Meet the Coaching Team…
Jon Gabriel

Jon Gabriel has a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. While there, he also pursued extensive coursework in biochemistry and performed research for the internationally recognized biochemist Dr. Jose Rabinowitz.
Jon lost 103 kilograms in 2 ½ years. His weight dropped from 186 kilograms (409 pounds) to 83 kilograms (183 pounds ) and he achieved this weight loss without diets or surgery and without having the typical excess skin associated with massive weight loss.
After his own success, he began coaching friends, family and acquaintances using the diet-free method of weight loss that worked so well for him. Once they achieved the same incredible results, he knew he had stumbled upon something powerful and wanted to share it. The demand for his one to one coaching became so great, he decided to write a book in order to reach everyone he was unable to meet in person.
Jon’s book, The Gabriel Method, is an international best seller which is receiving tremendous reviews and helping people all over the world lose weight without dieting! And now, Jon has teamed up with a talented group of certified coaches who offer attentive, one-on-one support for those wanting to completely transform their bodies and lives!
Brian Killian

Brian Killian is a qualified naturopath, massage therapist, fitness instructor and one multi-talented member of our team of coaches!
After reading The Gabriel Method, Brian was so moved, he decided to contact Jon himself and thank him for sharing his story. Soon after, Brian received a reply and since then has been training to become one of the first Certified Gabriel Method Coaches.
Brian has over a decade of experience in the health and wellness industry and is here to use his broad range of knowledge to assist you in all areas of fitness.
Brian’s approach is strongly influenced by the basics: correct diet, physical fitness and the development of a positive mindset.
He will pass on his wisdom and teach you everything he knows about effective exercises and techniques that will turn your FAT programs off.
Brian’s goal: Help you unleash the fit, toned, healthy body that lies beneath this temporary coat of excess fat and banish that coat forever!
Brian is married with 3 children and resides in Adelaide, South Australia.
Marjolijn Loderichs

Marjolijn Loderichs is a certified NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) masterpractioner/transpersonal coach and trainer from the Netherlands. She was trained in Ericksonian Hypnosis by Anne Linden from the New York Training Institute for NLP and has done various courses on body- and energetic work. Marjolijn has been running her own training and coaching practice near Amsterdam since 2005 and specializes in working with the subconscious mind.
Marjolijn’s area of expertise is the way the subconscious mind works, which seamlessly connects with the ideas and philosophy of the Gabriel Method.
Marjolijn was enthusiastic about Jon’s book and the way he explained everything clearly and decided to contact him. One thing led to another and she is now one of the first certified Gabriel Method coaches in Holland.
After the birth of her youngest child, Marjolijn weighed 85 kilos. After employing her own transformational process, all of her excess weight melted off and she’s ready to pass on her knowledge of how you can do the same.
She believes Jon’s book is the answer to the struggle many people have with food and their bodies and is very thankful to be a GM-coach.
Désirée Manders

Désirée Manders is an NLP(Neuro-linguistic programming) master and coach/counselor. She is certified in Conscious coaching and has been trained by Jon Gabriel as a certified Gabriel Method coach.
Désirée is a very strong believer in visualizations and how they help us create new, positive beliefs that are supportive and loving instead of the negative, demeaning, hurtful beliefs most of us deal with on a daily basis.
A close friend of Désirée’s and a Gabriel method coach, Marjolijn Loderichs, called Désirée up one day and told her she had to get the Gabriel Method book. She read the book immediately and was elated because the content was everything she believed in – as a person as well as an NLP coach.
Désirée loves the fact that the Gabriel Method is not a diet and that it focuses on being loving, positive and uplifting towards your body as well as nourishing your entire self: mind, body and soul without discarding any element of your being.
She is here to help you come full circle and enable you to be who you really are; in perfect shape and all!
Smita Patel

