Ask Desiree XVIII: EFT session on ‘I am not good enough’

What You’ll Learn:

This is the 3rd in the series of 4 EFT sessions. There are 4 scripts that run in most people’s lives (either on a conscious or subconscious level), which we mask, have to deal with or try to overcome. They are; 1. I feel helpless, 2. I am unlovable, 3. I am not good enough, 4. I feel unsafe. If you have one or several of these scripts running in your life you can imagine the impact this will have on your body and weight loss journey as any of these can turn on your fat switch trigger. In this session I will share with you an EFT script that you can tap along to in this ask Desiree as we tackle the 3rd topic of 4; ‘I am not good enough’. In this session we will work together on that limiting belief most of us know so well. Isn’t it about time we step away from this monumental lie and allow in new, empowering and fun beliefs instead!
