Ask Jon 88

March 21/22, 2016

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6 comments on “Ask Jon 88
  1. Kate says:

    My 2 Questions: I’m a brand new member, 64 with a slender frame and limbs and upper body, though about 5-8 lbs. of body fat that I haven’t been able to release, all in the middle ~ so I haven’t fit into my pants comfortably for a few years now. I eat very healthfully, and enjoy eating this way… organic, grass-fed, good oils/fats, lots of greens, minimal sugar, etc. and exercise 3x/week with the GM program and move/walk a lot. And I’m basically a happy, positive person with great ‘health vitals!’

    Finally, My Questions ~ does this philosophy ‘work’ with women my age who do not have as much weight/body fat to lose as you usually talk about? Also, I’ve wondered if the Visualization aspect and perhaps figuring out if something from my past still feels ‘unsafe’ to me (tho not sure how to figure that out exactly, as nothing comes to mind) might be what’s been missing. I’ve tried a LOT of things, and Visualization’s the one thing I haven’t tried… Maybe as I’ve heard you say, it’s time to NOT try and try and try everything? ANY thoughts that comes to mind would be welcome…

    Thanks so much, Jon…
    Kate 🙂

  2. tifhill says:

    Hi Jon, I’d love to hear your thoughts about eating a ketogenic diet (high fat, moderate protein, low carbs)? I’ve been eating this way since October (tons more fat and more protein than previously – now 70% fat, 15% protein & carbs), and I feel so much better and can go longer without blood sugar shakes between meals. It’s helping me to heal from adrenal fatigue that I was diagnosed with late last summer. I’ve also lost inches while maintaining the same weight. I’ve also moved away from HIIT training to toning workouts to help heal my adrenal fatigue and long-standing injuries, and my weight hasn’t changed.

  3. Jimena Dada says:

    Hi Jon, I just can’t figure this out. When you know that you over eat when feelling stressed or lonely, and you know eating is not the answer, and that you need to put more consiousness and attend the root of those feelings, but when you are feeling that way, you just can’t stop eating, what’s the way out of it??

    • Nads says:

      When our bodies and our minds are stressed most of us translates that stressful feeling into the desire of eating comfort food which are often junk foods. Unfortunately, most people specially those who are battling their weight doesn’t have broccoli or salad as their comfort food. Whenever this happens, just don’t restrict yourself to much as it can only add to stress. Focus more on adding in great nourishing foods rather than on restriction or deprivation. Even if you are choosing to have some of those other things, be gentle with yourself and at the same time add in The Big 3 (protein, live foods and omega 3s)

    • Nads says:

      Hi Jimeda, When our bodies and our minds are stressed most of us translates that stressful feeling into the desire of eating comfort food which are often junk foods. Unfortunately, most people specially those who are battling their weight doesn’t have broccoli or salad as their comfort food. Whenever this happens, just don’t restrict yourself to much as it can only add to stress. Focus more on adding in great nourishing foods rather than on restriction or deprivation. Even if you are choosing to have some of those other things, be gentle with yourself and at the same time add in The Big 3 (protein, live foods and omega 3s) – Nadine, The GM Team

  4. Susan Joy says:

    Hi Jon! I am brand new to your work and just joined the support group. I have about 100 pounds to lose and have Type 2 Diabetes. As so many do, I struggle massively every day to change my eating patterns to align with whole food healing practices. This probably sounds like the most stupid question but, “How strongly does one need to “believe” in the power of visualization going into this process in order for it to be effective?” Or does just listening and focusing on the visualizations create its own momentum? Did you believe in the power of visualization when you first started out?? Any wise words would be greatly appreciated!! 🙂

    Susan J./USA