6 Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

This month, Coach Brian demonstrates a range of fun and easy exercises that can be done anywhere. All you need to do is mark out a 30 foot/10 meter distance, outdoors or inside, anywhere from a park to a hallway at the office. Then you will be ready to try these 6 simple exercises that integrate movement into your day. Exercises:
  1. Warm up Jog:lightly jog the distance, at least once back and forth.
  2. Heel Flicks:jog while flicking your heels up so they hit your bottom.
  3. High Knees:jog while pumping knees up to your chest. Keep spine tall, pull abdominals in, use your arms.
  4. Pitter-Patters:jog with small steps. Pump your arms, feet touch the ground very lightly, fast-pace. Hint: Visualize someone chasing you.
  5. Side to Side:jog sideways. This should be bouncy, try to get some height into it.
  6. Long Lunges:Step with the front foot, drop the back knee to the ground, then stand. Then reverse and do the same exercise starting with the other leg.
If you’re able to, repeat the series of exercises two or three times. Have fun!

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3 comments on “6 Exercises You Can Do Anywhere
  1. Brian says:

    Jungle Jane thanks for this. I’m going to do a video blog especially for you and people like you next time. We need to activate the Get Thin Get Adaptation in a way that doesn’t inflame your body. Leave it with me, and thanks again
    as I’m sure there any many more people just like you out there.
    Qui Gong is great for general wellness.

  2. Jane says:

    Coach Killian: I have knee injuries, knee joint scar tissue, joint contracture of R knee and ligament weakness. I cannot bend my R knee fully and walk with a cane for 10 years now. Can you recommend movement for people who are impaired? The pain of bursitis and degenerative joint disease signal my system that I am not safe. I workout once a week in a gym with a coach doing Super Slow Strength Training in specially adapted Nautilus equipment for the past 3 years, but it has never helped me loose wight. Since joining The GM in Aug. I am down from a high weight of 263 lbs to 248-249 lbs. and expect to gradually loose 100 pounds. Would Qui Gong help me get through this catch-22 stage of injury?