Ask Jon – Live Call-in Day
A *Live* Question & Answer Session with Jon Gabriel

- 19 February 7 p.m. EST (NYC, USA)
- 20 February 10 a.m. AEST (Brisbane, AU)
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HOW THIS WORKS? Ask Jon shows are like private, call-in radio shows where you ask questions and get answers. These are free-form calls and anything goes. Having trouble growing wheatgrass? Ask Jon! Struggling with an abusive boss or a career you hate? Ask Jon…
Just a quick Q. on pregnancy, is there anything different or extra I should do? I’m very new on here so haven’t explored it all yet so sorry if the answer is already on website somewhere 🙂
What test are they talking about?
What do you think of cod liver oil supplements?
trying so hard to lose weight but not getting anywhere. Had hashimoto hypothyroid tumor removed on 1 side last May, on 25mg synthroid & am in “normal” range, doctor won’t increase dose, says that even though I’m still having symptoms the part of thyroid left is working with the little dose I’m on. Aside from having gained 35 pounds I’m freezing cold all the time with super dry skin & major fatigue. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Hi Jon,
Loving all the information…learning lots! I have started juicing and I love to try different recipes. Jon, is it possible to freeze the juice and maintain its quality?
I’m in the US and I have never heard of Haloumi. Was even in a large health food store today and they didn’t have it. Was is it and can I substitute with something else? Thanks.
Hi Colleen, Haloumi is a Greek semi hard cheese that is fried before serving. Perhaps try a delicatessen or your local supermarket for this.
Hope this helps.
Den – The GM Team
with protein shakes, which one do we choose- isolate or concentrate, also how many grams of protein per serving should we take?
Hey Jon,
Mary-Anne nailed the question for me… I have sugar cravings too. I am cutting back on the sugar and upping my raw foods and making way better food choices. In the bigger picture I do have hypoglycaemia. The sugar craving a big time and I too feel b-a-d if I don’t satisfy them.
What are your thoughts…..
Mary-Anne and Kathleen, My 3 grown daughters and I kicked the sugar habit using Stevia when we wanted sweetness. Get a good quality to avoid the aftertaste. I like organic raw Sweetleaf Stevia powder. It’s green If that bothers you close your eyes. You can cook with it except bread. Since it kills yeast (yay!) the dough will not rise.
Hi Kathleen,
Over time, having more raw foods and good sources of protein and less highly processed foods, your hypoglycaemia symptoms should reduce. You will also find that your sugar cravings will reduce too. In the meantime however, try to fill the sweet cravings with healthier alternatives where possible – such as Jon’s health ball recipes or smoothies.
Best regards
Den – GM Team
Hi John
I have a very sweet tooth and having trouble with sugar cravings all the time. If I try to cut out sweets or chocolates out of my diet I end up having withdrawals symptoms and feel almost sick.
Hi Mary-Anne,
Rather than going ‘cold turkey’ with sweets and chocolates try to find healthier, more GM friendly alternatives such as raw chocolate or some of the health ball recipes available here on the support group or in Jon’s recipe book. You can even try having a fruit that you particularly enjoy. When baking try to substitute with healthier options where possible – such as honey or coconut palm sugar instead of white sugar, almond meal and or coconut flour instead of white flour. It also helps to have something sweet but healthy prepared for when you know the sugar craving is going to hit.
Best regards
Den – The GM Team