shifting your eating patterns to eating earlier, you’ll soon find that you’re hungrier in the morning and less so at night and this one change can make all the difference in the world.

    This simple, but powerful change of lifestyle can help you burn fat instead of make fat while you sleep.

    Have you experimented with eating at different times of the day? How did you feel?

    We’d love to hear your thoughts and stories – so share with us by commenting below!

    If you want to know which hormones are keeping you in fat-making mode check out our F.A.T. Trigger Quiz and discover exactly what you need to start switching your body into fat-burning mode.

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    6 Tips on How To Shop Healthy On A Budget, & Still Lose Weight

    How do you eat a nutritious diet while keeping your grocery bill low?

    This is a common question I get from a lot of our community.

    It can seem like a catch-22 when you want to eat nutritious and high quality foods, but then are on a budget.

    But it doesn’t have to be a tricky situation for you – it just takes a little creative thinking and planning.

    Recently I had a very inspiring chat with a long time Gabriel Method community member, and now GM certified coach named Christine Kennedy.

    Christine has 11 (that’s right ELEVEN!) children, between the ages of 4-21… She knows a little something about shopping on a budget.

    The best part is that Christine has found a way to feed herself vibrant nutritious foods, and still managed to lose over 100 lbs, AND she has also introduced this way of eating to her family.

    Here are 6 of my favorite tips on how to do healthy grocery shopping on a budget, which were all inspired by Christine. 🙂

    1. Plan out your meals

    Plant out Your Meals

    Think about your meals for the next few days, week, or 2 weeks. Whatever suits you and your lifestyle.

    What sort of meals would you like to have?

    What type of food will give your body life-force vitality and allow you to have high energy?

    And be sure to do this planning when you are feeling high energy – not when you are hungry or tired. Often times those are moments where we aren’t thinking as clearly and lean towards unhealthy decisions.

    Sometimes finding inspiration for these meals can be tough. And if you have a family and kids that you’re shopping for, sometimes it can be difficult to please all of their taste buds (as Christine, mother of 11 knows a thing or two about!)

    Save recipes or meal plans you see while scrolling through Facebook or Instagram. Bookmark them on your computer, or email them to yourself. Then when you need inspiration, you can always refer back to them.

    I also have created a Gabriel Method Cookbook, which has lots of super nutritious meals in it, ranging from soups, to salads, to chili, to even desserts! This is another great resource to use when you need meal planning inspiration:

    2. Visualize what you’re shopping for before you go

    Visualize before Shopping

    It’s all too easy to arrive to the grocery store and end up standing at the front and thinking, “What did I need again?!”

    So after you’ve done your meal planning, write out a list of ingredients that you know you’ll need for certain meals.

    Then take a moment to close your eyes, and see yourself going through the grocery store having a successful shopping trip.

    Perhaps that means you spend most of your time in the fresh fruit and vegetable section. You appreciate all the color and vibrancy that the living food has, and you see it becoming life force in your body.

    You know what you need to get, and you easily find these ingredients. You feel happy and joyful as you move to the meats section, and so on.

    Just as when you visualize your perfect body, you can also visualize your perfect grocery shopping trip. For example, a trip where everything is going smoothly and easily and you don’t feel the nagging voice when you go past the sweets or chip aisles. Instead, you feel happy, energetic and excited about the meals you’re going to create with the vibrant, living ingredients.  

    3. Buy Fruits & Vegetables locally that are in season

    Buy Fruits and Vegetables

    There are many advantages to buying your fresh produce while they are in season, and locally if possible.

    The two of the biggest perks of doing this are the price & quality.

    The price is going to be lower because there is a larger supply of the product while it’s in season.

    And the quality will be better as well, because the fruits or vegetables have had a relatively short period of time between when they came from the plant, to when you are buying them.

    This is the way our great ancestors used to eat before all the technology came along to allow humans to grow a much wider range of produce, in a much wider range of environments.

    Now although not all of these technological developments are bad, there is still something to be said for eating in season and locally.

    More and more grocery stores are now marking labels for what is locally produced. And these things are often on special. So be sure to grab them and stock up.

    4. Check the organic, see what is on special, & compare prices

    Check organic Compare Prices See Specials

    One of my recommendations in the Gabriel Method is to eat organic when you can.

