Juicing, Healing & Weight Loss
Jason Vale
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What You’ll Learn:
- Ways to end reliance on addictions
- How to introduce green vegetables into your diet
- Use juice as a powerful tool to heal your health
Jason Vale

Jason Vale, aka ‘The Juice Master’, is the best-selling author of eleven books on health, addiction and juicing. His books have now sold over 3 million copies and have been translated into many languages. His most well known book – 7lbs In 7 days: The Juice Master Diet – went to number one of all books on Amazon and on Play.com it even knocked the Da Vinci Code from the top spot.
Jason wasn’t always slim and healthy; he used to suffer from severe psoriasis, eczema, asthma, hay fever and obesity. He used to smoke 2–3 packets of cigarettes a day and drank very heavily, drinking up to 14 pints of beer a day. He has used juicing as the main tool to clear his skin, drop the weight and free himself of illness. He is now on a mission to ‘Juice The World’ and help people to turn their health around using natural means where possible.
I never tire of watching and learning from Jon and his warrior friends. Thank you so much.
I loved every part of this interview!! Inspired to get my ‘juice’ on!
Thank you Jon, it was a great interview. Jason Vale is funny, enthusiastic and humble … I love his messages and the way you conducted the interview. I learned a lot. I am going to visit his website, watch the video and juice my vegetables instead of fruits. However, I love raw vegetables but I am going to learn how to convince my sister and nephew to juice their vegetables.
Hi Laura,
Thanks for the great feedback!
Please keep us posted.
Kind regards
Hi There,
I was wondering about Emulsifiers. Juicers whether centrifugal or masticating really throw away so much of the pulp meaning a lot of fibers that our teeth would normally grind.. So would buying an emulsifier be a good option? I think based on what i have read, it keeps the juice and the pulp and breaks down the whole thing into a rich fuzzy smoothie kind of mixture – except you can use it on leafy greens and vegetables too.
Would appreciate your feedback.
Hi Ferzana,
Emulsifiers are a great way to go! Masticating juicers are great as they remove the pulp allowing quick absorption of the nutrients into your blood stream (as long as you juice vegetables and not just fruits).
The Gabriel Method Team
I really that conversation between Jon and Jason. Excuses!!!!! well yes I realise thats exactly me. Now how to train the brain out of them, as I know now that that is also a habit and ultimately an Excuse. Love these conversations as they give you so much food for thought, pardon the pun. Thank You again, Regards Helan
Hi Helan,
A lot of the thought patterns that run through our minds are actually just out of habit, and it takes some time and ‘training’ to change those thought patterns. Being aware of thought patterns that don’t serve you is the first step to changing them.
Glad that you found this interview thought provoking
Hi Jason, Hi Jon,
Wow, that was inspiring! I loved the interview. And I’m also a big fan of “adding” instead of “reducing”.
I have a quick question. Jason mentioned that juice vegetables and eat fruit. Is it bad if you for example when you start juicing add some fruit to spinach to get used drinking green stuff? And are different juicers make a difference to the quality of the juice? I have a normal smoothy maker, would that do for the start?
Thanks a lot in advance
Hi Michaela,
So glad you enjoyed the interview!
A smoothie maker purees all of the fruit and vegetables including the pulp – and if you are going to add fruit – a smoothie is the best option, as the pulp is fibre which slows down your body’s digestion of the sugars in the fruit.
A juicer, however, extracts the juice from the vegetables and fruit and leaves behind the pulp. You drink the juice only. It is this reason that fruit in your juices should be avoided if possible as the sugar is digested too quickly and causes the blood sugar spike you are trying to avoid. However, in order to get used to juices, initially adding some green apple and or carrot or beetroot would be okay. Aim to reduce the amount each time you have a juice.
You don’t need to spend a lot of money on a juicer. The best sort is a masticating juicer but these are pricey. I just have a standard run of the mill Panasonic one and it works beautifully for me.
Let us know how you go.
Thank you very much Janine for your good ideas!
holy moly that was pure energy, educational, and inspiring. Thank you Jason Vale and thank you Jon! I have a Breville on my counter that has collected dust after watching Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead then making what Jason nailed on the head…..EXCUSES. I’m done with excuses……and labels! lol
Hi Deanna,
Its hard not to be inspired by Jason isn’t it! I’m a bit of a fan of his positivity, humour and enthusiasm.
Let us know how you go!
Hi Jon, I’m British so I’m very familiar with Jason Vale, but I’m a bit confused. He says juice your greens and eat your fruits, but every single one of his juices include fruit and there are also lots of beets and carrots? When I discovered the Gabriel Method I thought that these juices didn’t really fit in with the method because of this? A lot of the times he suggests blending the juice with avocado which mitigates the bloos sugar spikes, but not always? Have you looked at his recipes? What do you think?
Hi Hilary,
We recommend that you add small amounts of fruit to improve the flavor of the juice, but not too much that it causes major blood sugar spikes. Everyone has a different juicing style and add beets, or carrots for variety and a little sweetness, but it is a good point to not overload with these.
