11 Expert Tapping Sessions
About These Sessions: These 11 sessions feature Jon and some of the world’s most highly regarded tapping experts. In each session, you’ll learn about tapping and also tap along with Jon and the guest expert, on core areas related to stress and weight loss issues.

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Lindsay Kenny
Lindsay Kenny is an EFT Master, Life Coach and Trainer of Trainers. Lindsay has authored numerous Pro EFT™ workbooks, articles and e-books and has co-authored several EFT books. She’s the Founder of Progressive EFT™ and the EFT Institute™, a subsidiary of the National Alliance for Emotional Health. Lindsay is also the developer and exclusive trainer for the “Transformational Tapathon™”, an experiential workshop to “Clean-up-your-past-and-redefine-your-future”. Find out more about Lindsay and Pro EFT™ at www.ProEFT.comAbout this Video: Jon joins tapping expert Lindsay Kenny for a 23 minute class on tapping, weight loss and related issues.
What You’ll Learn
- How Lindsay used tapping to treat severe depression.
- An incredible success story from one of Lindsay’s over 10,000 tapping sessions.
- A tapping session that works through guilt, shame and resistance.

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Marti Murphy
Marti Murphy has been personally trained by EFT Master Carol Look as one of only 7 Advanced Certified Abundance Coaches in the world. In addition, she received an EFT Intermediate 1 Certification through EFT Universe, and specializes in weight management, stress relief, and career success. With over 25 years of experience as an award winning professional in account management and sales and Founder of The Wisdom International Institute, Inc. Marti’s mission is to guide professional women and men, who are settling for far less than they deserve, learn how to free themselves from the limiting beliefs that keep them feeling trapped and disempowered so that they feel inspired to take the big leap into their greatest personal empowerment.About this Video: Join Jon Gabriel and Marti Murphy for a brief, impactful discussion about tapping and its benefits, followed by a live tapping session.
What You’ll Learn
- How Marti used tapping to overcome self-sabotage
- Tapping as a “pattern-interrupter”, shifting neuro pathways
- Use tapping to defuse heightened emotions surrounding food
- A live tapping session about willpower, shame and limiting beliefs

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Tina Marian
Tina Marian became a Certified Holistic Health Coach, after graduating from the Institute of Integration in Manhattan in 2008. She has been a Registered Nurse for 40 years with the last 20 years working in the areas of psychiatric and addictions. After being introduced to the idea of Energy Therapies and Energy Psychology Tina was naturally drawn to the concept of healing in a more natural way. She trained in order to become proficient in the art and application of EFT, which stands for Emotional Freedom Technique, a version of acupressure for stress relief. Tina recently became one of Carol Look’s 7 Certified Abundance Life Coaches. Tina’s well rounded background makes her uniquely qualified to help her clients achieve an ideal state of health so that they can live at their best on all levels despite any emotional or health challenges they might be experiencing. Tina writes a monthly e-newsletter, sign up on her website www.MedicineMyWay.usAbout this Video: In this 20 minute session, Jon speaks with Tina Marian, a registered nurse and tapping expert.
What You’ll Learn
- How Tina found success using tapping in her nursing work.
- The importance of natural healing.
- A tapping session on self-acceptance.

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Rob Nelson
Rob Nelson is a certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner and director of the Tapping the Matrix Academy, an artisan EFT certification program. Rob holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology and was certified by Gary Craig, the founder of EFT back in 2009. Based in Santa Rosa, California and working worldwide via Skype, Rob has helped hundreds of clients get to the roots of weight issues.About this Video: In this 19 minute session, Jon speaks with tapping expert Rob Nelson and gets into the background of how tapping came to be.
What You’ll Learn
- The story of tapping’s origins, and the use of meridians.
- How Rob uses tapping in working with emotional obesity.
- A tapping session on self-acceptance and protection

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Carol Solomon
Carol Solomon, Ph.D. MCC, is a Psychologist, Master Certified Coach and Certified EFT Practitioner. She is one of the world’s leading experts in using Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping) to help people lose weight without dieting, stop binge eating, and reduce the intensity of emotions, anxiety and stress that lead to the urge to eat. She is the author of 4 books on Emotional Freedom Techniques, the EFT Tips newsletter, the Binge Eating Teleseminar and the EFT Weight Loss CD. Lear more: www.EFTTips.com
About this session: In this 20 minute audio lesson, Jon is joined by tapping expert Carol Solomon. They’ll talk all about the relation between tapping, food and emotions.
What You’ll Learn
- Strategies for using tapping to deal with limiting beliefs and negative self-image.
- Using tapping to deal with fear and promote feelings of safety.
- A tapping session on feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed.