    It’s not always possible to do this, because usually the price is higher. But don’t be too concerned with what you can’t do.

    Do what you can. Don’t focus on what you can’t. If you can buy some things organic – great! If you can’t, that’s ok too. The most important thing is that you focus on what you can do!

    If you’ve got an organic shop that’s near you, go there first and see what is on special.

    Sometimes organic is more expensive. And sometimes it isn’t. You simply need to have a browse around.

    There are often great deals on organic meats, and when you keep an eye out for them, you can stock up.

    However, buying organic meat is really important and here’s why:

    In conventionally farmed meat (non-organic meat), the cows are being fed grains, which changes the fats in the meat from omega 3 to omega 6.

    This makes the fat more inflammatory, which causes you to gain weight.

    And even worse, often times non-organic meat has been given hormones to cause the animal to gain weight, pesticides, nitrates, sometimes they even put arsenic in some foods because it’s a preservative and keeps the food from smelling bad.

    You can often get organic meat for a $1.00 or $2 more per pound than non-organic.

    And remember, meat isn’t the only good source of protein for the body. So not every meal needs to have meat to be a protein nutritious meal.

    5. Go to your local farmer’s market at least once a week

    Local Farmer's Market

    This is a great family outing, and it will also save you big bucks on the grocery bill.

    Go and have a chat with your local farmers in the community.

    You’ve got people who can tell you if their using pesticides, and you can speak directly with the farmer.

    You’re going to get food that is in season, and most of the time it’s going to be cheaper than in the grocery because you’re cutting out the middle man. You’re getting your food straight from the farmer!

    How wonderful is it to know the person who has put the love and care into the vegetables and fruit that you are eating? If you feel good vibes from the farmer, then that farmer has likely put good vibes into your food… buy from them!

    And when it comes to meat, it’s also a great place to buy your meat because again you can speak to the farmer and ask them about their animals.

    6. Buy in Bulk & Freeze

    Buy Bulk and Freeze

    Think about the foods that you and your family consume often, and buy those items in bulk.

    Perhaps you buy a lot of nuts, or seeds, gluten-free grains, dried fruit or raw cacao.

    If you are buying nuts and seeds in bulk, be sure to freeze them. Nuts and seeds have a shelf life, because they are full of good fats and oils, which mean they can spoil.

    And if there is a product that you consume a lot of but doesn’t seem to be available in bulk, be sure to ask your grocery store. You’d be surprised with how willing your local grocery store will be to help you out, and perhaps there are product that they could offer in bulk, but currently don’t because no one has asked for it.

    What are some other of your favorite tips and tricks on how to eat healthy on a budget?

    Inspire the rest of the community by joining the conversation below!

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    Are You Starving for Salt?

    Starving for any kind of food is going to make your body gain weight. This is true for several reasons…

    First, when we’re deficient in any nutrient, our bodies stay hungry until we get the specific nutrients we need. This can cause incessant junk food cravings, exhaustion and chronic stress, all leading to more weight gain. As we talk about all the time in The Gabriel Method, sometimes the answer is not less food but more of the types of foods our bodies are really craving.

    And one of the things we’re usually chronically deficient in is… salt.

    Not table salt, not the type of salt that you get from french fries and processed foods. That acts almost like a poison in the body. Besides it’s just sodium chloride— two specific minerals.

    What you’re actually starving for are the trace minerals found in real salt, like Himalayan salt crystals from the glaciers of the Himalayas or Celtic salt or sea salt. These all have trace minerals that our body has to have for all its cellular processes.

    It’s all about the Minerals

    Many people are unaware of the mineral deficit in the modern day diet. The culprit? Processed foods made from crops grown in soil that has been literally burned clean of minerals by chemical fertilizers.

    Studies have shown that U.S. soils have lost 86% of their mineral content in the past 100 years. Since there are 103 known minerals and at least 18 of these are required for good health and the only way to get minerals is from the earth, you can see why this has become a serious health problem. With a depleted food source, it’s all too easy to lose the minerals in your body.