Smita Patel lives in London, UK and currently works within the fitness industry as a gym instructor and ZUMBA teacher. She is also studying for her Weight Loss & Nutrition Advisor and personal training qualifications.
Smita struggled with weight since her late teens and had never been confident with the way she looked. She grew up lacking confidence and self-esteem, and this contributed to her putting on weight as she looked to find comfort in food. In her early thirties, she put on more weight and ballooned to a size 14, bordering on a 16. This happened twice and she finally had enough.
After trying various diets that didn’t work, someone suggested she read The Gabriel Method. She absolutely LOVED the book because it really did change things for her. Until then, she was completely unaware of the impact a change in mental attitude could have on weight loss. She began doing the meditation every night, and absorbing as much as she could from the book. Just months later – she became a slim size 8 and lost a total of 37lbs and 20.5 inches! She is now slimmer than she was when she was a teenager and feels amazing, all thanks to the Gabriel Method. She’s changed her way of thinking and is now positive and passionate about life with increased self-esteem and confidence.
Reading the book also influenced her career change. Having previously worked as a Marketing Manager for over 10 years, she decided to retrain and follow her passion for the health and fitness industry.
Smita is now a walking advertisement for the Gabriel Method and really enjoys sharing her knowledge in order to help others struggling with weight. With a natural ability to inspire and excite others combined with everything she’s learnt about achieving an ideal body and personal ambitions, Smita is a great asset to our team of Gabriel Method coaches.
Paul North

Paul North is an Australian registered Psychologist and mindfulness meditation teacher with a diverse work history that covers the areas of disability, mental health, business and elite sport. Last year, Paul lost the use of his legs through a back injury and rapidly added another 4 kilos of weight to an already over weight body. One morning whilst attempting to stand and then collapsing in pain and frustration, he surrendered to the moment and inwardly called out for help. A few days later, an answer arrived in the form of Jon Gabriel’s book, The Gabriel Method, that his wife brought home from attending a Qigong retreat. As Paul will tell you “Everything about Jon’s story just made perfect sense. It was one of those light bulb moments – what you resist, persists. Fighting your body just doesn’t work, at least not in the long run.” With the help of a Osteopath and a Chiropractor, Paul’s back and legs began to recover. With the application of The Gabriel Method’s principles he went on the lose 12 Kilos (27 lb). Now he is as fit as every and lives near Canberra, Australia with his wife and son.
Nealon Hightower

Nealon Hightower is the author of “Six Simple Truths to Fat Release” and a certified Gabriel Method Coach. Nealon had previously spent the majority of his life struggling with obesity until he reached a point where he finally figured out how to turn it around. He has successfully kept off over 100lbs of excess weight and did so by implementing many of the Gabriel Method techniques that he now teaches to students who are ready and seeking assistance.
He attributes sustainable success to changing the way we think and the way we look at both food and exercise and our relationship to them. He has demonstrated that weight reduction can be easy if the correct approach is used. No matter how far off course you feel you may have veered, he reminds us that we must start where we are and just put one foot in front of the other.
Nealon has dedicated his life to helping others find what he has found; a satisfied and healthy mind and body. He now offers webinars and workshops to help get the same results.
Greg Dinkin

Greg Dinkin is a Certified Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. A native of Washington D.C., he currently lives in Los Angeles. Growing up as a “basketball player trapped in a football player’s body,” Greg’s struggles with weight hampered a promising future in basketball.
He took a break from his job as a literary agent to do a detox on the island of Koh Samui in Thailand in 2007. While there, one of Jon Gabriel’s fans gave Greg a copy of The Gabriel Method. Greg was so impressed that he reached out to Jon, became his literary agent, and sold the publishing rights to Beyond Words/Simon & Schuster, the same publisher of The Secret.
Greg then went to Western Australia to learn more about Jon and The Gabriel Method. He had to see for himself that Jon walked his own walk and left even more impressed. Putting the information to use, Greg lost 45 kilos (100 pounds).
He gave a TEDx talk on “Mind Shift” in which he explored the power of our thoughts, combined with proper action, to shift our minds and shift our lives. A former professional poker player who won $102,542 at the World Series of Poker, Greg is the author of 3 books including The Poker MBA (Random House). He writes a weekly column for Yahoo’s ThePostGame on nutrition, wellness and life.
He is an active listener who is most passionate about helping people pave their own path to health and happiness.