Visualization Practices Your Mind is the Most Powerful Tool for Change

Evening Visualization *Most Important*
Download MP3 This is the most-important practice while using The Gabriel Method. Listen to this every night as you go to sleep. If you fall asleep while listening, no problem!How to Practice
- Use headphones in bed (speakers are OK too)
- Make sure you are in a safe, quiet place, undisturbed
- Allow yourself to relax completely, even to the point of falling asleep
- There is no wrong way to visualize, so even if your mind wanders or if you don’t “see” anything… don’t worry, it’s still working

Morning Visualization
Download MP3 This optional morning practice is designed to help you start your day in the right frame of mind: positive, inspired, and on purpose.How to Practice
- Sit cross-legged on the floor or in a straight-backed chair with your spine long
- Relax your shoulders breath naturally through your nose
- Use headphones (if possible) and just listen
- There is no wrong way to practice… trust the process, and let go!

Living Goddess
Download MP3 For women who need to reclaim their feminine radiance and fill abundance and love, this simple visualization practice is amazing.How to Practice
- Sit cross-legged on the floor or in a straight-backed chair with your spine long
- Relax your shoulders breath naturally through your nose
- Use headphones (if possible) and just listen
- There is no wrong way to practice… trust the process, and let go!

Living Warrior
Download MP3 If you’ve been following the Gabriel Method for any length of time, you know that stress plays a huge role in weight gain. Modern men experience both personal and businessstresses like never before in history; and often, days or weeks can go by without having time to recuperate and to find your center. I created this program to help you tap into your on-purpose, masculine energy that might feel hampered by your current state of mind. Enjoy…
SMART stands for Super Mental Awareness Re-education Training. SMART Music takes you into very relaxing and pleasant states of awareness where you are highly receptive to learning. These states are perfectly natural and normal and you pass through them every night when you are going to sleep. The only difference is that SMART Music lets you go there when you are conscious. When you’re in SMART Mode, you become a super-learning machine. You can make quick and permanent changes to your thinking through simple suggestions to yourself. Take a break from your day to listen to this anytime. This is also great to play while doing your own visualizations or to help children relax before bedtime.
INTRO: Start here…
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Morning Quickie [5 min]
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Morning Music [10 min]
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Daytime Quickie [5 min]
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Daytime Music [10 min]
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Daytime Music [20 min]
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Evening Relax [25 min]
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