    Why are minerals so important? Minerals are the chemical building blocks of the body. They are essential for all cellular and hormonal processes and are particularly important in the proper functioning of enzymes. Without minerals, enzymes don’t work efficiently. If the enzymes don’t work, digestion doesn’t work, calcium isn’t getting assimilated into the bones, muscles can’t be built, energy can’t be produced and on and on.

    But in terms of your eating habits—well, if you’re not getting a proper balance of minerals, you stay hungry all the time.

    Myths about Low Salt Diets

    Recent studies about the low-salt diets question some of the current dogma about salt. Ironically, they found that a low salt diet can cause the body to switch FAT programs on, putting you into fat storing mode, sometimes causing insulin resistance, elevated triglycerides, and stress hormones that cause leptin resistance which in turn causes you to eat and keep on eating.

    For years we’ve been hammered with the idea that salt is bad for you; the same way we were told fat is bad.

    Now science is finding out that this is not really correct. In fact, consuming fat is essential.

    You just need the right type of fat. It’s the same situation with salt. You need salt but it should be salt that has lots of trace minerals. Then it becomes a good thing for your body.

    So what you need to do is simple! Go to a health food store and spend about 10 dollars on a good, healthy salt. It will last you for months. Sprinkle it on your food. Also, if you drink a lot of water (which I always recommend) then you might want to put a little bit of healthy salt in your water, and so you’re not depleting yourself of trace minerals.

    The Gabriel Method is all about feeding your body and your mind everything it needs, and in this case, your body needs trace minerals for cellular processes.

    When you do that, you’ll find that you’re not as hungry, not craving junk foods anymore, and you’ll have more energy. You’ll feel less stress because your body won’t be stressed by lack of minerals and you’ll lose weight much easier.

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    10 Triggers That May Be Causing You To Hold Onto Weight

    At what point in your day do you say, “I can’t take it… I just need to have some chocolate”? (Or fill in with your favorite naughty treat.)

    Perhaps it’s after a long day at work. Or maybe when you have a certain job or task at work you are avoiding. Or maybe it’s after a difficult conversation with a colleague or your partner.

    Whatever it may be… there is a trigger that sets you off feeling like there is no other option than to reach for a food to console you in that moment.

    Well just like a bad traffic jam or a boring work meeting can trigger you, your body also has a set of triggers that causes it to switch ON into fat storage mode.

    Understanding these 10 triggers will help provide you with a greater understanding of why your body has held onto weight, despite the best diet or workout routine.

    And once you understand your trigger that is causing these F.A.T Programs to be switched ON, then switching OFF the fat storage mode is even easier.

    Without further ado, let’s dive into these 10 Triggers and see which one has been causing you to hold onto excess weight:


    As one of the most prescribed ways to lose weight, many people don’t realize that restrictive dieting could actually be perpetuating their weight problem. You’ve unintentionally put your body into what’s referred to as a “famine state”.

    While fat might seem like your worst enemy, in certain circumstances, your body sees gaining and storing fat as the best way to protect you.

    2. EMOTIONS:


    Emotional turmoil and stress caused from not being fulfilled emotionally can activate a chemistry in the body that causes weight gain.

    If your emotional life is activating your FAT Programs and keeping you from achieving your ideal weight, you are most likely troubled by one or more of the important relationships in your life.

    And how does that cause weight gain? Without boundaries, you feel helpless, as though life is happening to you, and both food and fat can shield you from the daily emotional onslaught you have to deal with. Insecurities act like a chronic stress that spikes your cortisol levels and tells your body to store fat.


    “You are what you think.” If you think you’re unable to lose weight, your thoughts could be holding you back.

    Your logical mind takes the sum of all your experiences with diets and exercises and forms a very strong belief that there is no hope, that you’re lost, and that you’re destined to struggle forever. This is absolutely NOT true, and thousands of my students and I are living, breathing proof that you can totally transform your body no matter what.

    Whatever your beliefs are, they are shaping your reality, and if you don’t believe that you can lose weight, you won’t. Not now, not ever. So how do you change those beliefs?

    Take the FAT Trigger Quiz and get customized results for how to change your beliefs.


    Many people in the modern world experience stress regularly in their professional and personal lives. Chronic stress can have many negative effects on your health, including weight gain.

    And whether your stress is emotional, physical, or buried in your unconscious mind… your body reacts the exact same way.