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Leslie Vellios
Leslie is a stress management expert who has combined 25 years of experience in clinical psychotherapy with expertise in EFT to help clients make dramatic transformations. She has helped children and adults of all ages release stressors which are blocking them from living the lives they most desire. Her areas of expertise include guiding clients to stop emotional overeating so they can restore their sense of vitality and joy for living in their ideal body. Leslie has a Master’s in Social Work from Columbia University and is an EFT level 1 and 2 Practitioner, and a Carol Look Certified Abundance Coach. Learn more about Leslie at: www.StressLessWithEFT.com
About this session: In this 20 minute audio discussion, Jon interviews tapping expert Leslie Vellios on the correlation between stress and weight gain.
What You’ll Learn
- How Leslie used tapping to deal with financial stress, weight and medical issues.
- Using tapping to “tap” into the body’s healing ability.
- A live session on self-acceptance.

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Brittany Watkins
Brittany Watkins is a weight loss coach, author, and one of the foremost experts in Emotional Freedom Technique for emotional eating and weight loss. Her popular teleclasses and online programs teach people how to apply specific techniques to eliminate binging, food cravings, and other forms of emotional eating. Her approach to weight loss clears the underlying emotional drivers that cause disordered eating, pinpointing the root of the problem and reprogramming negative thought patterns. Her book and online multimedia program, Skinny Genes, reached more than 2.5 million people with fantastic, lasting results. Brittany struggled with food cravings, emotional eating and over 50 failed diets before discovering tapping, which allowed her to lose weight in months and keep it off for good.
About this Class: In this 35 minute video class, Jon Gabriel interviews Brittany Watkins on using tapping to address emotional trauma, which leads to emotional eating.
What You’ll Learn
- How Brittany used tapping to overcome past trauma and address emotional eating.
- Healing memories of sexual abuse with tapping & storytelling techniques.
- A live session using tapping to combat binge eating, in the moment.

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Roberta Temes
Dr. Roberta Temes is the editor of the first hypnosis textbook used in medical schools, Medical Hypnosis. She is also on the faculty of the Psychiatry Department in the Medical School of the SUNY Health Science Center. Among other things, she is involved with research on the behavioral factors involved with long-term weight loss. Dr. Temes has over 35 years of experience as a psychotherapist and is the creator of the “Enjoying Weight Loss” hypnosis program. She is the author of The Tapping Cure: A Revolutionary System for RapidRelief from Phobias, Anxiety, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, and more. Learn more at her site, www.drroberta.com.
About this Class: In this 17 minute audio class, Jon Gabriel is joined by psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and tapping expert Dr. Roberta Temes.
What You’ll Learn
- How Dr. Temes used tapping to revolutionize the therapeutic care of her patients.
- Using tapping to separate feelings from thoughts.
- A live session on tapping for self-control around food.

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Gene Monterastelli
Gene Monterastelli is a Brooklyn, New York based EFT practitioner who works with clients from all over the world helping them to eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors. Gene is the editor of TappingQandA.com and the host of the Tapping Q and A podcast. He is also the author of “Comprehensive Anger Management” a book based on his work teaching EFT to inmates.
About this Class: In this 17 minute video class, Jon joins Gene Monterastelli for an impactful discussion on tapping, healing anxiety, and making better choices.
What You’ll Learn
- How Gene used tapping to manage severe social anxiety.
- Tapping can eliminate disproportionate emotional responses.
- A live session on making better choices.

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Dr. Craig Weiner
Dr. Craig Weiner is a leader in mind-body healing, for nearly 30 years weaving together traditional forms of physical healing as a chiropractor and bodyworker with energetic and emotional healing techniques such as EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, with a passion for inter-personal neurobiology and trauma work. Together with his wife Alina Frank, they train individuals and health care providers in the art and science of Tapping through their company, www.EFTTappingTraining.com. In addition, he is fascinated by the nature of consciousness and extraordinary states of being and as a result, created the Transformational Dialogues, which are in-person and on radio discussions with world renowned change-agents, facilitating transformation and healing on the planet.
About this Class: In this 30 minute video class, Jon speaks with Dr. Craig Weiner about the mind-body connection, dealing with cravings, and working through shame.
What You’ll Learn
- The mind-body connection and how painful emotional experiences can cause weight gain
- Research results on tapping success with cravings
- A live session on tapping through feelings of shame.

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Dawson Church
Dawson Church, PhD, is an award-winning author whose best-selling book, The Genie in Your Genes, (www.YourGeniusGene.com) has been hailed by reviewers as a breakthrough in our understanding of the link between emotions and genetics. He founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare (www.NIIH.org) to study and implement promising evidence-based psychological and medical techniques. His groundbreaking research has been published in prestigious scientific journals. He is the editor of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, & Treatment, a peer-reviewed professional journal (www.EnergyPsychologyJournal.org). He shares how to apply these breakthroughs to health and athletic performance through EFT Universe (www.EFTUniverse.com), one of the largest alternative medicine sites on the web.
About this Class: In this 30 minute video class, Jon speaks with Dr. Dawson Church about the research behind the mind-body connection and why tapping works, plus a live tapping session on dealing with a painful personal memory.
What You’ll Learn
- The impact of negative thoughts & emotions on your stress hormones and on weight.
- An overview of the science about why tapping is effective.
- A live tapping session on dealing with a painful personal memory.