Sensitivity & Weight
Melinda Jacobs
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What You’ll Learn:
- The Nature of Energetic Sensitivity
- Traits of the Empathic Person
- Learning to Set Boundaries for Better Emotional Health
Melinda Jacobs

Melinda Jacobs has been working professionally in the healing arts for over 25 years. She is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, an Intuitive and an Empath. Trained in Hypnotherapy, Bodywork, Consciousness Theory and Metaphysics, Melinda’s practice specializes in teaching people how to develop their natural awareness of the energetic and metaphysical world and how it interplays with one’s physical body, thoughts, emotions and behavior. While working with the participants of The Gabriel Method as an Emotional Release Specialist for the past two years, Melinda has helped many people through the clearing of trauma on all levels – mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Melinda holds Certifications in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Massage, Cellular Release Therapy, Regression Therapy, and has done specialty training in addiction counseling. She is a member of the Colorado Association of Psychotherapists and Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals.
Awesome how you talk about the sensitive side to weight loss. I definitely know and always have been super sensitive. I was always told you’re too sensitive, harden up. Now I use my weight as a form of protection. Because I have an amazing ability to read people like open books, not all take kindly to that. So I’ve learnt to shut up and not say anything. This has definitely given me some things to reconsider and really ask if what I am doing right now is exactly what I want in my life. Thank you for sharing
I’m glad you found the information useful Monique. If you have any further questions, you can reach me at Be well!
Amazing…really helpful. I definitely could relate to all that was discussed. When I was in my 20’s, being an empath ans sensitive led me to get physically sick a lot…I started on piling on weight without even realizing it was a means of protecting myself from constantly absorbing other’ energies…will use some of these tools shared including the meditations by Jon…
Hi Rita,
Very glad that this interview resonated so strongly with you!
Hi Rita – thank you for the feedback. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Happy holidays!
Melinda Jacobs
okay… I’m left feeling a sense of “ah ha!!” and completely relating to the discussion with Jon and Melinda. Weight as a safety tool was the first thing that really hooked me with Jon’s GM. I knew that was me. I watched a video of a lady who is a single mom with 5 kids and how the visualizations made her feel safe so she could release the weight. I think the more I’ve tried to protect myself, the less effective the tool of weight became at giving actual protection. I’ve just become more overwhelmed and more exhausted. Having less energy for me to take care of myself and to heal. I need to work on clearing my energy channels so I’m more grounded for sure. I am a mom of two on my own and I work in a Correctional environment doing cognitive treatment with offenders all day. I’ve always known the job “took” my energy but hadn’t acknowledged how much of what I felt wasn’t mine. To be what matters….a healthy and well person and an in tune and in touch mom, this is a necessity. Thank you for the discussion and I’m grateful.
Deanna – thank you for taking the time to write! I am so glad you found the information useful and it sounds like you really need these sort of tools given your work environment. If you need further assistance, please feel free to reach out. Be well!
Finally got the chance to watch this interview. Very inspiring!
I always felt sensitive as a child, teenager and even now as an adult. However, others around me taught me that it was a personal perception of not being able to process my own feelings and energy and therefore a negative quality within me, as opposed to the awareness of what was being projected and surrounding me. I think I am beginning to understand why I spend more time alone than many others. I am familiar with the list you spoke of Melinda and was surprised how many of those qualities I observed in myself. Would love to learn more.
And now, I have one more reason that I am sad to not be going to the Omega Institute to work with Jon and Melinda. Hoping another opportunity will manifest. Thank you both! namaste
Hi Sylvia – feel free to reach out if you need help – I’d be happy to assist. It is pretty amazing to realize the deeper causes of some of our behaviors. My best to you as you continue your journey.
Melinda, I’m really looking forward to our next appointment. It has never occurred to me that my empathic nature could be something positive. I’ve always thought it was a curse. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Hi Susan! You and me both!! I never thought I’d be able to move around without feeling bombarded! Such a relief to know there are many tools and techniques to help you navigate in a sea of energy! Yay! See you soon!
Thank you Jon and Melinda for introducing me to this new concept. I found it very interesting and I’ve realised this will make a huge difference to me.
Melinda, I’ve had amazing results from our work together and I’m looking forward to working with you again soon.
Traci – so excited to catch up and hear all the changes you’ve made! Glad you found the interview useful!
i really love this conversation as i have always shunned the idea that i would shut myself off, ie ‘protect’ myself. i really felt strongly that my goal was to be open and not closed off but i love this idea of saying “i release anything that is not mine to feel.”
i will use it often, i am sure. i want to be open to this amazing energy and have taken all the hits that come from the free flow of it, whether its source is family or global. i feel what melinda speaks about is a really loving, respectful way of being open to all but selective about what is allowed in.
i carry twice the body weight that would support my body and spirit. perhaps this will, in conjunction with what i am learning from jon, be my ticket to an expansion freedom.
nice distinction! thank you jon and melinda!
Ellie – please reach out if you have any additional questions, I would love to answer them. I do believe this is an integral part of keeping our bodies healthy! Best of luck to you as you continue to grow and heal on your journey!
Thank you for tying in this aspect to the healing journey.
Neshama – you are so very welcome! I always get excited to see people have a deeper understanding of themselves and their healing paths! Please reach out if you have questions.