    It releases cortisol into your body. Elevated cortisol levels turn your FAT Programs on and not only cause you to gain weight, but simultaneously make it impossible for you to lose weight.

    For you to be successful with weight loss, you must identify the root causes of your problem, and then use Gabriel Method treatments such as visualizations, meditation, or healing therapies to tell your body that you’re now safe, strong and protected.



    Side effects of certain medications include weight gain, especially those that are steroid based as well as certain antidepressants and antibiotics.


    The medications can cause adverse hormonal changes. Also the toxins in medicinal drugs can add to your toxic load, strain your liver, and make it more difficult for your body to burn fat. Your body responds to toxicity by using fat as a physical barrier between the toxins and your blood stream. The more toxins you have, the more fat your body creates to protect you.

    Don’t stop any medication – seek the advice of a trained professional. But you can start to make a positive change in your diet and life. After a while, you may no longer need the medication that’s been making you put on excess weight.



    When you don’t get enough nutrients from the food you eat, your digestion gets impaired and your body experiences a “nutritional famine” which causes you to keep eating until that nutrient need is satisfied.

    In an attempt to beat the “nutritional famine,” you might experience non-stop food cravings that turn many people on to sugary sweets and processed carbohydrates in an attempt to satiate their hunger.

    And the result? Over time, a high-sugar diet takes its toll on the body and leads to insulin resistance (or worse, type II diabetes). When your body is “insulin resistant,” it means that you need more and more insulin for the same effect (insulin balances your blood sugar). And since insulin is the fat-storing hormone, more insulin means more fat.



    If you haven’t resolved trauma experienced in the past, your body could be using weight as a coping mechanism.

    Most likely, your body is trying to protect you from emotional pain (which it is unable to differentiate from physical pain) by gaining weight.

    When you lose someone you love, are abused, hurt or experience unthinkable loss, your body can react by shielding you from the world with fat as its protection mechanism.



    When your digestion system isn’t functioning properly, your body can’t absorb essential nutrients and can go into starvation mode – causing weight gain, inflammation and other health complications.

    Most people who experience poor digestion are undernourished, dehydrated, lacking in essential friendly bacteria and digestive enzymes – or suffering from a mix of all three.

    Our modern diet of highly-processed and cooked foods is a recipe for digestion-disaster and negatively affects the health of millions of people each year.

    When our digestion is impaired as a result of a poor diet, our bodies are no longer able to access nutrients, so they suffer from a nutritional famine. When our bodies are starved for nutrients, they remain in perpetual fat storage mode, which increases our hunger and makes weight loss impossible.



    If you suffer from sleep apnea, most likely you rarely get a full, rejuvenating, good night’s sleep.

    This happens because you stop breathing, sometimes hundreds of times a night, often without even realizing it. Your breathing gets interrupted because the soft tissue in the rear of the throat collapses and cuts off the airway.

    This condition affects overweight people more because their neck is heavier, and the weight of the neck then collapses the airway. Sleep apnea reduces blood oxygen to dangerously low levels, so your body is starving for oxygen. So how does this make you fat? You become chronically exhausted, which increases your cortisol levels, causes junk food cravings, and almost guarantees weight gain.

    It’s a vicious cycle; sleep apnea makes you fatter, and the fatter you get, the worse your sleep apnea becomes. This is why it’s absolutely essential to get tested and treated for it in order to lose weight

    10. TOXICITY:


    Toxins from your environment and diet are stored in your fat cells. The more toxins you have, the more fat your body creates in order to keep them from being released in your body.

    Most likely, you’ve been exposed to toxins from your environment, diet, and maybe some other not-so-obvious sources. You can be exposed to toxins through pesticides found in non-organic plant and animal foods, prescription or over-the-counter medications, the fermentation and commercial processing of alcohol, or the commonly known cigarette smoke or pollution.

    So what do toxins have to do with weight gain?

    When more toxins enter your body than you can eliminate,your body stores the excess in fat cells to create a buffer between the toxins and your blood stream. Your body essentially gains and holds onto weight in an attempt to keep you safe from these poisons.

    So which of the 10 FAT Programs is triggered and set to ON, and consequently causing you to hold onto excess weight?

    Take my short F.A.T. Trigger quiz and find out which program is affecting you the most.


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