Gabriel Method Detoxification Schedule

This schedule below should be considered a general guide for Week 2, Cleanse Week. If you need to make changes, that’s perfectly normal, just be sure to keep drinking water, catch up on your juices if you miss one, and try to listen in on the group classes to get support and education as you go. NOTE: you may substitute any juice with either tea, broth or super greens, if you prefer.
7 am – Detox Visualization (AM)
The morning visualization practice is a short but extremely important practice where you’ll set an intention for your day and establish the mindset and inner peace that will help support you mentally and emotionally during you cleanse.
8 am – Juice I & Detox Tea w/Coconut or MCT Oil
While cleansing, it’s nice to start your day with something warm and creamy. The Gabriel Method signature Detox Tea is fast and easy to make, it’s also delicious and satiating, made with extremely healthful, energy-provided fats that will help transition your body from a sugar burning metabolism toward that of a fat-burning metabolism.
10 am – Juice II
There are a variety of recipes and options for your morning juice, so check out the video recipes, get creative, and enjoy! Remember to drink water with your juices, and always focus on low-sugar, mostly vegetable juices.
12 pm – Juice III
Pick your favorite juicy recipe and enjoy!
2 pm – Omega-3 Drink
Most people suffer from omega-3 deficiencies. Omega-3’s are essential fats that our body cannot create—so we must eat them or we don’t get them. A lack of omega-3 fats is associated with mood disorders, food cravings, inflammation, and impaired cognitive abilities. While cleansing, it’s imperative that we nourish our bodies with this essential fat from chia, flax or fish oil.
3 pm – Juice IV
Pick your favorite juicy recipe and enjoy!
5 pm – Juice V
Pick your favorite juicy recipe and enjoy!
7 pm – Detox Soup & Omega-3 Drink
Detox Soup is a delicious and savory vegetable broth that is a comforting end of day cleansing “meal.” Along with your soup, be sure to have another Omega-3 drink. The essential fats will help you feel full and sleep through the night, and the soluble fiber will help to keep your bowels regular.
9 pm – Evening Visualization
The Gabriel Method Evening Visualization is used by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world each night before bed. It’s an extremely effective way to relieve stress, reduce your stress hormones, and create the mind-body shift needed for lasting change. Listen in bed, and if you fall asleep listening, that’s just perfect.