Today’s Breakfast: Choc Chia Crunch Today’s Question: Artificial Sweeteners: Good for Weight Loss?

What you’ll learn:
- Jon’s new breakfast- chocolate chia crunch
- Avoid artificial sweeteners, which cause weight gain and other medical problems
- Sweeteners should be natural and unprocessed
- Try a combo of coconut palm sugar, Xylitol and a bit of Stevia

That looks really tasty! Wish I could have some, but I don’t like to a cook. I like simple. I haven’t gotten any chia bran or coconut palm sugar yet either, but I plan to. In the meantime I’ve been enjoying one of my childhood favorites, Cinnamon Toast! I use protein bread made out of coconut flour (Julian Bakery in California). I spread a teaspoon of flaxseed oil on top. Sprinkle on Stevia and then sprinkle on a good quality cinnamon. Very Good!
Hi Barb,
That sounds delicious. Keep those healthy food coming!
Best regards,
The Gabriel Method
Hi Jon
What do you think of erythritol which is also a sugar alcohol but only 70 per cent as sweet as sugar?