The Gabriel Method Team
Yes I think it’s not good to have too much Kale. I usually juice celery, cucumber, lemon, ginger and turmeric. When I can I add parsley and or mint, basil, watercress and other high alkaline green leafy herbs.
OK, will take that as a bit of a warning. We all appreciate your input garnered from year’s of good research and a meditative practice that enhances your intuitive knowing as well. A powerful combination that we ALL have access to.
Excellent interview, very important information, thank you very much Jon!
I saw the fire in the fireplace behind you ( in my country Romania now is summertime and 38 C degrees) and I remembered that here, in winter the temperature is usually -20 C degrees – 2 C degrees. Therefore is difficult for me to eat raw salads in winter. My body is rejecting it (I feel it cold). Do you have any suggestions ?
Hi Angela,
During cold winters, it is important to stay warm. You can make soups, stews, grilled. It is ok to cook your veggies, especially in the winter. Jon is not 100% raw food, but it is great to incorporate them when you can. You can also make juices but have the produce be at room temperature so that the juice is not cold.
The Gabriel Method Team
Just love love love the energy and the collaboration you represent, Jon. Thank you for another amazing interview. I’m on and off juicing and am reading Sara Gottfried’s book now. With hypothryoid going on, and some comments from Sherry below, may have to discard the kale from my garden (bummer!!) and hand off the broccoli I just spent an afternoon freezing, but I have a big family next door that can use it!
Loved this interview with Jason.
Thanks so much.
Hi Lynda,
So glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the lovely feedback too.
Thanks John and Jason, okay… no more butt(s) awesome… but I agree, brussel sprouts are poison.
Hi Sherry,
One of our SG members actually recently posted a recipe for Brussel Sprouts in the forum.. that may just change your mind 😉
Here is the link:
Jason is so inspirational isn’t he!
He was … Lol in fact I’m hypothyroid so brussel sprouts is a no no along with broccoli kale and other goitrogenic foods… I have wondered what would replace these in a Vege juice and also if these thyroid function inhibiting foods still inhibit when they are in louder form
Hi Sherry – I really question this whole thing about cruciferous veggies and hypothyroid. I would like to hear Jon confirm this as I only heard about this recently and Jon has never discussed it.
I’d really be interested in this as well. I have researched it and applied it and noticed a significant change as it relates to brain fog, elevated anxiety and stress and inability to cope. I was eating a lot of kale based on the recommendation of a well regarded nutritionist and I’d have to say EVERYTHING SHE ADVISED WAS WRONG!!! I have eliminates all the goitrogenic foods (about 10) and feel better … Would love to hear more about this from Jon’s perspective. I have looked at Sara Gottfried’s recommendations and think I’m on the right track …
Ditto… I have about lost my job because of the brain fog, elevated anxiety and stress and inability to cope in my life. I have resulted to having to take Ritalin and an antidepressant to help. I want off of these meds as soon as possible. I have a “fatty liver” and I am working on a body cleans at this time. I just don’t know what else to do to fix the fog, being tired, and short with my family. I would love to hear Jon’s perspective as well.
Rod I want to encourage you!!! I thought I was going to die with extreme heart palpitations and elevated stress! I’ll tell you the elimination for me was first but quickly followed by the not just daily but in those first days almost hourly meditations … Then night visualizations … Tapping and good counselling to get to the root. I don’t want Meds to mask the root either. I also have questions around the whole issue of sleep which is so important I know but I still take 1/2 a zoo incline every night
Sorry … Zopiclone …
I’m reading her book now- haven’t gotten to the part about the veggies to avoid yet. Its weird, but I actually haven’t been doing much broccoli or Kale since going on GM. And I planted a huge crop of Kale in my garden but can’t get around to juicing it – interesting!! I did freeze all the broccoli already, but not eating it either. Maybe my body is being my guide.
I agree with you Katherine – I think our body’s know. If you google hypothyroid or thyroid and kale you will see the list. I don’t miss anything from that list and honestly if I go to a buffet – which not often (anymore) – I would never choose those foods. I think my body was trying to tell me but I thought a nutritionist would know better than me!!! Turns out my body knows best.
I’ll check it out Sherry. Are you supplementing with iodine? So important if you are not living/eating stuff near an ocean. It is highly volatile and disappears within seconds in exposure to air. I take Iodoral daily to support my thyroid. Whatever I don’t use is excreted within 24 hours. It’s a piece for sure.
I don’t add iodine – in fact I have just added selenium based on the recommendation of ‘Sara’ I like to try one thing at a time … I really want to juice though …
Hi all,
Just wondering what book you’re referring to? I have hypothyroid and all the symptoms you describe. thanks!
Love “the stamp” that Jon and Jason are leaving on this plane!
Its simply a case of helping people to live their best possible life isn’t it Sylvia!
Den 🙂
When looking for a juicer what are the most important features that someone should be ensuring to get?
Hi Rod,
Our Nutrition Coach Nadia has listed some suggestions and their features on her website:
Best suggestions are a juicer that is within your price range and easy to clean. Jon prefers masticating juicers but these tend to be a bit pricey. Let us know how go.
Kind regards
I have looked on craigslist for a masticating juicer and found a few of them to look into at this time. Thanks!