Environmental Toxins & Your Body
Margaret Christensen, MD

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What You’ll Learn:
- All about modern-day toxins and their health effects
- Strategies for limiting exposure to environmental and food-based toxins
- Effective ways for removing toxins from our bodies
Margaret Christensen, MD

Dr. Margaret Christensen is a board certified OB-GYN who currently serves as an associate faculty member for the Institute for Functional Medicine (FunctionalMedicine.org). As a Certified Functional Medicine Practioner, Dr. Christensen teaches physicians and health care practitioners nationally and internationally on the role of environmental toxicants, epigenetics, nutrition and lifestyle exposures on hormonal health and chronic complex disease. Dr. Christensen graduated with honors from Rice University, received her M.D. with honors from Baylor College of Medicine, subsequently completing her residency at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas (BUMC), with honors. She served as adjunct faculty for the BUMC residency teaching program for 10 years, while running a large traditional Ob-Gyn private practice. Currently she has a small, outpatient clinical practice focusing on preventative and functional medicine. Dr. Christensen has served as the IFM Liaison for Academic and Clinical Medicine Outreach, helping to network the more than 40 academic medical institutions that are introducing functional medicine principles and curriculum into medical school and residency training programs. She is the co-author of the award winning Birthing A Better Way: 12 Secrets to Natural Childbirth book.
Learn more about Margaret Christensen on christensencenter.com
how do i know if i have leptin resistance?
devon nobliski
holy moly, listening to this was a very important experience for me. i have pretty severe mold allergies and live in the uk. it is really awful for me to deal with. on top of it, i had severe formaldehyde poisoning when i was in naturopathic medical school. i was bedridden for six months and had to give up medicine.
my only question is how come i can lose weight with diet and exercise in the recent past? i was poisoned then too. very interesting.
You can always force yourself to lose weight in the short term. The question is can you sustain it? In order to sustain weight loss, you have to address the real issues that are causing the problem and that’s what this is about.
so lowering your toxicity or eating a sustained detox diet allows for the body to avoid becoming obese? that makes sense. thanks!
Than you so much. Every minute was spot on and so very inspirational coming from an MD that has been there and is thriving with functional alternative medicine! Fabulous session.
So glad you enjoyed! Thanks for the note 🙂 Anne, GM Team
absolutely amazing. I loved it !!!
I’m in awe Jon, and so grateful! This program alone is worth my monthly membership fee, and you continually offer us enlightening, useful information that I recognize as truth and readily use. My life and health along with my husband’s and family’s are being affected for good. Moreover I’m able to to direct others to you, and to people you introduce so they can learn for themselves.
As president of a large women’s organization through my church, I’m constantly in contact with the needs of women, and their families. Their concerns cover all aspects of human existence. They are always seeking truths that will lead them physically and spiritually in strengthening and motivating paths, and bring joy and fulfillment. Your work and the work of others is bringing relief to the weary and discouraged. Thank you for being one of the brave and confident pioneers, honestly involved in the wholeness of humanity!
Thank you. This is a fabulous programme that I can’t fault. You have brought together some of the wisest and most knowledgeable people on the planet, not necessarily just for weightloss. This whole programme is a fabulous gift for mankind, at a time when we all sorely need it.
I struggle with computer technology and miss a few sessions but I will get there. My food cravings are certainly changing – and lessening! It’s taken a long time and I have been meditating all my life(trying, at least)
Hi Margaret,
Thanks for your lovely feedback!
Don’t worry if you miss any sessions as they are all archived right here in the Support Group. Just scroll through the tabs at the top of this page to see what is stored there.
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There are a few pages of expert interviews there for you to look at!
Kind regards
Den 🙂
I have a question, I live in Salt Lake City Utah where the air quality is pretty poor most of the time. Do you have any suggestions for me? Unfortunately moving is a little out of the question at the moment
Try to get up to the mountains when you can. Alta is one of the most beautiful places on earth and very close. The air is very pure there.